What does this symbol mean

what does this symbol mean
I have searched hard I come to you now, after the last thread of this nature was answered

nobody knows?

No clue
Looks pretty

Killing self**

Bump for curiosity...
I'm sure I've seen it before

If you turn it upside down it looks like the view I had of your sister last night.

An old mid-evil theives symbol for an exchange. Two points meeting to exchange goods.

It isn't BTK?

Oh wait no...close though

looks like a crosshair for a videogame.

Maybe you can give us the context in which you encountered this. It will be easier to answer

graffiti has been done of it in my area

Is anyone to able for answer identify this Raptor

East end?
Also checked

Could be a personal sigil.


West and it was put over some of my art

Go ask >>/x/
I hope you get banned

It's from the movie "Kill List"

this is what I am starting to think but it seems too much like it should have already been done you know? like it's too basic to have been missed in history it must be something or have some wider meaning than just some wanker

close but no
also close but no, I'm not starting a spoopy thred and x is for fuckwits

sorry wrong reply number

Probably the tag of some group of 14 year olds that think they are tough shit.


this is now a dubs thread

>also answer OP if you know

Rolling in the deep


Re rolling
Now I know you be loving this shit right here.

Hey look son
It's significant

rollin rollin rollin rollin what

Coz if you don't care
Then we don't care

123 times 2 to the six

So x 6


Picnic table area

Wtf why does this look so familiar?

Looks like Hobo Hieroglyphics

Masonic symbol?

Haha masonic go back to x you lunatic