So Warren or Franken for president next? The GOP has made both famous through this whole fiasco

So Warren or Franken for president next? The GOP has made both famous through this whole fiasco.

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Neither fag, Trump will be President forvevr. 8 Years+++

love the penis shaped hairstyle

He wishes.

If that's the first thing that pops into your head you might be a homosexual.

Trump or Tulsi in 2020.
Ted Cruz or Tulsi in 2024.

Democrats do not want white leadership.

Some blacks do not. Some whites don't want blacks. Either way it's racism.

Cruz will win in 2024.

The crying rampaging liberals over the next 8 years will guarantee it

Trump might not make it to 2020 in office.

Trump's presidency has already proven to be an absolute disaster. The shittiest cabinet picks in history, a shitty supreme court pick, and a shit ton of illegal executive orders which are all now coming under fire and getting shot down.

Chuck Shumer is going to prevent him from picking a supreme court justice, since that pick technically belonged to the democrats because it should have happened under Obama. Shumer says he will stall any picks until the next democratic president is elected in 2020. There is no doubt that things will swing WAY DEMOCRAT after this total trainwreck of a presidency.

Chris Murphy is getting there eventually.

Supreme Court pick isn't that bad. Otherwise, yeah. It's bad

You really think Shumer can last that long. I'm a democrat but I'm almost positive the right will force the nomination through.

I see liblets are still completely out of touch. A Clinton lost to TRUMP. Fauxcahontas and diaper boy have no chance. Etch it in stone.

They can't. They will need democrat votes in order to do so.

Yeah. They will just change it to a majority vote. They think there will be another opening soon and want to pack right wing judges in. Trump only picked this one because his sister recommended him. The next will probably be more right wing and crazy

Warren? Franken? You are setting your sights to low
Johnson For President 2020

No. They'll just change it to be bare majority as was done for other positions.

>The next will probably be more right wing and crazy

And this one's not? He's as loony as they get. Read up on some of his past stances.

The nuclear option doesn't work on SCOTUS picks, only on other policy and cabinet picks. They would need to change the rules of the senate in order to make that happen.


You can just fuck right off with that one.

Why not. Does it really matter who loses? throw up big bird if you want.

>democrats don't want white leadership
I think you need to give Sup Forums a break, son

Symone Sanders is a dumb nigger, and she's hardly representative of the entire democratic party.

I'll anxiously await your next cherrypicked .jpg

LOL cry harder. "worst" = YOU dont agree with them. Except nobody cares who you want, thats why you lost. Trump has so far been the most effective president since Reagan, and all your lefty tears just embolden us. If the election were held today he'd win a shutout

Delusional Turnip supporters need to carefully watch their messiah. Does this man really seem like he has your best interests at heart? Forget about the left for a second and really just observe his behavior.

She's hardly a representative of black people. Bitch is crazy.

>most effective

meanwhile everything he has done is getting overturned in federal courts.

All the promises he's made are being torn apart by congress and federal judges. Explain to me again how he is effective.

>Trump has so far been the most effective president since Reagan

[Citation Needed]

>hardly representative of the entire democratic party
Democrats embrace the BLM movement.

Fucking This!

Keystone Pipeline - quashed
Muslim Ban - quashed
Repeal Obamacare - quashed
Build the wall - quashed
SCOTUS pick - quashed

Shall I go on?

don't forget the EPA deregulation that have already been struck down too.

Which they are going to do. Trump is asking them to change the rules and it only requires a majority to do so.

There are certainly many reasonable black people, but these days, I feel like they may be outnumbered by the crazy nogs who just wanna demonize whites and blame them for everything.

I dunno, maybe I'm wrong. I don't get out much.

fucking stupid republicans always changing the rules because without that they lose.

On cue

It's true that most liberals support the BLM movement, but that doesn't mean they're opposed to white leadership, dumbfuck.

you're being oversealous there user.

>Keystone Pipeline
has been turned over to the army
>Muslim Ban
>repeal aca
yea probably not gonna happen, lets all recall universal healthcare was a republican idea until the black guy wanted to do it
>build tha w'ah
it's not quashed, its just not getting done for free
>scotus pick
is fine and dandy? congress wont block him, i dunno why you think he's been denied already.

Obviously. That's how Sup Forums breeds. You have all these white people who don't get out much and don't actually interact with minorities.

>gay dude detectored

Al Franken. We can't take any chances with the next election, fuck wads.

>it's not quashed, its just not getting done for free
It is. Jerry Brown, and the SPLC both have filed federal lawsuits. It is on hold, and I doubt that building will resume.

I'd rather have Warren than Hillary

Hugh Mungus / Ken Bone 2020

Kamala Harris

yea i was kidd'n about the w'ah. Its a ridiculous and monstrous idea. like, everyone flipped when he signed the order and i was like, 'y'all know he can't just command construction start the next day, right? like sooo much planning and money management has to happen before anything starts.' i'll be shocked if it ever happens.

Yeah, but in their defense, this is absolutely the pervasive narrative: blacks are victims, whites are oppressors, and if you disagree then you're a racist and a bigot and #partoftheproblem

Hillary will never run again. She's finished.

I interact with a ton of black people

The vast majority of them don't give a single fuck about race relations, politics, white people etc. They just want to live their life. The biggest issue for most blacks is weed not because of the far reaching issues that weed being illegal causes the race, but because they personally like to smoke it and don't want to go to jail for their own enjoyment of something.

I interact with a lot of blacks too, and they all seem to have one thing in common. OUT NUMBER THE WHITES SO WE CAN TREAT THEM LIKE THEY TREATED US. WE RUN DIS WORL NOW!

i can get on board with this
>implying hillary wouldn't be her right-hand-man anyway.
>implying the typo isn't intentional

Hillary 2020!

God I fucking hope so.

She was the most unelectable candidate of all time. I'm convinced trump won solely because nobody wanted to vote for Hillary, and not because Donald was a good choice.

You're funny. Trump is next president bro.

What the fuck blacks are you interacting with in this fantasy land. I live in Atlanta which is majority black, and even they don't give a fuck about it. Do you by chance go to a liberal college of some sort?

I hope she never runs again. Hillary is poison.

pocahontas is enjoying her 15 mins

If the dems rig the next primary again so she gets the nomination they will lose again.

Dems will nominate Rahm Emmanuel in 2020, mark my words. He'll probably win too.

>You're funny. Trump is next president bro

This media/DNC drummed up big fat nothing?

Probably Kansas City ones. It's a bad culture. whites there aren't much better. It's all me me me my race, my people, me me me

I totally agree. People absolutely fucking hate her. It doesn't matter if they're wrong about her. The fact that she was despised should have been enough to pick a different candidate.

That's true but I doubt they learned their lesson. They would rather have an unelectable puppet than support a candidate that cares about the country.

I look forward to voting away Warren in our midterms. She is running for re-election in 2018. And she's struggling here. I hate her so much.

>He'll probably win too.
Wake Up, Wake Up, you're dreaming

Yeah, I voted for her to stop trumpo but i dont really like her either.

I liked Warrens background. I've also got no problem with a female president, I think Hill dawg was just a bad first choice

Incorrect. The one that Donald's sister recommended isn't the one that was nominated.

they're both cunts

But she's still a prominent bigoted member who isn't at all denounced for her racism.

Against Trump after 4 years of this shit show?

That's what republicans tell you lefties about guy's like Ted Nugent, or Limbaugh but instead of using your own logic you turn around and wrap up everyone as crazies too. Now you can enjoy the same treatment.

libs don't let facts get in the way of a good story

Putting an unlikable person at the top of the ticket always works well.

How did Obama put it
"Please proceed Dems."

Actually she recommended both. One due to personal experience and one based on reputation. I doubt he will listen to her twice. Not with Bannon in his ear

rham would be a shit show

Being that Trump is keeping up with his promises and most idiots dislike him for no real reasons. I can see Trump 2020 happening, and possibly 2024 another republican similar to him winning.

Thanks idiot lefties, great job becoming the 2.0 version of the democratic party and still claim you are for liberalism.

this guy sounds like a cunt
let me vote for someone because they have a vagina
not because they're necessarily any good

I think it depends on the class. Generally speaking, mid to upperclass, educated blacks are absolutely obsessed with socio-political matters, and they tend to be hyperfocused on racial issues.

Jesus, I hope they do nominate him. He might be even less electable than Hillary.

Not compared to Trump

elect a fish for a tasty dish

he's an ass who presides over the highest murder rate in the US

Keystone was approved construction will begin in next few weeks.

The Travel ban will be upheld if the supreme court hears it.

they haven't even started going at Obamacare yet

When did the wall get quashed????

The dems set the rules for the next scotus. It will be a filibuster proof vote because of the way the dems wrote new rules before the election. They were SOOOO sure they would win control of everything . Republicans control both houses

Shall I go ON??

you idiot all they need is 51 votes to get that pick into office - there are 51 Republicans in the Senate plus a few Dem Senators in Republican states
One way or the other he'll get on the court
do your homework

When did I saw I voted for her because she was a woman.

I simply said I have no problem with a female president, what I was referring to was the way so many far lefts would call out people not voting for Hills on the premise of sexism, when in reality she was just a shit nominee for the DNC

He also ran the PR machine that brought Obama into the Oval Office.

And yet he's still more competent and qualified.

I'm confused... Who won the elections????

Compared to Trump a colony of pubic lice would have been a better choice

Not true
all they need is 51 votes - Harry Reid assured that.

>implying incompetent assholes don't win elections.
News for you: most presidents have been incompetent assholes.

Not for supreme court

Interacting and dealing with them is completely different.

>fake news

Try harder.

Pipeline - easement approved to build it under that river
Travel Pause - will be approved
Repeal Obamacare - already done
Build the Wall - construction already started
SCOTUS pick - will be approved soon
Shall I go on ?

Biden / Harris 2020

Case in point, Trump