If English people are really descended from northern Germanic people then why are they so ugly?

If English people are really descended from northern Germanic people then why are they so ugly?

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genetic isolation

doesn't matter if they descended from angels you are not suppose to have children with close family members

All white people look the same to me.

all germanics are ugly

If you mix orange and blue you get brown.

she's not brown you idiot

Incest. Also Vikings stole all the good looking women.

you realise we actually have lower inbreeding in line with the rest of northern europe, right

>genetic isolation
read a history book sometime

Why do people think Brits inbred more than others? We've been a small densely populated island that have been invaded loads throughout history.

Starting to breed with 3rd worlders won't improve your gene pool.

the invaders stayed within their own gene pool

yep its dumb and triggers me.
i heard a canadian spouting this meme irl, but if i think of an inbred anglo it's either a bogan or a hillbilly desu (maybe parts of wales/scotland)

Been watching this


Interesting stuff in my personal opinion.

Their best men were killed in the trenches in World War One, those that were left were basically last centuries equivalent of us guys.

Also, the English never had the injection of virile Eastern Slavic genes from Red Army soldiers raping their way across the country.

>Amerimongrels think ethnic phenotypes are because of inbreeding

We can't all be Czech

I always wondered why you guys often look so different from us.

We're not ugly though
Christian Bale is English for example

People from the cities in Holland (west of the country) can pass for Britbongs though. The leader of a new Dutch political party.


Point proven

You thick fucking nigger.

Emma Watson is beautiful too

Just look at these turds. A student society.
