America has had enough of him!

America has had enough of him!
More than 650,000 people have joined a campaign to impeach trump. We the people, the popular vote demand impeachment.

Other urls found in this thread:



Y tho?



You lost, get over it.

It's been two weeks. Fuck off.

English fag here. Even I know that to impeach the president he has to break the law. Trumps gonna be your president for 8 years, after he gets re-elected. Still better than Hillary in my opinion.

Okay, sounds good. Now all we have to do is wait for him to do something illegal.

>I'm taking you to court!
>I don't know!


Are any of those campaigners legal American citizens, or are they all illegal immigrants like the votes that got Hillary the "popular" vote.

impeach on what grounds?


go to canada faggots. trail of tears part ii in effect!!! erase andrew jackson from history and we'll just get a new one- do you realize sjw unreasonableness is self-imploding?? what the fuck were the falcons players protesting- fucking explain that to me

Maintaining ties to his corporate interests while presiding over the country as POTUS.

You fucking lost. Deal with it. People like you are why I'll never again vote Democrat. I didn't realize what shitty whinny people I was voting with.

does everyone just forget the national debt that we have to deal with somehow?

Liberal logic

This is literally all of politics. Are you stupid enough to think that would have been different under Hillery?

>if you don't like Trump you're a Democrat

OP is a faggot


Sorry for assuming that you are a pathetic liberal bitch. Maybe don't talk like that and people won't be confused.


"can only be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors."

you you people even government or law?

of course you don't

pls go live under castro's love child up north we're tried of your crying and CPS won't let us beat you for it.

Nice b8 m8


You do know that is not required of the President, and only applies to the Congress who write the laws. Right?

Talk like what? I'm not the OP.


You do know he's in direct violation of the foreign-emoluments clause, right?

Gotta do something illegal first, fam.

We neither elect nor impeach a President by popular vote, sorry.


Try it commies

>time man of the year

Get a fucking life whinneyyyy leftest dem.

You forget that americans are idiots and these are the worst of them

You can't impeach someone with a fucking petition you god damn moron.

Exactly. Your point?

Wow! That many huh?
You do realize that the US population is 330million. So you have not even got 10% of the people behind you, and won"t. Just suck it up, get a job, and put on your adult diapers. Because those Pampers pullups aren't cutting it.



Must suck to see your team lose. You're still shedding tears 3 months later.



Nice try Cletus


>you have not even got 10%
Not to mention the fact that even if it were 100% there still has to be an impeachable offense. A president can't just be removed for being unpopular.

Go ahead impeach Trump. If you think Trump is bad you haven't seen anything until Pence takes over... LooooooooooL


>politics = sports
>being this retarded

I'm still trying to find a single voter who changed their vote because of Russia. I see you didn't mention what Russia uncovered in their hack - that Hillary and the dems tried to rig the primaries against Sanders.

Everything you idiot Leftists have tried has failed.

>This will fail, too. You cannot stop human evolution


That does not apply to any business he owns. It only affect law makers, the administration branch only signs, or vetos a bill. Show me the law where he has to divest his own business in a foreign nation. It does not exist, despite what TIME says. Go read the actual law. I know that is a stretch for you people, but it really matters.



>alpha male takes risks. Some take off, others don't. Makes a billion dollars.

Meanwhile your job is to post memes on a website.

>this is Republican logic







That your source is notoriously bad for facts.
As is the rest of the media which is owned by a few people. You see some of us read actual books to educate ourselves.


6 bankruptcies.. Can't make money running a casino - if that's alpha I'll pass.

Brutal, lol.

>>politics = sports

Yes basically. Your average dipshit, i.e. you, has an economic and political footprint of an amoeba. You are completely irrelevant, yet you vigorously debate this shit for months and months as if your thoughts matter. This is just a sporting event to you. You're just cheering for the team. We're 3 months out and you're the guy crying about how you lost the game because of the refs or a deflated ball. Nah nigga, you lost because your team and their gameplan were bullshit.

Political scientists write that article. You're a nobody shitposting on a Cambodian Finger Painting Board. So am I, which is why in this case, I'm deferring to the experts.

>see you didn't mention what Russia uncovered in their hack - that Hillary and the dems tried to rig the primaries against Sanders.
Not him, but how is that helping your case? I'd much rather have Sanders than Hillary. This election has made me lose faith in both sides.


Alright this one made me Kek. republicucks are too stupid to run this country

I love shit like this. The more the liberals spread this shit the more people they alienate. They didn't learn the first time. Just guarantee that second term. Think I'll go spread it around my self

>got knowledge of bankruptcy from playing monopoly
>thinks bankruptcy means running out of money.
>doesn't realize bankruptcy is just a financial reorganization.
>is dumb
>should ks

>That your source is notoriously bad for facts.

Coming from a supporter of an administration notorious for "alternative facts," that's pretty rich.

Actually, he's not. The businesses are now in his kids name. If a foriegn person chooses to stay at his hotel its simple business transaction.

Its not like he had a foundation that foreign governments donate to in hopes of political favors


>It only affect law makers,
Do you mean to imply that somehow our government is divided in some way that separates those who legislate from those who execute legislation? What a phenomenal concept. I bet you had to read some really old 1788 document to find that out.



$1,500 a week to post anti trump bullshit all day

No kiddin? Almost a quarter of one percent of the population... this is really going somewhere.

Yes he said all sorts of cock-a-doody words that violated womens. Is a rapist.
Clinton actually gropes, and rapes. Is a paradigm of virtue for the left.

>how is that helping your case?

My case? What case? My guy won. I'm not the one with a perpetual sore ass.

Dam dude relax. Just see what happens. Mass deportations seem like epic lulz.

Go ahead, impeach him. Make Pence the new President.

The people who won the popular vote in the last election are not the ones alienating more people

because I'm double reverse trolling #winning

Quit shit posting and look into why he hasn't paid taxes in over twenty years. It's because he wrote off almost a billion dollars in losses. There's a reason American banks won't loan money to your business genius leader. He's a fucking fraud.

Those poor bankers

whatya gonna do about it faggot? answer: nothing except post walls of text that no one is reading.


>he thinks a politician cares about him

