Question for femanons: why are you here...

Question for femanons: why are you here? People say awful things about your gender here; it's so bad that most left-leaning women will never come here. Seriously, what's in it for you?

Related question? May I see your tits? (Not that curious, but someone was going to ask, and I just wanted to get it out of the way. If you do feel like sharing, I'm more into vagina, for what it's worth.)

cause I'm more of a degenerate than most of the fags on here, and its kinda nice to watch lonely dudes argue with strangers over absolute bullshit

and before anyone asks, you're not getting any more pics. there are far hotter girls than me just a google search away

Understands the rules

People say awful things about EVERYONE here, its Sup Forums. Literally a cesspool of degenerate fucks that have nothing better to do with their lives than sit around, shitpost, and meme presidents into office.

Your tits are very nice! Thank you for sharing them, and thank you for answeing my question.

You make a good point. I sometimes tell my wife "being treated equally means being treated equally shitty sometimes." I believe that sincerely.

hey thanks buddy, no worries

hit the nail on the head there

I feel like most people saying horrible shit just do because it's the culture here and it's funny. Anyone who comes here knows to take stuff with a grain of salt.


All the guys in my life are white knight faggots, it's interesting seeing guys without a filter.


Coming here is refreshing because every one is on an even playing field. The fact that it's anonymous posting means anyone can say as they please without being virtue signaled. Other places like reddit there's still some form of identity because you post with a username, so there's always gunna be some faggot wanking off, trying to get up votes to pin on their fedora like a cheesy medal of honor.
The reddit pol boards stink of virtue signalling and you can get permanently banned for ragging on people. That's not being able to speak freely

I really do love women, but I'm the first to click on "pics you shouldn't share" threads. This place makes me see my hypocrisy. I think that's actually a good thing.

Yesterday I learned that, despite the Trumpfag bias, there are an awful lot of politically liberal people here who are fed up with the left. I am one of them. I think of Metafilter as this place's opposite, and, while I am interested in social justice and do want people to be treated equally (and fairly, when that is not possible), I cannot stand some of the excesses of Metafilter: "power users" who backseat mod and have too much influence over the culture, callout culture in general (what does "this is not OK!" solve? I want to have a conversation where both sides are given a chance to speak), and mostly anger and hostility for people who hold different viewpoints (and before you say "pot meet kettle" the hostility here is easy to tune out, and this is really one of the few places online where you can say literally anything jew nigger faggot).

I don't think there's any problem with that anyway. If people don't want their pics to be shared on the internet, they shouldn't hand them out in the first place.
You're right though, it can be very humbling

It's wrong to post nudes without permission. I acknowledge and respect your viewpoint, but I strongly disagree with it. Let's not argue.

It's not really a lack of filter in some cases; some guys on here are so desperate to be "alpha" or edgy that they turn the rhetoric up to 11

show your damn tits you subhuman fuckwhores

Oh yeah I agree 100% wrong to betray someones trust and post without someone's permission. I just think responsibility should also be on the person for trusting that it will stay private in the first place.

Yepp. I was pretty liberal, I still am but I don't want to be a part of it when it's all virtue signalling and people jerking off to their sense of righteousness. It defeats the purpouse of having a conversation when someone gets attached to their opinion like it defines who they are and then dismiss straight facts because they are 'offensive' or 'hatefull'. Why can't someone be against migration, or afraid of terrorism, or not agree with transexuals without being 'hateful' or 'racist' and therefor be dismissed. There's lots of logical reasons to not fully agree with things like that.
I see really smart people get blindsided from facts because they're so concerned with having the 'right' opinion. There's no right there's just different ideas.

I love the shit posted on here. Been lurking for years. Love the gore. Love the ylyl minus banana man. Love on/off. And the copious amount of titties.

There's an interesting range of men here. You have beta faggot virgins who say mean shit about women because they have hard feelings about their low status. You also have guys who consider themselves "alpha" and have a lot of sex. I see them as insecure, and I think it's amusing that the women who have the biggest problem with them will fuck them 10 times out of 10 and then talk about "toxic masculinity," simultaneously enjoying a partner that confers status while dumping on those poor betas for being "creepy." If you are a feminist and I am wrong, please correct me...because even I know there is some projection in this assessment. Just fascinated that girls will be "friends" with guys they won't fuck and fuck guys they don't really want friendship with.

Um, I'm a married beta faggot, btw.

Holy shit! The feeling in my balls when I saw your tits was fantastic! Thank you so much.

I chimed in elsewhere about beta and alpha men. Would be interested in your opinion, if you would care to give it.

>There's no right there's just different ideas
Generally I understand where you're coming from, but that last sentence went one step too far.

Of course there's stuff that's not right

>Holy shit! The feeling in my balls when I saw your tits was fantastic!
Cringe post of the month right there

Which part? the losing track of facts, or tranny's and refugees

First off things that are said here about women are hysterical and most of the time I agree. I am not/ don't believe in feminism or feminists. As for the Alfa beta shit I don't really care if pay attention to it. I could care less about the guys on here or how they see themselves. No confidence... grow a pair. To much confidence... shows how sad and insecure you are. What you need Sup Forums to tell you your self worth? Kek.

Fuck you. I was being sincere.

Now let me ask... what's up with the dick rate or what does/b/ think of my dick stuff. You really want other dudes to rate your cock?

These are all excellent points. Thank you for responding.

That's what makes it even worse - the lack of irony

>hotter girls than you
>literally anywhere


We got a white knight over here!

Why are all girls superficial and trash in the age range of 13-30

I don't mind. I like that people here are open about sex and sexuality, including same-sex feelings, which are natural to me. One of the things I cannot stand about the left is their obsession with "opression," and, as it relates to same sex feelings "homophobia." If you spent five minutes here, you would see that this place is actually pretty tolerant of homosexuals. Calling people a "faggot" here happens so often that it's meaningless, or--to me--funny.

I like porn and stupid arguments more than I like doing my uni work, it's simple.

gat DAMN i love amateur titties

makes my dick weep


Hey, when I was in grad school, I had a professor talk about the films of Robert Altman. He's known for being very cynical towards his characters. Prof said, "Being ironic and mean is easy, it's being sincere that takes actual effort."

But I know you are probably just trolling, so...well played and *eat a dick!*

I am a white knight. I never said I wasn't.

Thank you for answering ("boo!" for not sharing tits).

I thought I was the only one!

Only a beta cuck would make an argument like this.

I'm in the uni library so it's not exactly convenient. Sup Forums has seen my tits before anyway, they're nothing special.

they're not trolling, you're still failing to see how your balls jittering for some tits isn't something you'd tell the tits straight to their face...

it's not an argument it's a cited statement


because 3rd wave feminism is cancer

Ah, a liberal arts student - that explains much. And your prof was full of shit; it takes no more effort either way - he was just trying to condition you, which worked in your case.

No, not trolling - just go back and read your original post. Did you say "Hey, nice tits"?, which would be normal and sincere? No.

You had to go further and say "The feeling in my balls when I saw your tits was fantastic!" Really? You feel "amazing things in your balls" when you look at pictures of a woman's breasts on the internet? Now if you were a horny, pubescent 13-yo male I could possibly understand, but if you still feel that as an adult you either have a medical issue or need to get out more.

How's that for a slice of sincerity. I won't mention the dick reference though - it might give you "amazing feelings" in your sphincter

Femanon here: ALL feminism is cancer.

The thing I found here (and soc) is how conventional make heterosexuality is. The interesting guys all seem to be gay or bi.

You definitly have no clue or meet the wrong people

Sup Forums made me realise my sexuality is fucked up but it's ok to be fucked up. Thanks Sup Forums.

Finally, someone gets it. True social justice.

Nothing special to *you*. But I have not seen them before. I get it though, it's cool. I bet they are nice.

Well, that femanon and I are never going to meet, but in some bizarro world where we did meet and she said, "user, here are my tits!" I assure you, I would thank her and tell her that the view made my balls tingle. To me, it would be rude *not* to.

You disagree with it. Ok. Say more...

I am a 43 year old horny male, and everything I wrote was the truth. I don't have to explain myself or defend my actions. If you want to jidge them, I can't stop you, so I won't. That doesn't mean I can't tell you to go fuck yourself, though. So, again, go fuck yourself.

I am enjoying this (perversely). Please, tell me something else about myself that you know but I don't...

Thank you for the response and too bad you didn't share tits.

I read somewhere that about 60% of men who identify as "straight" have had a same-sex experience. I have, and I'm married. To a woman.

Thank you for answering and if femanon boo for not sharing tits.

>Please, tell me something else about myself that you know but I don't...
Your posts say it all. Your whole post is full of self-justification and if you truly get feelings in your balls at the sight of a picture of a woman's breasts than I pity you, and I'll leave you to your delusion of normality.

Standard issue 32b girl tits are nothing special. I am the smallest girl on my course. I will get them out later to make up for not doing it now as you have been such a gentleman about it.

I did. They are on here.

You pity me because a woman's tits cause a feeling of sexual excitement. OK. I don't accept your pity. Give it to someone else who needs it, faggot.

Oh...sorry. My bad. Thanks again for sharing.

Thank you...

Femanon (who already time stamped tits): boobies Also turn me on. You should never have to apologize for the fact that boob's excite you.

Thank you. That wasn't so much an apology as it was an expression of mystification. I mean, even I'll admit that telling someone you don't know how much you liked their tits isn't normal...but keep in mind where we are.

Anyway, I'm glad someone argued with me, because I realized something important: I'm a hedonist. I like intense feelings, especially when they are pleasurable.

Here's an example: I remember going to an event with my wife and another couple that included her best friend. We all drank enough to get drunk, and my wife and her best friend's boyfriend went to the restroom at the same time, so I was alone with the best friend. There was a moment when, out of nowhere, I thought we might kiss. I don't know what made me feel that...maybe it was the way I thought she was looking at me, maybe it's a deep-seated desire to misbehave. Anyway, we didn't kiss...but I felt this rush that was so intense and pleasurable that I still think of it and get tingles. That's why I think women are pretty awesome: they can provoke feelings like that in me. I really enjoy those feelings.

How fucked up?

Just curious... When you say later, you mean when exactly? Thread could 404 at any moment

Like, in this thread or Sup Forums in general?

Not a femanon but
>People say awful things about you
Applies to everyone here. Just because you have to post to be subsequently declared a retarded faggot doesn't mean that's more acceptable than being blanketed as one from the get go. If you use this site with any regularity than obviously you don't give a shit what anybody on here thinks about you so why would it be different just because you're female? Especially since that doesn't even come into play unless you outright announce yourself as one. That's like arguing that nobody whose gay or non-white would never use the site either

Well if the thread is still up in about 3 hours otherwise I'll have to do a "Rachel's tits thread"

She meant in this thread. It will probably 404 shortly...but if it makes you feel any better, this is what I tell myself when I have a future chance to see something tittilating (hehe): if the universe wants you to see it, you will. If not, it wasn't meant to be.

Fucking this. I lean towards the left in a lot of issues but at the same I think the whole gender fluid and new wave feminism is fucking retarded and it's refreshing to be able to actually express my true ideology on every topic, no bullshitting to save face

I'll keep an eye out....

I masturbate compulsively, I'm bi, I get moods where I could just jump a guy and fuck him. But IRL I've only had 2 bfs and one of them could hardly ever get it up.

Just like everything else in life...

so basically like american coffee houses before the american revolution

Where you live at? I know some dudes who can help

I really like this answer. I abhor identity politics, and they never gain any traction here. I also think being here helps you develop a thick skin. You can give someone a sincere compliment and be called a name. I wish more people on th3 left spent more time here. I actually think it would help them develop an IDGAF attitude. If course, I think that is anathema to how people think about social justice: *giving a fuck* is the point. Could not disagree more, and I believe that racism, homophobia, and sexism are real, just not as pervasive as people say. We all have biases and can only control our own behavior. I don't like efforts to change culture--not because I disagree with the aims--but because I think the changes we tend to want are unrealistic and just perpetuate outrage.

Answer the following question: would you rather live in a world where people said "faggot" so often that it lost meaning and couldn't be used as a slur, or a world where nobody said the word because it was so hurtful. Both answers are valid, but I far prefer the first.

Should you choose to do that, bless you. I'm married and get to see tits pretty often. Some guys here never get to see tits. I know that isn't why you are doing it, but you are providing a valuable service.

Well last weekend I told my wife that I fantasize about sucking cock and getting fucked in the ass. I think identity itself is thought of the wrong way, as if it were always fixed and unchanging. That's not true. (Also, just realized: in this case, OP is a literal faggot. And proud of it.)

This is a really good point. I think other than the select few most people don't actually intend somebody to end their own life when they say "kys", it's just the term in our culture we use to emphasize the strongest of disagreement with whatever was posted.

Because the truth is that there's lots of fucked up shit going on in the world and by finding humor in the darker places and desensitizing ourselves to things that are objectively meaningless like "mean words" and shit, we effectively suck the hatred out of it. Like how "faggot" is obviously a homophobic slur and yet by calling each other faggots all the time we've basically sucked the homophobic connotation out of it and just use it as a word of disagreement. The one thing about Sup Forumstards is that we don't get offended by hardly anything, and people getting offended and upset over words is one of the most cancerous things in our society

Nice tits and an honest answer. Can't ask for more than that.

I'm in London so there are millions of guys but you can still feel alone in a big city.

Wow you sound like a total faggot

Sorry to hear you had some bad experiences. Thank you for sharing your same-sex story.

I think it should be socially acceptable foe guys to fuck, just like when girls do it, it's called "experimenting." It's way easier to get sex off a guy than a girl, and I believe in my heart that a lot of "misogyny" is actually hard feelings toward women because they won't sleep with you. It's like the war on terror: heaping shame and judgment on young men who just happen to be unattractive only creates more misogynists.

Not exactly. I'm astonished to see how many people here don't get what they want because they never *ask*. "Beta orbiter" is a synonym for "guy who kids himself into thinking his female friend who he wants to fuck will make the first move." Um, guys...women not asking men out is very low on the list of feminist priorities.

True... Well, if you're ever in Hollywood I got you

> whining about liberals 'conditioning' students

grow a pair, conservatives are no less trying to 'condition' people than liberals. No need to whine about it.

the rest of your post was quite spot on and funny btw.

Yeah, I mean, ask and ye shall receive, but if it's meant to happen it will

So there's a woman who loves purple. Like, fucking loves it.
Purple doors. Purple curtains. Purple panties. Purple soaps. Purple everything.
She drives a purple car and even asked her boss permission to paint her office purple.
Her least favorite movie is The Purple People Eater, because it gives the color a bad name.
One day a guy stops by her large purple house (it's hard to miss) and knocks on the purple door.
"Hi, do you have a spare room?"
"As a matter of fact I do," says the woman in a purple dress. She leads him through the purple door, into the purple hallway, and past another purple door. And another purple door. She finally stops by the purple door at the end of the purple hallway.
"Here you are."
The guy goes through the purple door, into the purple room, and unpacks his suitcase into a purple dresser. At the end of the night, he lays down in the purple bed and rests his head on the purple pillow.
The next day, he hears the woman screaming.
He gets out of the purple bed, gets his clothes from the purple dresser, and goes out the purple door into the purple hallway. He finds his way to the kitchen and sits down at the purple table.
The woman opens the purple cupboard and pulls out two boxes of cereal: Wheaties and Cheerios. She sets them on the purple table.
"What would you like?"
The man considers for a moment before finally responding: "Cheerios."
The woman smiles.
"So it's true: 2 out of 3 do prefer Cheerios over Wheaties."

I take "kill yourself, faggot" to mean "hey, nobody cares." That seems harsh, but I take it as a reminder that we are naturally self-centered and act as if our thoughts and feelings mattered more than other people's.

I never say "kill yourself, faggot," btw. When someone says, "I'm going to kill myself," my response is "don't."

why isn't there a Sup Forums dating service yet? where us degenerate lonely men and women get together and try not to be so lonely?

Could work out man

This. The most politically outspoken teacher/professor I've had in all of my education was my 7th grade geography teacher who basically taught us nothing about geography but instead transformed into Rush Limbaugh every morning and ranted about Republicans and wanting to suck Reagan's cock.

Sorry if you are feeling alone. There are people out there who care about you. I care about you, and I don't even know you. Hang in there.

Well you have convinced me I should be a good citizen later in that case. I don't feel it's misogynistic to do tits or gtfo anyway.

there is whats cams & meetups..? aka /soc/