Sup Sup Forums I don't know where else to post this so here goes yesterday i pulled off an all nighter for college and...

Sup Sup Forums I don't know where else to post this so here goes yesterday i pulled off an all nighter for college and downed 3 cups of extra strength black coffee. After a while of doing school work I started feeling strange. Then it hit me! this feeling was exactly the same as when i was smoking meth back in the day, I was smoking just about everyday for 3 years straight. Anyways Ive been sober from meth for over a year now, but just yesterday I got that tweaked out feeling from meth by drinking coffee. I still havent slept for about 24 hrs even the come down feels the same. Can anyone explain this? Has anybody else have this happen to them? Some help would be appreciated.

I hate meth. Heroin was muh shit.

Yeah bro I got a biological explanation too bump for time

It will pass

I know it just feels weird you know? i don't know why coffeee did this to me

My professional analysis, OP is a faggot.
> Check em

I'd like to hear the explanation if you don't mind

Methamphetamine, like ecstasy (MD-methamphetamine), releases serotonin in high amounts
When u build a tolerance u stop producing as much serotonin and a decent amount gets you less "high" with the same physical properties

Caffeine has the same physical affect as methamphetamine without the huge serotonin release

Doing a lil meth with a tolerance feels a lot like doing a lot of coffee with no tolerance

Cuz neither is really gonna release much serotonin

It's called a flashback.

For example if I take 100mg MDMA I feel like I drank hella coffee because it's not enough to roll but it's more than enough to keep me from fucking sleeping for a day and a half with my heart in my fucking throat

I used to smoke meth on the weekends in my late teens and early 20s. I am 34 now but I sure did enjoy it. I was growing shrooms at the time to pay for school and meth heads would show up without money wanting boomers. So I always had a fat rock but avoided doing it too often because of the whole ruining your life thing.

A decade later and I still look back fondly on those times. I remember one time I was at a party many miles from home and this hot little blonde 17 year old was looking for some drugs.

MFW I was like 'hey I got a fat rock at home if you drive me there and fuck me'

What a fantastic drug. Thing I miss the most was getting a light bulb ready to smoke out of. And the sex it got me.

Oddly, I have never drank coffee OP so I can't comment.


OP here
It's fuckin weird even my libido went up like when I was tweaking i had to start jacking off and get a booty call

Yeah a meth flashback off coffee. Totally

If ur gonna talk like u kno about drugs, kno about drugs

Have you popped addrall before OP? That is the closest I have gotten to the meth rush.

Last time I popped some 40mgXR and I jerked off 7 times that night.

actually yes. I thought someone had slipped me some meth once, I even went and bought a piss test. I was really fucking freaked out. Turns out it was the coffee I had ( they had changed the number of shots that went into it or something ) ... so I got like 4 shots vs 2.

I have like 5years sober, it was really weird and deeply unsettling.

That was like 2 years ago, hasn't happened since.

Somedays I miss it. My tweaking days were fun getting into all kinds of wierd situations and meeting some trippy as people. Not to mention the sex was great.


Naw unfortunately no bro. I knew a bunch a kids in school who did, but I was to busy hitting the pipe

Same here. Just was trying to think and I believe my last hit was at age 21. Just realized I had more important shit to do. Never got hooked or anything, so for me it was nothing but fun.

>stay up all night partying
>can drink alcohol like water
>fuck all night
>people willing to do whatever you say if you got it
>lose weight
> honestly I liked the ritual of smoking even the taste

I would never touch it again cuz I could see myself liking it even more now that I am older.

Anyone with some good meth stories to share?

>last hit at 21
>rest of the greentext
Fuck are you me?

>3 years of daily meth smoking
>3 years

I work in a dental office, I hope you enjoy the thousands of dollars of dentistry you're going to pay / have paid to fix your fucked up mouth.

Surprisingly my teeth arent that bad theyre not the best, but no where near what you see on those ads. I always kept drinking water constantly and tried hard as possible not to grind my teet.

ha ha I have never met anyone else who speak positively of meth so we must be long lost brothers.

Other than the little 17year old hottie I dropped a couple loads in that night and got a ride home from I also fucked my girlfriend at the times older sister.

I will never forget the look on her face when she was like 'you smoke crank' and I am all 'sometimes...'. She says she is without pipe

>Lets got to my place and grab a lightbulb and some salt
> sucked my dick the second I finished prepping the bulb
> hadn't even smoked yet

Well Jesus christ dude stay away from Starbucks otherwise you are bound to rape someone

Tweakers get teeth like that cuz they smoke and don't brush their teeth
>if u hygiene u can highgene

Me and my buddy once picked up a 16 year old runaway homeless chick got her drunk and tweaked out and gangbanged her. Granted we were only a year older

But it's better to just bomb the drug you're tryna do, doesn't leave holes in ur nose doesn't fuck ur veins up doesn't fuck ur teeth up doesn't harm asshole

Only tea for me from now on

No, you're both completely wrong. The compounds in the smoke dissolve your enamel. It has absolutely nothing to do with hygiene. Go to a dentist, have an exam and some xrays taken.

they get teeth like that from excessive meth smoking
-fucks your gums
-fucks your salivary glands
then your teeth go bye bye
kinda like smoking too many cigs
but way way worse

Konky says.. "Lay off that Meth"

Nice I was around 19 when I was always keeping a fat rock at home (the peak of my shroom growing op) so I was way into the 16-20 year old tweakers. Usually they are just starting out so they haven't ruined their lives and body yet.

Another reason I quit at 21 is I noticed all my buddies getting hooked and looking like shit. They started shooting the shit and thankfully I am super scared of needles.

Oddly I think coke is super lame. Have maybe done it a dozen times and every time I was like 'fuck I wish this was meth'.

>absolutely nothing to do with hygiene
I agree with you up till here. Of course meth fucks your teeth and mouth, but to say hygiene isn't also a culprit is a bit far user.

Mountain Dew cost me about 30K in dental work in my 20s. Stay away from that shit, and just smoke meth once a month or never if an adult.

>thinks coke was lame
Shit u really are me
Hotrailing was always fun too

same here to dude ive seen a lot of people go downhill on that shit im glad i quit before it started fucking up my life completely. oddly enough I found alcohol harder to quit than meth

Fair point, user. However, if you're stupid enough to be smoking meth in the first place, you clearly aren't practicing good oral hygiene.

Do not underestimate the destructive power of meth smoke. If you ever worked in a dental office in the right demographic, you would be completely blown away at what that shit alone will do to your mouth.

Not sure what hotrailing is.

For me drugs follow this rating scale

weed> meth > shrooms > acid >>>>> coke>>>> heroin

I have never done H so that is probably why I rate it low. Always seemed TOO 'druggy'.

Now that I am old I only really smoke weed and maybe trip shrooms once a year.

Honestly some of the funnest times of my life were just sitting around smoking bulbs and joints with my buds until the sun came up. Of course I have lost touch with all of my tweaker friends.

I was never a big drinker except the couple years around my 21st. For me it was cigs. I started smoking at like 13 and quit at 27. That was fucking tough.

So happy I avoid all that shit now. If I can get hooked I just don't do it.

Are shrooms worth it? Will it enlighten me?

I'll agree on that one. I smoked cigs and drank soda. Grew up poor too which didn't help because we never went to the dentist. The first fucking thing I did when I finally started making good money was get all my teeth fixed. I even spent the extra for the good crowns so they don't look fake and cheap.

Best money I ever spent.

You mean growing them or just eating some?

Hotrailing is when you cut up a line of meth, super heat the pipe and snort through the pipe and blow out a cloud of smoke.

As for me it would be'
Meth> exstacy> Weed> Acid

eat, I'm looking for something new to try out, and read that shrooms can give psychedelic and enlightening trips which sounds like something I would enjoy

OP post a photo of your teeth.

also fuck meth so hillbilly shit, amp paste ftw.

Also, you got that feeling due to both being stimulants. You are just able to say it feels the same as meth because you experienced it before, but for people that have not its just a caffeine rush

Damn dude you are more advanced than I was. Honestly not only was I afraid of needles, I never like to snort things because my buddy got way into coke and his right nostril was like 3x the size of the left!!

Never tried ecstasy except one time and I think it was bunk. Sould also add adderrall to my drug list. Really like those pills for recreation or when the girlfriend wants me to fuck her until she cries.

Oh yeah for sure dude eating mushrooms is a rite of passage for every person. Won't say it will enlighten you, but if you and a close buddy split a 1/4 and smoke some weed you will be sore from laughing.

>amp paste
What is that?

Idk about hillbilly meth, but all i got was high grade shit from either the cartels or HA

never done meth but had a coke problem in my high school days, the other week i drank a few cups of coffee while writing an essay and going to work and it was the spitting image of kind of the transition between the coke high and comedown. definitely not as enjoyable as it used to be

IS there any good way to get your hands on the stuff? I dont really have drug-using friends, can you get it on Craigslist?

not proud of it dude at my worst i was smoking a gram everyday or every other day. I still managed to hold down a job and take some college classes though after a while your body just learns to function normally on meth.

I really fucked up and almost went to hospital was when i was at a party and i took 1 1/2 pills of exstacy, did a line of coke, downed a few beers, took a couple shots, and took a few puffs of the meth pipe. I was really fucking retarded back then

You overstimulated your adrenal glands, The caffeine caused a massive release of adrenaline which happens with meth as well. If you were to have a caffeine overdose (maybe you did, I don't know what you felt) you would start to get tired and weak as your adrenal glands stop outputting adrenaline and your bloodflow becomes strained, effectively a crash. If you were to consistently do this you'd have adrenal fatigue where you can't focus or stay awake no matter how much coffee you have because your adrenal glands are literally empty, unable to poduce enough to meet the demand of your body. This feels like dying, I heavily suggest you don't do that, it also makes your motor function sluggish and likley will have stress with it enough to flood your brain with cortisol, killing off your neural connections and ruining your short term memory (took a year for me to recover from 1 semester of almost constant all-nighters with caffeine)

I wouldn't go online for shrooms. Here in New Mexico they are easy to find, but the best way is through friends.

Or you can order a kit of spores online and grow them yourself. That is what I did in my late teens up in Minnesota. It is really fun and low chance of getting caught (no smell and no really crazy stuff you have to buy).

Wow user glad you wised up. I used to stick my dick in any slut and drink and drive so blacked out I didn't remember getting to the bar much less leaving.

I actually still do that last one but not every weekend.