Which do you prefer Cute or hot

Which do you prefer Cute or hot

cute for the love of god

cute with a dash of hot

Hot, so you can make them look like the left after you're done in bed.

I like to live everyday like it's a new day and let her decide. Cause idgaf. I plow her regardless cute and or hot

cute 100%. at least in this scenario, why would I try to make her look like a 30 year old (I am of course in my twenties)

Cute. They're fucking real and actually approachable. When they cake on make-up like that they get false confidence and act like they're too good for anything other than Chad. My fucking college is full of the right. When I see the left it's such a breath of fresh air.


I hate make-up. My girlfriend does this and it feels like I have two girlfriends depending on when she has make up on or not. Really freaks me out too probably because I get stoned all the time.

Hairstyle of left, makeup of right

Hot just looks waaaaaaaay out of my league, is the kind of girl I would never dare to talk to because she's so hot
With cute I feel like I have a chance even when I know I don't, but she looks more friendly and humble

mfw I saw the one on the left

"hot" just looks older and that is a bad thing

Wanna know the funny shit, anons? These both are the same chick before and after make-up. Left? Oh hell yeah. Hitting her up. Getting her number. Heading down girlfriend status highway.
Right? Getting rejected and looking like a cuck at the bar.

Same fucking girl.
Son of a bitch, man.

Why not both?

>are u retarted ?

left easy

obviosuly, you retard. The thread was about whether or not you prefer makeup.

Cuter every single fucking time
Do you have any idea what it is to wake up to a cute adorable gf?
When you go to bed next to her, when you dream about her, and when you wake up to her staring at you with the cutest smile in the world because she's as happy as you are to have each other?
Do you?
That's what happiness is man
There's nothing good enough to even come close

the first one isn't acceptable so second one is only choice

>Cute or hot
Bitch, I can't show my amazement without getting called out? Chill.

And slightly. Damn.


without talking to them it is hard to say
cant tell wich one has the most inner beauty


"Hot" girls always have the whole resting bitch face going on.

Left for everyday. She's much more attractive
Plus hiding something. Avoid 10lbs of makeup girls like the plague.