Dubs decideds

Dubs decideds

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Tell her you want anal

Double 69s I win

Double win

show her this

Tell her you love her and want to have sex

I'm gonna fart

youtube.com/watch?v=5u3RGhznctE FUCK INDIAN MUSIC

I like how Idubbbz has gotten to the point where any time he makes a content cop on someone he damages their reputation by a ridiculous margin. Can't wait to see the upcoming fallout from this.

I also like semen

After that whole Leafy drama I haven't heard from him in months. He hasn't popped up in Scarce videos tooHis videos get about 1/10th of the views they used to get It looked like his videos would normally get a bit over 2M views, now 800k could be considered a big viewer count for him. It looked like his videos would normally get a bit over 2M views, now 800k could be considered a big viewer count for him.

Just like every other crime apologist, you're a goddamn hypocrite.
Rapists are monsters. Monsters must be destroyed, end of story.
Instead, "moral" people like yourself are squeemish about getting a little blood on your hands. Nevermind the staggering opportunity cost of shelling out taxpayer money to put monsters up in a hotel with three square meals and a roof over their head for years or life.
In the US it costs $100,000/year on average to house a prisoner. 1 in 30 American children were homeless at least once last year. How many kids could get off the street for $100,000?
22,000 Americans died last year because they didn't have health insurance and went to ER in crisis instead of to a doctor earlier which could have prevented their death. How many of those lives could you save with $100,000?
How many starving kids in Sudan could you save with $100,000?
The problem with fucking moral highhorse hypocrites like you is you think showing mercy to monsters somehow makes you and your society "compassionate". It doesn't. It shows that you're an ignorant fucking asshole, because you have plenty of "compassion" for rapists but no real compassion for truly innocent people. You're happy to spend a fortune feeding and housing the shitstains of humanity when innocent people actually deserving of compassion continue to get fucked and killed left and right.
Why is that, do you suppose?
It's obvious. It's because you people are cowards. You're afraid of getting the blood or rapists and murders and child molesters and human traffickers on your hands. And because of your fear, children will continue to live on the streets in the US and die overseas while the billions that could have saved their lives is paying to assuage your delicate little conscience.
Hypocrites like you make me sick.

Sure, what could go wrong? It's not like civilian citizens of an enemy country would ever falsely report rape in order to make the invading soldiers execute each other. As anybody who has military experience knows, civilians love invading armies and would not exploit the rules against their enemy.

I can fit 4 fingers in my asshole

As a russian, I also find this kind of statements some kind of harsh.
Like, come on! Do you live in Russia? Does we look like a country full of shitheads for you? Who hates LGBTQ+ people, all cool with domestic violence and live under the tyranny?
NOPE! Yes, we have our bad things, but it doesn't mean that our country is straight bad. I don't see any political refugees here, I don't see that gay people are hated by people here (I have a bunch of friends who are openly gay, and police is not going to arrest them).
As for killer, who did Putin kill? Thousand of ukranians? (nope) Thousands of gays? (also nope) Opposition? We have a bunch of opposition partiers, but the bad thing is that they don't do anything to reach out to people, to working class. They just saying that everything is corrupted and we live in shit.
So don't be so ignorant, every country has it flaws and positives. And I feel sad, that people who are so open-minded are labeling entire country "killers", our president "tyrant" without any doubts.


"Is it weird that I like feet?"

You gotta remember man, most people on here are 16-25 year old American kids with a shitty education and who have never seen a passport in their lives, let alone been to another country. Theire whole youth they have been made to pledge loyalty to the flag, they get their news from CNN, Facebook and such. What do you expect? Theyre not gonna have any knowledge of the world or deep insight into geopolitics.
Best not to even bother.


"bbbut we're bad too!"
I mean he's not wrong. And I think acknowledging our failings, especially when coming from the President, is a big step forward in how the US carries itself.
That said it is NOT an excuse for how Russia acts. And while I am pro-sovereignty (We don't tell Russia what laws to pass, they don't tell us) I have made a conscious choice not to support Russian companies or visit Russia due to their recent draconian laws on LGBT and on Domestic Violence.

The government sent a request to Comey and the FBI to turn over all of the emails through cloud by February, 10th.
You would know this if you kept yourself informed on current events. Instead u read about trivial schoolyard drama about politicians demanding apologies.
SAD!Actually since Tump won it seems you are the dope.
PATHETIC!Some of us didn't vote for Trump because we thought he would be better than Hillary. We voted for him because she fucked over Bernie. Fuck her.

You will be touched in places you don't like to be touched

A bunch of negroes were cooning it up outside so I threatened to call the police

Too many fake fucks doing this shit lately and it got ruined. Thanks assholes. These threads were marginally entertaining and now they either never get posted or never take off because of autism.

Also, check em