Why doesn't Trump support net neutrality?

Why doesn't Trump support net neutrality?

I voted for him to bring jobs back. But I didn't want this.

He is not going to bring back any jobs, kiddo.
Other countries has tried the exact same shit he's trying to pull and it does not work. It only tanks the economy.


Because he's a right wing authoritarian. They hate free speech. We fucking told you.

> I voted for him to bring jobs back.

And you ACTUALLY thought he could even do that? Did you just willfully ignore all of his other, nonsensical bullshit? (of course you did)

You fucked up, user. You brought this on yourself. You brought it on all of us.

Way to go, fucktard.

>I voted for him to bring jobs back


He's a puppet for bankers and corporations. None of them care about you, he doesn't care about you. They'd charge money for air if they could

> thinking that jobs are coming back
> ever

Enjoy your free time. Human employment is in its twilight years. The machines will be doing nearly all of the work from now on. God himself couldn't bring back 'jobs' at this point.

op, I think the net neutrality thing is stupid as well (the part where he wants to repeal it)

But companies don't pack up and leave and start anew in a few weeks. Give him more than a few weeks.

Perspective my son.

He's done more bad in 2 weeks than some presidents have done in 4 years.

Also countries aren't companies. Thinking of them like that is why he's such a shit president. You can't just fire people who disagree with you when they were just doing their job

Op, back to /pol faggot.
Fuck politics and fuck you.

lmao. He's 70 years old. Life has marched on. There are no jobs coming back. Coal mining, his base, is gone for damned good reason. You fucked up.

>Also countries aren't companies. Thinking of them like that is why he's such a shit president. You can't just fire people who disagree with you when they were just doing their job

Where in my post did I say that?

Op - I wanted new jobs

*has to get previously American jobs back IN America

Me - you can't just force/close your company down and pack up and come home. IF it's going to happen, it's going to take longer than a few weeks.

>He's done more bad in 2 weeks than some presidents have done in 4 years.

Show me

>I voted for him
confirmed mongoloid

lol silly Trumpets thinking he gives a shit/can actually do a god damned thing about jobs...

You made your shit choice, we all have to deal with it.

Congrats. You got a meme puppet president in office who will do nothing for your shitty life. MAGA indeed. Dumb fuck.


!. Not a trumpet

2. Didn't say he gives a shit, wouldn't surprise me if he didn't. Just had a sliver of hope he'd be better than pantsuit princess continuing to bleed the middle class and giving all of what we work for to the undeserving.

3. I didn't make a choice, I've never registered to vote (now 29)

4. How is it dumb that I'm simply pointing out that IF he was going to create new jobs/ bring back old ones into America it would be silly to assume such a process would happen in less than a month?

Lrn2argue pleb

Actually I'd like to amend number 2. It wasn't hope that made me have any emotional support for him. It was just a fuck you sentiment towards all this SJW horse shit.

Every time I hear feminists, blm and trans people whining about something else I want to mail them a box of my shit with a lit cigarette in it.

lel let's give him a chance. He burnt that out in the first few weeks. You dumb, son, get over it.

And you have yet to answer any of my questions. Congrats on being an infantile retard.

GET CUCKED. - antitrump supporter


Because he's the ultimate corporate shill businessman, pushing forward the agenda of special interest groups that you're not a part of and that only billionaires will benefit from.

You bought into his bullshit sales pitch, hook line and sinker.

But keep raging on "libtard snowflakes" when the internet becomes one big commercial.

Voting for someone to lead the whole country just because you like one single thing he says, and he can't even do it.

There's no lack of jobs in america. Those old steel mill jobs don't exist anywhere in the world now, because we're not using steel like we used to.

If we started up the steel mills we'd be producing steel for no one. Jobs wouldn't last.

I'd be legitimately raging pissed if that happened.

Look, I know what appearing sensible for the moment will warrant but hey, it's you guys, so why not.

Yeah, he's a fucking moron who's totally unqualified for the job and potentially hiring his friends into positions where we need nerds to THEN make it look like the program or whathaveyou is not working so then get rid of it.

That's fucked.

And I know there will be a laundry list of other things that will align themselves with 'stupid' 'omg no way' and 'are you fucking serious'.

I'm well aware.

My issue was everyone on the left acting completely irate over the dumbest of shit. BLM, 'feminists getting paid 75 cents to the dollar', I want to pee wherever i want and call myself whatever gender i please. The list goes on and on

I think the wall is a stupid plan. The reasoning behind it isn't, but the wall IS not a viable solution financially.

But Syrians and muslim refugees coming over here? Are you kidding me? Look how well that's working out for Britain, Germany, Finland, France, etc.

So, what were the options? Green diarrhea squirts or a 4 year flu? Text book 'pick the lesser of two evils'.

literally retarded


You're using an irrelevant talking point as a way to appear like you're obliging a question.

Here's a slightly Trump supporting turd with a possibly horrible plan, but it sounds ideal to me.

just as a hypothetical of course.

Invest in solar panels, train coal miners into new fields, building panel manufacturing companies, encourage scientific research to use small panels while holding and moving more energy (efficiency) across the grid. Employ people to build and install while conducting further research for newer and better panels (or any other form of cleaner energy). And if the plan seemed feasible enough, encourage exxon to invest and take a risk so they can still be the monopoly energy company but using cleaner form. Also, companies wouldn't need to continue to pay out revenue for energy because it would be self sustaining, thus, they have extra money to go around for employees.

*shrug* I don't fucking know, i see one, maybe two problems being solved in that idea? And I could really give two shits about the environmental impact it may or may not have.

>I voted for him to bring jobs back.

this is actually a sensible policy

problem is, you can't force to retrain old working class joes into new jobs.
They just don't wanna

Have you ever personally been inconvenienced by sjw, BLM, or trans people? You're eating up the vitriolic media that the right is pushing down your throats. The left does the same thing. Every media company is trying to sell clicks and nothing sells clicks better than a viewers anger for what they're watching.

There is no incentive in modern media to portray things in a reasoned and neutral ways. It just doesn't sell.

I bet if you just stopped watching news and all that dumb shit you'd be a lot happier and well adjusted. I found a lot of happiness in not constantly being bombarded with whatever brainwashing the television companies were shoving down your throat.

And if that's the case, let the older workers stay where they're at. Again, I don't care about the environmental impact. Just do something to steer aware from a dying job into a new one that benefits three different financial classes of people and would benefit the country on multiple fronts.

And if exxon fears 'what do we do when everyone has a solar panel?'

Make new ones, make smaller ones, make more powerful ones. They'd be like cell phones They do the same job they did last year, just look better and work faster. Everyone will keep buying new ones.

You voted for a habitual liar and youre surprised he lied about the thing you voted for him for?

I voted for him to re-establish law and order. There were too many riots under Obongo where the police did nothing and there was only encouragement from our govt.

If you are looking for jobs you will be disappointed. Robots will be taking MILLIONS of factory, warehouse (amazon), and truck/cab driving jobs away over the next 10 years. That's unavoidable as automation tech advances. Only skilled jobs will remain and even then not forever.

Actually I have. Was leaving work to come back from the city and the tunnel was being blocked by BLM. Police were out there not doing a damn thing.

It's not vitriolic media crap if they're right. I hate fox news just as much as the next guy and alex jones is a nut job. But just because it isn't on a news outlet you like doesn't mean it's wrong.

Tbh, I initially saw all this shit from people's cell phones and cameras that they posted on youtube. A few of them are associated with some sort of 'independent journalism' but most of them aren't.

>You're eating up the vitriolic media that the right is pushing down your throats. The left does the same thing. Every media company is trying to sell clicks and nothing sells clicks better than a viewers anger for what they're watching.

Entirely missing the point young small brained person. Not everything is a conspiracy.

Inb4 "Lion eats stupid woman's face"

the last dying refuge of an intellectually inept; 'it's the media man, they're out to get your views maan, if you just like, stop watching the news you'll be just like me. free peace and love bro'

I wonder if this will ever not be true.

I know that some people can be a bit extreme over social justice and things, (like that Hugh Mungous lady ) but haven't most of them got a point? About equality and fairness and not bein fucked over by people who want all da powers? I'm not from America but it seems like your media over there spouts so much rhetoric over anything that can be politicised it looks like it makes it hard to be rational about things? I don't quite understand the hate from some people. Is it the political correctness aspect if it? That stuffs just common sense turned into over the top bulls hit at the end of the day and doesn't really matter right?

>Net neutrality, an economically authoritarian policy that forces companies to conform to one sub-par standard and screw the consumer out of any choice in the matter

>Opposing this is somehow an authoritarian thing to do

>Drinking so much of the kool-aid that you think this is correct.

Not an argument

so you voted for him to do something that he cannot do, and ignored all the warnings about the things he wanted to do and could do?

special kind of stupid.

>Show me
look out the window.

or read a newspaper.

I wonder if you will change your tone when your data is capped at 2 gigs, and you have to pay $50 just to use netflix.

Wow. This is what you think it is?
How old are you Grandpa?

Then I switch to another provider that isn't trying to commit financial suicide?

this is a sensible policy - but exactly the one Trump will not follow. He won't promote green anything - he denies climate change, he is int he pay of the big oil and coal industries, who want him to let them dig and drill and burn baby burn. he has said he will do this.

they know that climate change is real and that their reserves must never be burned - and so are worthless. really. 80% of current known reserves are worthless because they cannot be burned and mankind survive.

so they are getting one last go at selling as much as possible and connong people into thinking that they are really worth money. one last go at squeezing a few mor ebillions out of their dead horses.

and Trump is on the take, so he is helping.

Your policy is exactly what a Democrat would have done... any Democrat.

People on the rust belt who voted for him don't really care about all the questionable shit he says, they're worried about paying their bills and providing income to home. They wanted their jobs back, Trump promised to bring their jobs back, and that's about it. To them, the progressive agenda doesn't even matter - they don't understand it for starters.

Wether he will be able to do it, nobody can say.

>There were too many riots under Obongo where the police did nothing and there was only encouragement from our govt.

yeah those Bundy boys should have been shot down with drones first day on the parkland...

wow, you got held up for a while by a political protest. whaaa ban all protests now!

This must be the first election most Trump voters have actually paid attention to.

You don't just vote the president in, you vote in his party.

Whatever strengths Trump has, the Republican party is cancer, and it is hilarious to see Trump voters realizing this.

Whatever weaknesses Hillary had (and oh boy is it a lot) the Democrats aren't a total mass of cancer. At least not yet.

>implying there will be more than one.

breaking up monopolies is a Socialist idea remember. You wouldn't want to be a socialist now would you.

ever heard of cartels? Price fixing?

all Trump tactics... he won't stop them doing it and making billions so they can back hand his "campaign fund" a few million more... (by campaign fund I mean slush fund, like his so called charity used to be)

Yee das right boiii

>Wether he will be able to do it, nobody can say.

I can.

he cannot do it.

>Invest in solar panels
It's already happening on a huge scale but with various cheap Asian labour doing the production, how do you make it a profitable enterprise whilst paying people a functional wage?

How are you this stupid? Seriously, read into it man. It's legit one of the few issues you'd think would be truly nonpartisan out of the gate.

>Breaking up monopolies is a socialist idea

Are you okay? Government is the ultimate monopoly, and when you give them the power to pick and chose favorites in the marketplace, then you have government enforced monopolies where others aren't allowed to compete because agencies like the FDA.

All of these things usually are accompanied by government regulation. Cartels exists because of a corrupt government, price fixing exists because government has regulated out competition, and gouging is actually a legitimate practice when demand far outweighs supply, making sure the people who REALLY need it get it.

this is what i tell my more liberal friends and they continue to tell me Clinton's loss was Comey's fault. i don't think she lost the rust belt b/c of Comey. voters up there didn't cite that as their primary reason for voting for Trump. it's that he spoke their language in talking about bringing companies and jobs back, which voters bought hook, line, and sinker. Comey, the emails, grab em by the pussy, Putin, Trump's awful performances at the debates, none of that mattered to swing rust belt voters.

The "net neutrality" act was complete horseshit. The only thing Trump has done well so far, too bad the rest of the world is still sucking the shitlog that is TTIP out of Americas ass.
Don't get me wrong, net neutrality is of utmost importance. It's just that this was laced and sprinkled with things infringing on the rights of the people, AND was secret to the public. It was basically back doors installed with a large sign saying "no back door here" over them.

I would love to know how much lobbying money was sunk to keep a deal that big behind closed doors for that long.