I'm an asshole, Sup Forums

I'm an asshole, Sup Forums

I'm a fucking asshole. Judgmental as hell. Unemotional. Unwavering. Cold. Sometimes cruel. I'm stoic to the suffering of others more often than I would like to accept.

How do I stop being that?

I'm the same way but I have aspergers. You might have it too OP. Not trying to spook you.

where do you live and what do you do to have this many opportunities to be mean to people.
sounds like ur being a dramatic lil bitch to me

I know what you mean, but I'm not detached in that way. I'm just mean when people are incompetent or they don't live up to my standard. Think Gordon Ramsay.

Ohok I see now, that Gordon Ramsay reference was good.

Call me whatever. Paint me in whatever light you want. I have been fair and kind and comforting. I have made serious attempts to bridge the gap. I can't do it anymore.

Have you tried growing a vagina?

There's nothing dramatic about my post at all, you non-perceptive mouth breather.

Sounds like you don't have social and critical thinking skills. Fetal alcohol syndrome? Mental retardation? Something is stunted.

Every time you want to be mean or angry or whatever just start humming a song that makes you happy and walk away or close your eyes. Other people might laugh or say something but it will help you and thats what matters.

i just try getting inside them

One of the most common ways to invoke empathy is to put yourself in their shoes.

Is people thinking you're insane a better alternative to people thinking I'm an asshole?

Maybe you've got a point there.

Take a little dose of MDMA (say 0.10/0.15) every two weeks for 3 months.

Mouth breather.
Why is that bad.
Plz tell me

>My mouth breathing doesn't define me

Mouth breathers are another way to tell someone their brain can't think hard enough to make them breath through their nose. Also could be a way to tell someone they're too fat to get enough oxygen through their nose.

Drinking bleach is always the best remedy user

I guess in their shoes, they're talking to an asshole.

But the way I would deal with that is I would just try to out-asshole the other person.

Bullet wounds to the head too, I know.

But that just seems like cheating.

Ah so in no way derogatory towards people who don't just breath through their nose that's good.
See the term on Sup Forums alot
Even more than that fetal alcohol insult "meme.

wtf are you doing a grandpa character in my thread dude?

Why cant you stop giving a fuck about other people

No but close. I got some shitwaterfarts gone loose. Thought it was just fart nah it was shit water fart

I genuinely don't understand what you mean plz clarify.

Must be side effects from all those drugs keepin' you alive.

Nice come back Ima steal that

You're not missing out on anything good.
--some emotional bitchboy

Could be your "ego" and how can you be unemotional when human brain is wired to be emotional (someone stabs your dog, you won't respond logically)...

What I mean is
Maybe you're arrogant
Unwavering haha
Sound like an issue with your ego

If somebody stabs my dog, I shoot them and go cry about it later.

If somebody tells me a really lame story, it's a difficult task for me to act like it was entertaining, and I always seem to find some way to make them feel bad about it. It's a horrendous character trait.

I think that I am. Some people seem so happy to just be.

Probably. Then why do I hate myself for it.

Weird how I come here when I'm fully ensured and can afford a therapist. I wonder what that says about me.

lol u mad bra?
hit a nerve?
wanna fight?


look what you just wrote, op. you're being judgemental again. maybe it would be best if you spent less time on here and more time interacting with positive people irl.

Well as for Stoic and unwavering it sounds like you have something to overcome.
I have no idea what It says about you.
I'm not a lame therapist haha

I gotta tell you that's a great fuckin post.

no I'm high right now weed makes you peaceful man

trying to give advice, not an attack btw

That was just me being cheeky cause he called me a bitch.

This defines me lol

use dissociates in small amounts once a month until it waivers

>dissociative drugs

PCP or ketamine?

whatever is readily available, careful not to develop an addiction....but then again perhaps that will aid your journey

You're an empathic sociopath. Too intelligent to be a total asshole(else you'd not post this here). Sure the cons of this are louder than the pros but there are both

I think you're being generous by calling me intelligent.

I don't think so, a total dumb fuck couldn't understand that he has a mental issue that he wants to get rid off, you do. I'd love to talk with you about it, but i'm not confortable enough in english to have that kind of conversations. I'd just that, for me, you better not compare yourself to the others people, obviously you are a bit different and comparing yourself would make this difference a bit bigger and will make you feel guilty a lot more

I'd just say*

Don't change, you destroy everybody around you with your hate.

Only your hate is pure.