I'm an atheist

I'm an atheist

Try your hardest not to make me an atheist

HARDMODE: no name calling, logical fallacies, or memes

Would you kindly not be an atheist?

Shit, he got you!

I wish I could user, but at the very least, God is dead.

Why does anything exist?

Well OP, you being here is proof that GOD exists, and has a fucked up sense of humor.

I dunno. Maybe because if it didn't, there would be nobody to know it doesn't exist. So we only exist because we don't not exist. The alternative is not existing.

all myths have some truth to them


I get it.

True. Did you know Lady Gaga is actually a man?

First, remember the smartest person you ever knew. Then imagine the smartest mind ever. It will be already way far from your friend. And your ability to imagine the smartest mind ever is flawed by your own intelligence.
So I suggest, first call the smartest person you know "God" on your journey to find God

So Joe Rogan is God?

There can't be a smartest person. The person who gets the closest will still not know at least 1 fact that someone else knows for every person on the planet. The closest thing is probably even an AI we created.

I'd trust an AI to come up with the probability of there being a God more than any living being, damn straight

Good progress, now try harder. You can take a break anytime you want.
>The person who gets the closest will still not know at least 1 fact that someone else knows for every person on the planet
Where do you get that fact from?

where did time come from?

I'm a mathematician. The deeper you go in mathematics, the more you start thinking "Who the fuck MADE THIS?! This can't be an accident! This can't be random happenstance! There's NO REASON for this pattern to exist!"

Math fucks with your head after a while. Even though math is a human concept - a human design - nobody could have ever conceived of the WEIRD SHIT that crops up in the more esoteric disciplines.

Time is a human construct. It's really spacetime, but where spacetime came from, I have no idea. I dunno if that proves there's a god though.

There is a small novel by Asimov called "The Last Question" that I suggest to read.


The scientist that knows everything about the stars is ignorant of the nuances and beauty a farmer witnesses as the first leaf of his crop grows.

The question that bothers us all is how to make 1 from 0 ie how nothing became something

There's a story that scientists built an intelligent computer. The first question they asked it was: "Is there a God?" The computer replies: "There is now." And a bolt of lightning struck the plug so it couldn't be turned off.

But it doesnt mean that it's not possible to know both, and by extent all

Do you consider Pascal's Wager to be a logical fallacy?

Human limits. Even if a man were to live forever, and experience and learn all things, he would forget most of it, and thereby not know it.

Pascal's Wager is countered by the notion of an All-Loving and Forgiving God.

So you do believe in God, and God says "Welcome to Heaven." Or you don't believe in God and God says "I'm disappointed in you for not believing in me, but I love you and forgive you. Welcome to Heaven."

It's a win-win.

Which brings us to the tricky question, (we skip how to 0->1), we have something that is one in nothingness. What does he do? He fucking plays with his hands to relieve the boredom. We are his fingers. To make it even more interresting the fingers are given 2 illusions survival instinct and free will. That's so far how I see it

I hope there's no God and don't believe in him but don't deny the possibility.

Because if there is, he is cruel and ill have some choice words for him at the gates.

As far as i know it isnt about God being disapointed. It is a choice to want to be close to God when your time comes to leave this earth. If you do not want to be close to Him, then he will not bring you close to Him.

Well this theory surely works well on you

OP have you ever tried to get in contact with God in a honest way? Not giving up after one try and throwing all/as much of your doubt away as possible?

thats a trap. Your asking him to try having faith and when that fails to try a little longer. So either he has faith or wasnt sincerely trying.

Maybe. I just know that i didnt give it a honest try becasuse i thought it was stupid. Had a lot of arguments with my exgf about that. Then i finally did put some work into it and now i am a Christian.

Why not give it a honest go?