Sup Forums Hunger Games simulator thread

Sup Forums Hunger Games simulator thread

First 24 tributes with a name and image are in.

>no dupes
>filenames don't count as names

Other urls found in this thread:



Axl Ro




Prof. Zoom




Cheesy puss

FBI Agent



White Len

You're going down this time, Len!

Harley Quinn


dr frank of the filth

Dr Nemesis

George Harrison


Keyboard Operator


Chris Savino

The Senate

Dragan Savić

Walter White

Alright now, tributes are in. Are we ready to go? Check over this.

Nada Bujas


Looks nice.

we ready bois


Let's get started.

George Harrison takes first blood.
Heatbutting goes completely wrong for 3 people.

I see no errors.

Only jesus have mercy even in this dire situation

Day 1

Dr. Nemesis suddenly turns on Jet, along with a few other tributes.
Stealth? No? Well, that works too.
Costanza eats all of Len's cake.

Lol, only one to actually murder somebody is Mr Peace, George Harrison


Christ houston
Already 4 kills
Calm the fuck down

Dam, Houston killed Dallas.

I came to this thread and saw there's no Fuhrer. how ist this even allowed?!
there always must be unser Lord Adolf in HG threads
fuck you untermensch

Night 1

Nothing special here, just a bunch of peace. Calm before the storm I'd say.

Go fuhrer yourself

Good Guy George

Day 2

Still nothing, just people doing shit together or running away.
Except Len though. Good job, even if they aren't dead, it's still something.

Houston is acting dum

Wow, i actually have a fingerbox with a picture of dr frank on the sides, this is such a coincidence

Night 2, skipping cannons this time since there weren't any.

We're finally getting somewhere.
A 1v1 duel with someone accidentally getting caught amongst the action.
Crossing bridges is hard.

Day 3

A fight suddenly stops for a short break.
Jet got heartbroken over getting kicked out of a party, so Savino gives him a simple method of coping.
I seriously hope you guys keep doing this. Really, only one can win.

If Dr Nemesis's nemesis is gravity, what is the Dr Nemesis's nemesis's nemesis?

good job jet

rip jet

I just realized both tributes in District 2 got killed off on the same event.

Jet trained Chris Savino a night before, how could he


Night 3

Houston tries stealth, and it doesn't work out.
Keyboard Operator is a damn savage.

"The New Ruler"

I knew the FBI was tied to nazis, now my wife has to accept the truth

Should have gone on loud fagget

Day 4

Um, great thinking there.
Keep it up, Keyboard Warrior.

Join the voice channel


My only tribute got fairly far at least.

Night 4

Nothing here I guess.

Feast time

Kaz, you are a goddamn pedo.
While all that happened, Zoom was just there.

All of a sudden, we have a winner.
Place bets I guess.

>Keyboard Warrior
>Chris Savino
>Prof. Zoom

Lies! That's not canon

Kazugeta got this

Zoom must have vomited the food after that event.

Keyboard Warriors seems to be the right bet

Lane is a guy with a lot of lucky

At least I root for CPNJ

Day 5

Well, this was so sudden.
Keyboard Warrior is still my hero for being a total savage and removing pedos. Even if he got too overboard this time.
Houston was right, CPNJ is a total failure.