Diagnose Me

Diagnose Me
World doesn't feel real, it feels like a video game or a movie. felt like people were soulless at one point. One day i woke up and felt like I couldn't understand what the television was. The world feels foreign to me and like it's the first time I've seen it and I don't understand it. i don't have an in depth understanding of language anymore. Words feel like semantic satiation.Thoughts are not as logical anymore. Disorganized thoughts. Harder to make decisions. Feels like I cannot control my thoughts anymore to focus on things. Feel like my mind is foreign and not my own.

Has been happening to me for the past 3 months. Doctors said I had depression and psychosis, but they're full of shit. I don't know what to do anymore. Going to try hypnotherapy next week. If it doesn't work bye bye guys.

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DID or Dissociative Identity Disorder.

Look up depersonalisation/derealisation maybe?

I don't have multiple personalities.

its de realization or de personalization, probably caus your smoking a lot of weed. not DID

I never touched drugs before in my life

sry i didn't fully read it lol, the first half of the systems are de realization and the other thing, but the 2nd half of your symptoms r serious dude you need to c a doctor fast, it sounds like u could b developing schizophrenia, i know a decent amount about neuroanatomy, and u fit some signs, there is another thing about your language that is diagnostic of another illness

ya dude, i think your developing schizophrenia with a side of derealization

Could also be a serious case of bipolar disorder

Could also b a brain tumor, in which case u could b fine after a single surgery, but even if its schizophrenia, the medicine today can fix it like 75%

I thought schizophrenia is when you hallucinate and hear voices

Can a super smart user diagnose me real quick?

I have crippling depression (actually diagnosed by a psychiatrist). Just want to stay in bed all day everyday. The only way I can get myself out of bed and go about my day is to fantasize myself in a world that I've created in my mind. I don't want to get into the specifics of it, but in it I'm well liked among many people and in a relationship. The problems I have is that these fantasizes take over so much that I actually start believing that I'm there, and it takes a minute or two for reality to set in. I feel like I'm losing touch with reality. please help

can u tell some other symptoms your having?

ok so, depression is a sign of both schizophrenia and psychosis, what you've just told me i seem to agree more with the doctors in thinking thats a psychosis, did u tell the doctors about your trouble with words? and that your thoughts aren't logical anymore, caus that part tends to b a hallmark of schizophrenia, but it could also happen in a psychosis

Whenever I talk to the psychologists and psychiatrists thy say well you sound perfectly fine. You sound logical. You dont sound like you have social anxiety because you're talking to me. These fuckers think I don't know how my brain operates

>delusional faggotitis with enhanced chronologic refusal

Stop smoking weed

I never touched rugs before in my life

thanks, i guess

I thought schizophrenia is when you hallucinate and hear voices. in reply to that user, that is the most superficial idea of what schizophrenia is, once u understand how the different parts of the brain it affects function and what it does to it, u can understand fully how schizophrenia works. in the shortest way possible in explaining it, its like the wiring in your brain isn't lined up straight like a picket fence like it is with regular people, its all over the place, because as these longs cells are created, they normally go a long way all at once, in people with schizophrenia they keep breaking off ( iknow that makes no sense to u, i'd need a diagram to explain it)

how have you gone your entire life without touching a single rug

It was also said that my dad might have had schizophrenia. How fucked am I

drug* lel

So user, who has the problems, do u feel your thoughts run away from you? like your mind will just escape your grasp and go on and u can't focus?

I have mental blockage, a brain fog. I can't even think past 'this is A,B, C,' Most of the time.

WOW i guess i should b a doctor my dad was right, dude, u probably have schizophrenia, it might end up being not that bad u never know, it could end up being a psychosis or bipolar tho. But now that you've told me your dad has schizophrenia, u prob do bro :/. I get doctor points for diagnosing you though

i srsly do know a good amount of neuroanatomy, and frankly i'd put a large amount of money on my diagnoses

OFC go to a real MD though, i'm not a full doctor

Could still b a brain tumor as well

OP ur good just start living a healthier lifestyle with tons of excersise and eat great food you'll be better in no time don't doubt yourself keep trying.....this life is short enjoy it before your under the dirt for the rest of time

I do not condone killing yourself btw, i was just trying to give medical help


"take drugs. take every drug."

i think you'd have to be 40+ to be familiar with that sample.

>World doesn't feel real, it feels like a video game or a movie.
>One day i woke up and felt like I couldn't understand what the television was.
>The world feels foreign to me and like it's the first time I've seen it and I don't understand it.
>Feel like my mind is foreign and not my own.

All depersonalisation/derealisation symptoms.

>don't have an in depth understanding of language anymore.
>Words feel like semantic satiation.
>Thoughts are not as logical anymore.
>Disorganized thoughts.
>Harder to make decisions.
>Feels like I cannot control my thoughts anymore to focus on things.

This doesn't sound like DPDR, but like the early stages of the disorganised thinking seen in schizophrenia. DPDR symptoms are often seen in schizophrenics though.

Have you been having any of the following symptoms as well? These are "negative" symptoms that are usually seen in schizophrenia, and they usually manifest in the prodromal stage, before "postive" (actively psychotic, e.g. hallucinations, delusions) symptoms.

>low motivation and volition
>anhedonia (reduced/absent ability to enjoy things)
>emotional blunting (don't feel much/any emotion), general apathy
>constricted/flat affect (reduced facial expressions)
>alogia/poverty of speech (speech is simple and lacking in content)

Goodluck OP.
Try finding a good doctor who can reccomended and work with a shrink to provide you with a combo of pharmaceutical and psychological help.
If true, goodluck.
If false kill yourself fag troll

stop stealing my diagnoses bitch, i actually know a lot about the biology of schizophrenia

While the world is perceived to be mostly the same, it is always changing.
Every moment you believe has happened, is a part of the perspective, an accessed memory of the universe itself.
Think of it more like a brainstorm map, where you can zoom in and out, and find certain scenarios based on what section you are observing from and how zoomed in or out you are.
An observation of the perspective is basically consciousness in itself.

You have simply switched to a perspective where the previous perspective is observed as yourself, however, found lacking the being that is essentially you in the now.
Whatever that would be is what you make it to be. As you see the world from another perspective, you would have to concentrate your inner sense of being to create the assumed external world.
Now is the foundation of your observation. By focusing your awareness on your observation, whatever that comes to mind will happen. Nothing stays the same.
You are the one to pull the strings.
You are one.

I've had low motivation I haven't been to class in weeks. i can't play video games anymore as I played strategy games I can't think and plot anymore. I did feel emotionless before my medication. I don't have flat affect I laugh a lot. I had poverty of speech once before I took my medication. I also felt mentally slowed and my behavior was slowed.

"I never touched rugs before in my life" user when u typed that in response to someone asking if you've smoked weed, that is classic schizophrenic symptoming

Not just that. Hallucinations are fairly common, but a range of "positive" symptoms can be present, as well as various "negative" symptoms (the terminology means additive/subtractive, not good/bad). The positive symptoms used for diagnosis are:

>disorganised thinking and speech
>disorganised motor behaviour (e.g. catatonia)

Some schizophrenics don't have many/any hallucinations or delusions, just the other symptoms.

The immediate trigger to this all was when I asked myself 'Why do we use the word why?' and I couldn't find the answer on google. I then began to panic and this shitstorm in my life happened

the slowing of your behavior, is even further diagnostic of something called catatonic schizophrenia, the covers a wide spectrum but ya... its more diagnostic symptoms of schizophrenia. luckily someone here knows their shit

We? Why would you ask yourself as if there would be separation?

how old are you user?

"We" as in humans. Why do humans use the word why.


to the guy who said
The positive symptoms used for diagnosis are:

>disorganised thinking and speech
>disorganised motor behaviour (e.g. catatonia)

lol you really don't know anything stop pretending and let me help this person

Ya 19 is about the age when schizophrenia usually starts kicking in man....

So I should go back on my medication or will hypnotherapy work. Couldn't all of this come from depression too. The docs I have depression because of suicidal thoughts

probably you're just a faggot

one other thing i might ask in diagnosing someone with schizophrenia is, do u have a lot of family members with "quirky" personality's formally known as schizotypals? look up the criteria, but they're sort of like karl pilkington lol

Idk if I fully understand it but I have the social anxiety/phobia part

you should go back to your doctor, tell him about this full range of symptoms, right them down give them to him, you'll prob go get your brain scanned and shit. idk what meds your on, but if your on like an antidepressant, u need more than that i'd think

but the key is go back to the doctor and tell him all of these symptoms, the disorganized thoughts, the derealization, the thoughts seem to run away with you, be explicit, its the doctors job to help you, if you just sit their acting normal not saying anything he'll only at worse say your psychotic which in doctors experience always goes away in 48 hours..

>I don't have flat affect I laugh a lot
How about other emotions though? I laugh, but apart from that, I have pretty much completely flat affect (not 100% sure why, at least one psych thinks schizoid personality disorder though).

If you don't have the symptom though, you're in luck. Schizophrenics who don't have flat affect tend to have better outcomes with treatment.

tell the doc all your symptoms, if you have trouble coming up with all of them at once write them down

Only if there's preexisting conditions beforehand that facilitate the development of schizophrenia. (abuse/poor upbringing for example) OP, seek out a "pro" diagnosis. We faggots lack the answers you yearn for.

Do EEG, epilepsy needs to be excluded before confirming psychiatric disorder

I feel other emotions this whole emotionless thing started happening to me now but I'm still able to have facial expressions.

>. Going to try hypnotherapy next week. If it doesn't work bye bye guys.

Fucking pussy piece of shit

Get the fuck off the internet and exercise and actually do something with your life faggot

I can't go outside and interact with people unless I have to.I have crippling social anxiety that's why I'm trying the hypnotherapy

most study's show its not "parenting" but factors in the environment during anytime before birth that are the most important, and he did say his father might be or was schizophrenic i believe somewhere earlier.

Oh I have shit parents too. My mom has 4 children by 4 different men. My dad is in prison for murder. I live in a one bedroom apartment with 4 other people. We have no money we are poor. Im dropping out of college and I have crippling social anxiety and depression

Oh boy I'm fucked aren't I

user, you HAVE to go see a doctor, don't tell him you think your schizophrenic but list all these symptoms down, tell them to him, and he'll either know or refer u to someone who will know, then that person will start ruling out brain cancer and bipolar, psychosis etc. GO TO THE DOCTOR AND TELL HIM ALL THE SYMPTOMS THIS IS CRUCIAL TO YOUR WELL BEING ANONA

Face the facts. You're in denial. You have problems, everyone does to some extent. Confront the cause of the depression (disappointments, fear of future failure, ect.) Don't continue to repress. If you can't confront, get professional help. Everyone has disappointments in life. Everybody has failed at least once. Learn how to dig yourself out of depression and keep yourself out. Everything will follow after and change for the better.

the one note of good news user is that the schizophrenic gene is like that tay-sachs gene, or the sickle cell gene, a full blown case is bad news, a half blown case and you could b einstein

but parenting is a significant factor.

Also, mental issues are part nature. It tends to run in the family. And being raised by others with mental health issues will lead to a cyclical affliction of the same disease.

it is possible that "parenting" could affect something, but epigenetic affects are rare

Schizophrenia is also characterized by having conflicted thoughts/ideas with one's "inner voice" (example: OP is a fag. Inner voice will ridicule OP about being a fag.) aka self-victimization.

And feels like this can't be reversed I don't even remember the way my mind was like before this happened. The mind seems so intangible that it feels permanent. I feel fucked.

there are meds that can actually help a lot user, I'm actually serious about that a good maount of schizophrenics are well enough to hold down a job after taking them

Derealisation probably caused or worsened/triggerd by heavy metal/fluoride toxicity.

Filter your water and stop eating monsanto. Detox your body from those fucking vaccines

Stay away from the chemtrails, move to the countryside

I'm going to bed schizo user, good night, c a fuking doctor


fuck off, the last thing a mentally deficient human needs is false hope. They will latch onto it and will continue to see their condition worsen. Same with religion and other cult like things, change has to come from within.

one more thing before i go user, don't take any psychotropic drugs like pot, acid anything. it might just send u over the edge

these guys are right op there is a strong possibility you have DID