Wicca/Pegan thread

Wicca/Pegan thread

I want to learn more about this religion or cult or whatever this is considered.

Been into it for some time because learning spells and all those sorts of things are quite exciting. It opens a whole new 'imaginative' mind and loving for nature.

Why is it considered evil?

Stupid question: Can one truly become powerful enough to successfully cast a spell?

Are there any Wiccan believers in Sup Forums?

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Stupid religion like any other religion.

Celtic Pagan here. What would you like to know?


Its considered evil because Christians/Catholics deem it so. Otherwise its not, just like occult.

OP Here

Everything there is to know about it. Perhaps you can recommend some books?

My problem is I cannot wrap my head around religion since I'm very the 'Can't see, can't believe type of guy' but this Pegan religion has caught my attention. It is an exciting religion both practical and spiritually.

It'll be wrong for me to say this but I want to be convinced why this is the way to go

Don't be a faggot. Join a gang, sell drugs fuck bitches.

No God exists

Imaginative is the key world because most of it is made up bullshit and is just as stupid and fake as any other religion

Is there a difference between pegan and wiccan?

Don't forget to pray


google com/search?q=crowley+filetype%3Apdf+blavatsky+magick&oq=crowley+filetype%3Apdf+blavatsky+magick&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=filetype:pdf+paganism
google com/search?q=crowley+filetype%3Apdf+blavatsky+magick&oq=crowley+filetype%3Apdf+blavatsky+magick&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=filetype:pdf+paganism

Well its a pretty flexible religion and there are many different paths and generally we are quite accepting. Personally I dont go in for the Magik thing. to me its more about respecting our world and the values it instills. To me spells are more like prayers. Its a verbalization of your needs and desires and ritual can be comforting. You should check your local area and see if there is a teaching coven near by. witchvox.com/xgroups.html is good for finding like minded people.

It's not considered evil, it's considered pure faggotry.
You could
A. Actually study the occult.
B. Get together with the gurls and talk about that new episode of american horror story, which you watch because you're different from all the other girls and "normal people scare me xD double tap if you agree" while drawing pentacles on each other's English lit 2's textbooks while scribbling "SMIB" like some kind of fag version of a freemason.

back in high school, this was the religion of angsty goth edgelords. i've never met a grown adult wiccan/pagan.

it's only evil because christfags don't like it. otherwise its probably harmless.

I reside in a very small town, everyone Christians. And I'm not kidding, everyone is

if you think everyone in your town is insufferable now, wait until they find out you're different


Christians did dig a massive hole in every religion though

all religions are cancer.

Wicca/paganism is like an irregularly sized mole on your skin. It's probably cancer, but its low on the priority list.

Islam and Christianity are like lung cancer and pancreatic cancer by comparison.


I once was open about it to my mom.

She freaked out and cried and informed the priest that I was becoming satanist.

I'm 27 btw.

Religion really is an epidemic.

We need to start a religion that bashes against religion.

Oh wait. Those are all other religions

OP 10/10 Fluff Bunny confirmed.
No one is really Wiccan/Pagan. Stop lying to yourself

so much for unconditional love.

i understand her confusion. wicca/paganism and satanism are both high school edgelord faggot religions. that may be why she's confused.

not sure why she had to cry about it and bother your local child abuser. could have just called you a faggot and gone on with her day.

how much of what you know about your spirituality is historical? By that i mean how much of what you believe is what people would have believed like 1500 years ago? is it even the same religion(ik it was wuite regional)?

or just not bother with any of it at all.

I know right.

The big problem is, we are entitled to believe in whatever we want without having others to crush us for it.
Not being able to have that freedom makes me feel like I live in a prison cell.

Most Pegans still practice the ways the people executed the religion in the middle ages. According to history of the religion, I suppose. But what do I know, I'm just a bird

so fuck off and move on with your life

if your mother can't accept you being an edgelord without calling up a pedophile in robes and crying about it, it sounds like her problem.

she'll grow up, or she won't

in the mean time, find some other edgy goth girls to fuck. they're usually carrying all sorts of self esteem problems and are an easy bang.

stop being a pussy and stand up for your beliefs. even if youre a faggot, you faggot.

Its an insult to religion to call it one.

Thanks for the advice man.

I will stand up big and tall, also nailed to a cross with some bitch who is about to set me on fire.

Not as easy man

where are you from? i ask coz i live in new zealand and im pretty sure there are 0 pagans ova here

Maybe not pegans but very similar believes. You guys have mostly forest monkeys and fatasses


Beliefs* (Belief systems)

Massive pussy

Religion is an insult to science

Oh god please don't pull the Science card

>most pegans

As someone interested and well read into comparative religion and 19th century folklore I can tell that you are talking utter bullshit lies.
A pagan remnant in northern germany for example was to hang the cut out vagina and womb of a butchered sow on a tree for the crows as this would please the "wold/wod " (probably wodan.) Who would give back in some way, or to leave the last patch of a field standing in order to make an animal figure from it/leave it as such to allow the cornspirit to have a house.

Wiccan urbanite fags who prance around fires while drumming and hookimg up with each other over discussing how their chakras are one with nature and the alleged pagan symbolism on their vegan starbucks drink logo have jackshit to do with the beliefs and rites of medieval and victorian times which were closely interwoven in the backwoods hillybilly rural, hard and conservative lifestyle of people whose world wasnt bigger then their valley.

It doesnt has to be hostile to science as it usually finds a gap or blanc space to insert itself into and science alone does not make the people happy or provides morals some favela dweller is willing to accept.

Jesus Christ. You people pop out everywhere.

Thanks for the information though

I read your sentence like 20 times and still have no fucking clue what you said m8

OP here.

Thanks that is some useful information.



Christians are truly aggressive towards people who protest their religion. I've witnessed it and undergone the pain myself. Christians are real assholes

OP believe in what you want if it feels right for you

Overrated show

What I am saying is that some kinds of dogmatic people of faith (muhammed split the moon! Have "Science" as a proof!) Indeed "insult" science by twisting it for their bullshit or deliberatly misunderstanding it but there are just as many if not more religious people whose claims or beliefs simply fill in the void where science hasnt made much progress yet. We cant scientifically disprove the idea of a sentient thing kicking of the big bang, or a parallel dimension where gods and demons life interacting with ours in a very inticrate way so the things which cannot be proven or disproven are the rightful claim of both our imagination and also faith.

Also the post I replied to gave radiated a dismissive vibe towards "nonscientific" stuff like believing in an absolute source of morality an afterlife or deities judging your actions. In the end such beliefs often have a value and are not just made up for the heck of it but part of a sociological construct that leads to many people acting much nicer then they normally would.

Or in easier words, science doesnt prevent you from getting shanked in an indian slum because the robber calculated the odds of getting catched but religion might do so as the robber just takes your wallet and not your life because he was raised to believe that basic compassion has a higher value sanctified by a greater authority then society(god).

Try reading the Kybalion and see if it resonates with you.

I am Mexican, and in the northern-center region of the country, there are a native group that still exists and are preserved, called the Huicholes, which venerate the Peyote in a spiritual way, and they have a philosophic view similar to Taoism, where there are basically two opposed cosmic forces in this world, and the most important thing is trying to find a balance of them both. They also have rituals where they interact with the primal ancestor spirits of fire, deer, and other elements of the natural world, which was really common in North American indigenous folk.

Trying peyote in the desert was the best spiritual experience I've had and it really helped me find the balance in my life and really helped me understand the transition of realms. I've tried other hallucinogens too.

When I was little, I've always had this feeling that some spirit was stalking me, and it was really noticeable when I was left alone, especially when I was 3 - 5 years old. All these flashbacks recently came to me, because somehow I managed to block them, but It came to a point where I couldn't move at all when I felt the presence, I was completely petrified and I couldn't even raise my voice or scream. Then one of my favorite uncles passed away and I felt his presence the night he died, and the presence stopped.

I even have something a condition, that I never could explain it myself, called a "witch's streak" which is basically a single white streak of hair in the forehead, kinda like the one Sweeney Todd has. I got it from my mother. I always thought that I was different in terms of the connection of the other realm,

when I was living in Montreal and sharing experiences with different cultures, there was this place of relaxation and peace where I always found myself in the "in-between" if I can so call it, a kind of trance between realms. People considered me a Shaman there and usually wanted me to guide them for their psychedelic trips.

Pic related, Huichol art.


Just my opinion but if you truly want to practize something more archaic then it matters a lot where you life.
If you are american or one of those "worldcitizen" types you either accept that wiccanism is something completely seperate from the beliefs of westpfahlian flax farmers 300 years ago and an own set of loose new age ideas befitting the tastes of young westeners and embrace it without the pretentiousness of building on something older (muh 3000 year old cauldron spell) or you make friends with the indian diaspora in your area and get introduced to the southeast asian equivalent to what would have happened if european paganism survived both christianity and urbanisation. The latter will mean that you have to accept some quiet conservative dogmas though, so dont just do it as a kneejerk reaction to what you didnt like from your christian upbringing.

If you are european, you could spend a lot of time getting into your local folklore and history, its amazing how persistent some cultural patterns and small beliefs which are too subtle to be called out directly managed to survive up to the generation of our grandparents.
Maybe you find something genuinly old which you can believe in and is still somewhat compatible with modern life.
Genius loci come my mind.

So edgy

Read about them and they get currently fucked by a combination of missionarys, alkohol and road projects which open their village communes to globalisation.
As their beliefs are tied to what they plant and the soil they life off, their beliefs might be eradicated the same way the last holdouts of european syncretism died with industrialisation a culture nor dependent on the ecosystem you lived in or the community you grew up with.

hey fam, practising solitary since 2008.

i stumbled on to it by total chance, and tbh reading about it was kind of like a sense of 'coming home' - the whole overarching concepts aligned with my own deeply held worldviews

an important part of wicca is the worship of nature and of the seasons. there are 8 major festivals which align with the harvest and the cycles of the sun.

i'm a very lax wiccan. i follow it more in a figurative sense because that is what makes sense to me.

in my belief, there is an overarching energy to the universe. there is no name to this and no way that we as humans can comprehend it. it is what pre-dates the big bang and matter and everything.
religions have sought to find a way to explain this, and in doing so worship deities. in wicca we worship a goddess and a god, which provide an embodiment of the greater everything/nothingness of the universe. they are not literal, but are rather archetypal and allow for the telling of stories and appreciation of humans and nature.

it is generally considered evil because it is a (neo)pagan religion. pagan religions pre-date monotheistic religions, and there was a large move to eradicate them, in part by demonising them. a lot of deities from pagan religions were absorbed into christianity as saints, for example.
pagan festivals are also celebrated in christian culture

magic and spellcasting is interesting. it isn't an inherently supernatural paranormal entity. it's about placing yourself into a mindset where you are open to the thing that you want to manifest. for example, if you cast a spell that you want a promotion at work, you are inadvertently placing yourself into a mindset where you will be looking for a confirmation bias. you'll find opportunities and positives which will hopefully fulfill this


Those problems have always been around, but they don't actually live where the mining and road problems are happening.

They live in the Pacific side, mainly in Nayarit. Every year they walk about 300 miles to Wirikuta so they can do their offerings to their God and consume Peyote.

i also believe there is a delicate web in the world that links all beings, trees, rocks, stones.

at an anatomical level this is supported by the constant flux of atoms between objects and in quantum physics. the quantum activities of neurons is an expanding field also and worth looking into if you're interested in the airy fairy but like hard science too

i have a tattoo of the triple goddess (the three phases of the moon) on my wrist. i suffer from severe anxiety and i find it really reassuring to touch. it's like any religious symbol i suppose

the other important thing is the pentacle. it's an ancient symbol that is really misunderstood.
in wicca, it represents the perfect human - in perfect balance with the elements (aire, fire, water, earth and spirit)

it is as much an evil symbol as is a crucifix - a large thing in the rise of satanism was the bastardisation of religious symbology, using inverted religious icons. christians remember the pentacle as evil but neglect to admit that an inverted crucifix has the same meaning

pic related it's my tat

>in my belief
>harvestfestivals for people who dont harvest
>nonliteral embodiment of incomprehemsivness

You are basically just playing make belief at home in order to fill the void and know it well dont you?

Open Wiccan here.

For me, Wicca is more of a spiritual than religious practice.

It's about my connection to nature, energy, and life in general. About being at peace with my existence, and my role on this life/world. About connecting with others on a personal level.

Spells to me aren't really about "I'm gonna do some voodoo black magic chanting and shit with some sage and rose oil and get everything I want in life."

They, for me, tend to be more about the positive affirmations that come with verbalizing my desires and aspirations. Believing they can happen etc etc.

The process of burning incense/combining herbs with scents or personal meaning can also be very calming, and seen as a sort of form of relaxation and meditation for ones mind.

cunningham's wicca for the solitary practitioner was the first book i read and it's fantastic. an excellent introduction that covers the basics really well

you just described practicing yoga, it's not as simple as that

it's about the connection with the other realm, the great wave of consciousness with the help of hallucinogens

defect to aus there's a huge community :D

>quantum physics=magic shit I cant explain but sounds like an authority
>airy fairy
>look at muh brandtatoo
>aristotels 4 element pseudoscience but also quantum physics

What is the difference between spirituality and religion?

>As someone interested and well read into comparative religion and 19th century folklore

pic related it's you

Tits or gtfo

really mate? you seem angry.
also you can't spell.

not the same guy, but for me, spirituality is knowing that spirit exist and that we are bound to this earth merely by our material flesh and when we die it returns to the cosmic energy

religion uses this idea to control the population, for they have the same basics but they promote separation and intolerance

all religions are based on the premise that there exists a "humanoid" god, which we were made in its shape, which is extremely arrogant for human kind, and this premise is simply wrong

You cuck. Leave the poor retard alone.

1. religions are highly subjects. wicca isn't strictly doctrine-based, most people celebrate their own interpretations. it might surprise you that this happens in most mainstream religions too.
2. if you eat food and live on a planet you benefit from the harvest. you're an idiot if you don't realise that. it's about respecting nature
3. wat.

it's called a bricolage smacktard.

no idea why you're all so butthurt. you sound like a fucking catholic. i'm just trying to answer user's questions.

Tits, you sea-cow.


I also have tattoos on my wrists.

One represents the simplicity of energy, a sine wave. How energy travels in the void.

The other represents the opening of perception to the spirit realm, the in-between. A representation of the third eye.

Holding protection tokens, a Chichén Itzá sculpture made of obsidian and a Peyote.

Which represents my two favorite cultures in Mesoamerica, the Mayans and the Huicholes. Both venerated the sun and its energy, for the sun is our true God and the only reason we're all alive and evolving.

You can roast me, I don't really care :D

Dammit you manatee, I demand the titty.



Tits or gtfo

you seem to have misunderstood the basic concept of tits or gtfo

also you're the one derailing the topic and trying to get attention because of my gender (:

this tho

I'm a dude. Can't you see my hairy arms? lol

Also, I don't want to be an asshole, but you know the rules.

Be prepared to dance around the May pole nekkid with a bunch of 2's and 3's
With the occasional 6

i have not once even brought up my gender. i could be a really fat dude with epic gynaecomastia for all you know

>been into it for some time
>cult or religion or whatever

Yeah, it's easy, but you have to suck my balls dry first.

The most important thing to learn about wicca is that the girls are easy as fuck but also hairy as fuck.

Nah, you can't fool us. Those are some perky tits and that's a girl's tank top.

I can tell it is a marine mammal by the propeller scars near the flipper. We must educate the public about these mystical creatures before they leave this earth like so many other floppy-titted beasts through the ages.

OP Here

I appreciate the information. To me it is also all about building a healthy spirit and being connected with nature in particular.
I will read more books on the subject to better help me understand which direction I'm moving into.
Like I said, it truly is a magical place for me (psychologically) and after I started practicing it, it felt like I was home. It is almost as if my being has been improving ever since.

Sssshhhh, OP. We're still waiting for the water cow's tits.

how the fuck is this thread still alive?

so much bullshit and cringe...

You can't even spell Pagan right you colossal retard. Maybe stop dreaming about spells and shit and do some reading first. Like actual reading from books.

that's something that pretty much everyone i know has said - it's a sense of 'coming home'

it's not for everyone but for those of us for whom it works it's wonderful.

best of luck op, i hope your journey is rewarding and brings you lots of joy

feel free to ask anything else :)

Sorry, Sup Forumsrah. I just assumed you were a lady because only a bitch would get tattoos like that...

I dont give a fuck but spending a lot of time reading what 20th century academics had to say about the stuff the rurals believed in gives me enough confidence to call out wewuzwitches bullshit when I see it and claims of continuity in general where they dont exist. Just be humble enough to admit that you made up something new instead of lying to give your cobbled together spiritism more depht.

So basically you want to do the exact same religious people do but call it spiriruality because you dont like laws and consequences.
>all religions beliefe in a humanoid god
Its extremely arrogant to make such sweeping generalisations.

And that's not the way to convince her, you virgin.

She's not even fat wtf? Do you really think by insulting her, she magically will say "ohh this guy knows how to make a girl feel special! I'm going to show them my tits!"

I bet they're magnificent tits. But there's just one way to be sure...

Then leave, friend.

Goddammit, sea hag... Your opinion is useless... Unless you can persuade us otherwise... If not tits, sharpie=pooper

Thank you so much :)

represents tits. something you know nothing of

Can to please some one help 2 identify the Raptor in this pic please.

Did your grandma tattoo you or something?