Hey Sup Forums...

Hey Sup Forums. I remember a while back reading about how other Presidents have done far "worse" things than Trump's executive order on banning Muslims. Does anyone know anything about this?

Other urls found in this thread:


japanese internment camps
trail of tears
CIA cocaine stuff
all of those were way worse than what trump did because trump got BTFO in like 5 minutes

meaning of BTFO for a newbie?

What CIA cocaine stuff? During the 80's or something? I remember reading about the bombings issued by a president in the first 6 months i believe.


Pretty sure Blown the Fuck Out. Only one that would make sense.

Any one here please can try identify for this raptor?



I see where you're coming from, but I'm mainly focusing on race/religion from the past 100 years.

>I don't recall.
>I don't recall.
>I don't recall.
>I don't recall.

ok so internment camps and desert storm/the global war on terror. we pretty much fucked up the middle east which is why we're even in this situation now

Well Truman took office in April 1945 and dropped 2 atomic bombs in August of that year...

>I might have alzheimers, but at least I don't have alzheimers


85% of muslims live in countries that aren't.



unsure if /s

oh for fucks sake dude google this shit

>"I have no recollection of that whatsoever!"

Fixed it for you.


lol yes it is a muslim ban.

Lincoln suspending habeas corpus.

william henry harrison died a month into his presidency. he couldnt be bothered to stick it out for our country.

Read this.

Not sure what you even mean by "worse" things. Trumps executive order is a totally logical, rational approach to the situation and is in absolutely no way bad.

I don't get liberals, progressive, socialists, and communists like you. I'm sure you're pro LGBTlmnoq but you also do use reason to understand that Islam as both a religion and theocracy is against what you believe and yet you still support their intention to take over every country on the planet.

Please do some research and recognize Islam is a religion, political and legal system. Therefore, it violates the protections offered to religions in this country. Religions, churches, ministers, priests, etc are not allowed to enter into politics or sermonize on politics without jeopardizing the status of the church.

So why do you want Islam here? Do you want to see gays thrown off buildings? Seems like you must.

Obama's 'Fast and Furious' scheme sold illegal guns to Mexican criminals which nlead to some of them being used to kill US Border Patrol agents as well as Mexican police and citizens.

You are terrible at making assumption user. I'm a Muslim who approves of the ban. I just have a lot of people who keep asking me about it, and when I say I support it, people just look at me like I'm not even Muslim. I put quotations on "worse" because that's what people believe it is even though it is entirely logical. The country I'm from is having the same issue, but instead of religion, it's a group of people from a neighboring country. I tried doing research about it but eventually, lead up to nothing. I am not an LGBTQ (or whatever the fuck) supporter. Nice try, though. You were close, sort of (not even).

Since issuing the clarifications regarding Green Cards, Trumps 'ban' wouldn't be a total ban either. So it's still essentially the same only slightly broader than Obama's

[ C I T A T I O N N E E D E D ]

naw not mad, just trying to clarify this shit happened under their lord and savior osama.

WHY would you believe any of this leftist media garbage? of course they're going to make osama look good.

Give me a valid source then.

bfy [dot] tw/9yse
If thats too complex there's wikipedia and/or judicialwatch

naw, like I said. 85% of muslims live in countries that aren't on the list, if this was a muslim ban then ALL countries consisting of muslim populations would be barred from entering.

GTFO you commie pos.

Kek, this nigga doesn't realize this is an undisputed fact.

Donald Trump did not ban Muslims. Read the actual Executive Order.


sure kid

Commie garbage propaganda not fit for a dumpster fire. Also, everyone knows YouTube videos have a higher accuracy rate than text.


paused = ban no matter how you try to dance around it.

Yeah, Japanese internment camps spring to mind immediately, but it has less to do with someone else doing worse things and how many dumb things he's done in a short time. Between his mighty pen and his retarded (almost literally) cabinet, your country is doomed. Enjoy your privatized education featuring creationism, a secretary of state who's been fighting with an ice cream company for 4 years and a ceo of a facist news outlet as your chief strategist. Not to mention the thin skinned man child who's picking fights with other countries on twitter and facebook.

you also realize that Carter banned Iran immigration as well right? Again, other presidents have temporarily suspended immigration from countries before. GET OVER IT.

>Implying banning muslims is a bad thing

Context is key. Don't try to sweep that under the rug, too.

>not understanding the concept of learning from history
>thinking two wrongs make a right
>blindly enabling a man who is hated by the majority of the country and the world right now
>thinking he will last more than a year before the Rep establishment gets tired of him and impeaches him for his continual conflict of interest

banning people in the past for actual reasons is different from a carte blanc refusal of entry for the arbitrary reason of "security" and so you can "figure out what the hell is going on" lol. the fact that anyone defends Trump will have you written off as possible mentally retarded by future historians. The era of darkness for the western world.

Wow, you know what user, I had yet to realize that this is exactly what is going on.

Fuck. This is America's (genuine) "Great Darkness".

i'm glad you finally came around. it really is (genuine)

And by way of it saving countless American, Russian, and Japanese lives. Maybe read about the firebombing that would have continued otherwise...etc etc..

>Enjoy your privatized education

because government-run anything is clearly better than privately run

> a secretary of state who's been fighting with an ice cream company for 4 years

That's the Press Secretary, not the Secretary of State. Do at least know what you are talking about before commenting.

Though, I wasn't intentionally using the parenthesis meme, I genuinely mean that this isn't just another meme.

This is, real.

Hell, even if they somehow learned about creationism, it can't be much worse than how schools are already doing. Spending $15,000/student/year to get kids who graduate not knowing how to read or write.

Sorry, your government structure is too awful for me to commit to memory. Doesn't really matter, arguing semantics. All of his appointments have been laughable. The Supreme Court appointment is the only guy qualified and he's still a bad choice. And yes, government run education will always be better than privatized. There are already stats on there being absolutely no benefit from private schools

Any one here please can try identify for this raptor?

Pull your head out of your ass

nothing personnel

Elaine Chao is bad? John Kelly?

Supporting Trump has nothing to do with the persons understanding of history. Two people can read the same text and extract different ideas.

For people ranting on tolerance, liberals are truly the least tolerant.

If only the people who say this could see the irony.

>CIA cocaine stuff
you mean Iran-Contra
When Reagan using tax resources to fund drug cartels in Nicaragua to get guns to an embargoed Iran to fight *AGAINST Muslim moderates in Iran. Pretty fucked up. However, it was a scandal to an otherwise even-keeled administration.
Trump on the other hand has about a dozen jaw-dropping affronts to decency totally transparent for the world to see. I estimate for every transparent horrible act,there are 3 WORSE acts done in secret. The scandals are yet to come and it will take generations to repair what this man is doing.

Lol chao was guilty in the past of conspiracy to violate election funding. Seems like a great choice.

>Doesn't really matter, arguing semantics
You mean facts. Look up the word semantics in dictionary.

>government run education will always be better than privatized. There are already stats on there being absolutely no benefit from private schools
ORLY? Would love to see those stats. So many people wasting their money on private schools when they could be sending their kids to public schools, especially in the inner cities.

comic gold

So proven ACTIVE terrorist cells and established safe havens for these wretched vile from these 7 countries isn't an actual reason? I'm all for letting the REAL refugees in, but I want extreme vetting.. Like if you don't have some sort of organized self history either provided by the country, or another verifiable source to prove who you are then naw you got to go.

ALSO, what would happen if I immigrate to one of these countries illegally? More than likely I'd be killed on the spot. Look at Mexico's illegal immigration laws (up to 2 years in prison?). AND MEXICO ENFORCES THEIR LAWS.

I don't understand what is so wrong with this. We are accepting wayyy to many foreigners in general for our society and economy to suck in and assimilate. We need to slow down for a while, allow the system to catch up and grow, and then re-open.

The fact that anyone support the "oh just let them in. we don't need to know who you are or who you're affiliated with WHEN you're coming from a PROVEN terroristic active war torn state, they're all innocent" thinking will have you written off as a definitely brainwashed sheep by future historians.

The era of light is shining on the West now., we have 7 more years to go and correct this mess.

First of all, Obama never banned. He may have called for extra screening or temporarily paused, but there was no firm block from any countries. Secondly, they were made with current urgent relevant evidence straight from an attack, and was lifted after the immediate threat was nullified. Third, it was based on the country itself and a specific visa, not those of a faith.

Lastly, and in conclusion, the events are in very few ways similar and none of those ways are significant. Trump laid down a big ol ban on countries specifically stating it was to prevent muslims from entering the country. You'll also note the countries he had business dealings with weren't on the list, and that there was no relevant urgent evidence supporting his decision.

Okay, you caught my attention. Citation is required though

Must have been so bad that the Senate bipartisan lay voted 93-6 to confirm her.

It's now that I realize, regarding the whole generational nonsense getting slung back and forth...

That this, is the most unfortunate "Fuck You" a boomer could ever do to any generation after them. I feel so woeful, I have so much pity and sympathy for the people who's lives he is about to ruin, through and through. May some God above have mercy on their souls.

Hillary wanted to bomb 2 out of the 7 nations that Trump placed a travel ban on. Apparently liberals think bombing muslims is fine but banning them from coming to the US is terrible.

You do know that the Russians were going to invade them for us, right? Japan has pretty much always been scared of Russia, never mind one that literally pushed back the entirety of the German eastern front. All we really needed to do would be sit around so they had nowhere to run and they would have surrendered anyways.

any of Obama's foreign and domestic policies that have to do with immigration. More immigrants have been deported under his administration than the last 4 presidents combined.


Yeah with less numbers than Obama because he'll target the right people to keep the fuck out of the country.

Lefties are so fucking stupid that I HAD to vote for a republican this election. I HAD TO. I can't believe how retarded my generation is.

Operation fast and Furious (in spanish) es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escándalos_de_ventas_de_armas_en_Estados_Unidos_a_cárteles_mexicanos

You better believe it, you're part of that generation. Keep in mind, that this means you might be parts retarded without knowing.

Because any sensible person from any generation, granted their coming of age, would know that everyone has stupid people, and no one group is a monolithic entity.

Sorry. Historians have shown that Russia had no amphibious invasion game. They weren't a threat, and them even trying would have been suicide. Anything less than this would have taken years to prepare.

In any case, still would have resulted in more casualties than the atomic bombs caused.


This was like radio morning level news. Social context required, but two kids in the same socio-economic situation will perform equally regardless of private or public education.

You have rigor around who gets in and who doesn't, retard. The people you admit are fleeing the terrorists you're afraid of. You're the richest country in the world so I think you could spend less money on your military and more on education and science and aid. If you want to illegally move to a third world country to make a point, do the world a favour.

First. Paused = ban no matter how you want to dress it up. Pretty sure Iraq is a country.

Secondly. These countries are PROVEN and CURRENT safe havens for terroristic activity and war torn zones. Enough evidence for me. This is a temporary matter, once a valid system is put into place to vet these individuals, then the ban will be lifted.

Third. This is again based on countries with records of active terroristic safe havens, it just so happens that these people are the extreme version of their faith. Doesn't mean you completely ignore that fact you blind fuck.

Lastly and in conclusion, 85% of muslims live outside of these 7 countries. IF this was a blatant muslim ban, then EVERYONE would be barred. NOT JUST 7 COUNTRIES.

I'm all for putting Qatar and Saudi Arabia on that list. Saudis still pull strings because they are in deep oil wise with the US regardless of the president. Even Obama did nothing to offend Saudi Arabia either.

Do casualties matter if their Russian?

stop posting and lurk more

Input valid source

While true that Islam as a theocracy and legal system using Sharia law, is against the fundamentals of our country the religion itself is not. Catholics rule Vatican City, even holding sovereignty over the state itself, but we're fine with them entering our borders, always have been. It IS possible to separate the religion and it's practice from our legal system. And even if you argue it's not, then by that notion we legally could not have many conservative 'christian' republicans in the country as they often cite the bible as their source of standing, let alone as leading our nation.

What I'm seeing here is you're so accustomed to the use of Christianity in our political system you can't see it as a religion but as just the conservative party, but it's based in God just as much as Sharia law is Allah.

Mmmm no I'm pretty sure you can't get into the country regardless if your religion if you live in one of the blackout countries.

So no, its not a muslim ban.

yeah I know, like saudi arabia when there are countless terrorist cells, Muslim extremist, under sharia law, funded the terrorist cell that caused 9/11, and currently committing genocide in Yemen
its on the list right? it has to be, right?

Typical.. Another that has no valid argument what so ever, just whining and thinking they know what's good for a country they probably don't even live in.


dirty sand niggers are worse than black ones

I'm all for putting them on the list. You're right, 14 or 15 of 17 of them I think were Saudi. I'm not denying any of that.

NO president will cross Saudi's though. Obama did nothing against them either. They still just have too much pull with the oil trade.

Trying to compare Catholic laws to Muslim laws... Gtfo. And Muslims were never banned. Travel was banned from seven Muslim countries, but they could enter the US from literally any other country. And it was only for three months while we improve our vetting system to match the evolving threat we've seen from those countries (and many more).

And again, stop comparing Sharia Law to anything that exists today. There is absolutely nothing like it. Stop.

Lol, great counter point. Enjoy your xenophobic, bible thumping, gun toting, eagle loving backwoods trailer. I'm glad to say I don't live in your shit hole of a country

Look, I'm all for libertarian-ism, but with education? It's not plausible. If you privatize education all you'll get is a bunch of kids taught radically different things, leading to a lack of communication and therefore less improvement overall. If one school decides to teach it's student American Imperial and the other Standardized Metric it's going to take ages longer for anything to get done. Education should be done on the federal level to ensure simple communication between countrymen, regardless if your ideals are different.

HAHAHA my country is the richest on Earth remember? If anything I won't be in a backwoods trailer. Still, that's better than the 3rd world mud hut you call home.

When did Trump ban Muslims? Did I miss something?

>Liberals disagree with Drumpf
>They must agree with everything Hillary wanted to do

Fuckin kek, I'd be here pissing on either of them for that shit, I just think one is less of a stupid danger to us than the other.

Yeah, your government that squanders it on drones LMAO. I'll enjoy my life in Canada. Health care, great education, actual culture, open minded policies and people. Try not to get shot carrying out your day to day life tomorrow.

Not including the worlds shittiest country; the one responsible for the majority of extremist terrorism makes the ban hypocritical baseless fear mongering.

In all seriousness though. You should make like a tree, and leaf.

Depends. Where I'm from, we hate those that represent a bad image and those who are just poor and dirty.

Trump didn't ban Muslims, you fucking idiot.
He banned entry from countries that have a high terrorist presence. Obama did the SAME THING when he got elected.
Are liberals really this stupid?

Ok I'm done fucking with trumpy people. Trolling you guys is ezpz

There was no actual argument in this post.


What's wrong with banning muslims?

You're right, there was no argument. They're retarded for thinking as they do, and hopefully they'll be less retarded in the future.

I wouldn't say trump is the worst thing this country has ever propped up. I fucking dislike it when they compare him to Hitler, as if they were even in the same league.