I FUCKING MADE IT LADS!! who else here is followed by the god himself?

I FUCKING MADE IT LADS!! who else here is followed by the god himself?

I would delete my account and make a new one if he ever did

How did you manage to do that?

I made a dank ass reply to his tweet right after he tweeted it and I guess he saw it and thought i was pretty cool

he follows literally everyone who tweets at him

not true. he doesn't follow *everyone*, only the good replies

>follows 1.5 million people
>is followed by 1.3 million people
Literally, everybody and their mother is followed by Lil B. In what way is this an accomplishment?

are you Ming the Merciless?

what is this 2011 get a grip


pls no bully

Unless you're been followed by Lil B, shut the fuck up.

Are you a teenage thot?

yeah nigga

Uganda be kidding me

You didn't make it

Lil B Made It

Lil b quoted me in his UCLA lecture. We used to talk on face book a little bit.

He follows 1.5 million people. You can literally get a follow just by tweeting the words "lil b". OP feels special when he is not.

Getting followed by Lil B is easier than counting to ten.

This meme is expired by a couple of years.

you people are not very based

I got retweeted by him once, I was drunk and made a bunch of "we need rare new lil b historic mixtapes" shitposts and he RT'd one and said "thanks based f a m"

The only people that Lil B hasn't followed on twitter are new Lil B fans, posers, and plebs