Tfw drinking 75 beers a day

>tfw drinking 75 beers a day
anybody else managed to quit drinking?

No, but switched to vodka because the amount of beer I was drinking became ridiculous.

i quit drinking and started smoking weed

drank a bottle of vodka every day, 1g of weed is cheaper

I'm on day 17 of sobriety

That sounds like a good plan. I drink so much I haven't had a true natural sleep in seven years. Blackouts don't really do the job.

How's it going so far?

Probably haven't gone this long in about 8 years without a single beer or liquor drink. It's pretty gay honestly. I don't feel any better I just don't have hangovers. Not as bad on the weeknights as it is on weekends when I'm out obviously

Man that sucks. Do you think it'll get better in the long run? Weeks/months/years and such?


assuming you buy very cheap beer this is how much you are spending a month on beer

75x0,33 = 25l ... Kek

Hey bro, is alcoholism in your family? I'm irish based but don't like alcohol.

Weed on the other hand...

Why quit? If you can function then who cares? It's one of the few things worth a shit in this world.

No clue. I don't plan for it to stick honestly. After 30 days I'm going back on the sauce. Kinda just doing it to make sure I still can. Like I mentioned 8 years of pretty heavy drinking and I'm not even 30 yet

It's pretty bad for your health being the main reason I assume

I feel ya. As long as you're happy. You sound very similar to me. 27, been drinking daily for 7 years.

something doesn't feel right here.


eh. People just trade one addiction for another. It all evens out in the end.

Not far off/b/ro we sound quite similar I'm a couple years younger and obviously a degenerate who started a bit early

1-2 bottles of whiskey or vodka a day for 5 months straight. Got pancreatitis. Quit drinking because of the pain and shitting every 10 mins.

Give it a few years and you'll be homeless, jobless, and your family will hate you

Ha, I'm degenerate as well, just too lazy to get people to buy for me any earlier in life.

Been making and drinking "hembränt" (Swedish moonshine) for over 15 years.
See no reason to stay sober besides when I'm working. Just did a health check and I'm good so far.

Already rocking 2/3

I would disagree. People do often trade addictions, but some people get addicted to working out all the time or retarded health kicks as opposed to heroin or alcohol abuse. I wouldn't say those two side of the spectrum equal out. Like Yeah you still dump all your time into it but the guy running marathons is gonna live longer and get laid more than a base head

>75 beers a day
You must be so fucking fat and ugly...jesus

Ooh does anyone else get the shits a lot from alcoholism? I feel like I shit all the time when I drink for a week straight

its based on 16.99 per 30 pack at a rate of 2.5 cases a day for natural light

Any plans to change? I have a hard time getting laid without it. I just don't make the move when I know i should. Tried sober dating and hate it

Natty light is $11.99 by me. Not op but yeah.

Wouldn't that come out to something closer to 1291?

Actually yeah I want to stop. I was drinking a fifth a day and I've reached the point where my body does weird scary shit when I drink like I used to. Plus I started meditating and let go of some shit from my past and now there doesn't seem to be a reason to drink now. Also a healthier body would be nice. God knows I'm ugly enough, don't need to make it worse haha.

As for dating, I've always been just not that interested. I think I might be one of those people who just aren't social or sexual.

i know this meme, well played op.

i dont know i used a calculator

What kind of scary shit does your body do? Cause mine does some too and I wanna know if it's likely that long term heavy abuse just results in those things or if I'm fucked

Havent drank in years. I only burn herb

>I only burn herb
16 year old who has never seen weed in his life detected

Well besides the expected hangover lasting over 48 hours now, I have stabbing and aching pains in my kidneys, heart palpitations (sometimes for a minute, sometimes for several hours), shaking that never stops (which sucks really bad since I'm an animator for my profession), and a fair amount of psychological stresses and anxieties due to inducing blackouts instead of proper sleep for all that time.

>implying everyone uses the same terminology you do

Okay so the regular stuff then. Not too bad just annoying

Day 23 son! Liquor free and feeling good

you know you want it

>implying anyone that isn't trying to be cool in high school says burn herb

OP I started vaping instead

feels good, man

why act like an asshole to that guy?

Well since all these symptoms are getting worse really fast (inside the span of 4 months they've doubled) I think immediate action might be called for for me.

Maybe a 30 day hiatus will help. Idk I'll get back to you in 13 days haha

Who drinks 0,33l beer

That guy was an asshole himself. Nobody fucking talks like that. It's like something out of a 90s after school special

thought new year will be different. havent had a sober day. atleast weed makes me drink less becuz i just fall asleep. beer is my poison. 6-7L a day.


Ha you're probably right. Well good luck to you man, I hope you stay happy and healthy.

Same to you bro

>asshole for using a phrase you dont use

well slap my ass and call my Shirley partner you sure do got a queer definition of the word asshole

Was drinking 1 litre of vodka a day, wife gave me ultimatum, stop drinking and attend AA, or leave, , , was sober just over a year and realised all the arguments weren't my fault or drinks, , now ex-wife can Fuck off and I'm drinking again, not much, can enjoy it socially now

My symptoms have gotten worse too. Im age 31. Memory loss/blackouts more often, heart palpulations, and this weird thing where my feet stay freezing cold for the first 2-3 days after a binger. Anyone relate?

I've never met a soul in my entire life who says something like "I only burn herb" that wasn't a massive dickhead. Now this young gentleman may be the exception to that rule, but just based on my life experience so far and a 100% rate of predictive success based on statements of that nature.... survey says he's an asshole

see a doctor immediately

Probably gonna die of beties

I'm not an alcoholic but I have some difficulties controlling my drinking. I find marijuana greatly reduces my desire to drink.

Yeah, it's pretty standard on a liquid diet. The worst though is the day after I go a night without drinking. I will wake up like 3 hours early and just piss out my ass all day.


OP here i used to vape 75 beers a day but then i choose smoking 75 vapes a day as it is better for my beer and 75 and tfw tfw smoking vaping beering tfw i msokweoamdosamomda

Alcohol is fucking loaded with sugar, it sounds like you gave yourself adult-onset type 2. You need to cut out the drinking and see a doctor, today.


there was a thread like this but it said cigs instead of beers, fuck off.

Thank God it's not just me. Gonna assume I'm perfectly healthy and go back to safely overdrinking