If you live in any part of the U.S, Donald Trump is your president

If you live in any part of the U.S, Donald Trump is your president.

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Not my president


Until July 22 at 12:29 AM EST.


And the swamp is being drained. Just today, Trump worked on draining the marketplace of chain stores that don't think they'll make money selling Trump branded gear.

And if you live in any part of the world, Donald Trump is a dangerous idiot with access to nukes.

If Trump thinks the boycott will ever end, he's wrong.

user, fucking KYS to li/b/tard

I know,I voted for him

lol no Steve Bannondorf is.

Seattle, WA reporting. Donald Trump is not my president.

Not in Baja California.


Yes he is retard




Doesn't mean he has to stay that way.

Kind of truth


lol do you even know what a sovereign citizen is





trump is a president. trump is that president. trump may be your president. But no way in hell will trump ever be my president. #NotMyPresident




>mfw liberals spend 8 years complaining about conservatives being sore losers and then start doing the same

So many trash people in this country.

Yes he is retard.

Not my president. Clearly not legitimate.

Sure, just like W was our president. How'd that work out for your daddy's pension, you underage, bait-posting toadie?


yeah because fighting against a dictator makes us "sore losers"

Ivanka Trump's shoes are made in China



Hopefully this will be literally true before too long. I'm sick of the neanderthals in the southeast holding us back. West coast secession when?


Any one please? Can try to identify this Raptor?

Wow racist white low intelligence males populate a majority of the united states

who knew right? Hey white people, how about you stop ruining america and start moving forwards instead of always wanting to go backwards?

-Signed black people


Are liberals even capable of not being divas?

Don't worry, you'll still get to enjoy how great he's making America.

LOL....who gives a fucking other than desperate Trump haters?


>Elected president of a republic
>People still think he's a dictator

If he says things I don't like he's a dictator fascist racist microagressions reeeeeeeeeeeeee

how about you get jobs, never seen a black guy get shot in a library yet

He's going to get impeached, he's too impulsive and literally insane. He can't carry a conversation without mentioning himself. He will go off the rails soon when he starts coming face to face with people that legit hate him for his rubber-stamp bullshit that is hurting people.

people are idiots, mostly on the left

They have the attitudes of middle school girls, they are more melodramatic than any sub-culture in history.


>people are idiots, mostly on the left
said by a conservatard
>people are idiots, mostly on the right
said by a libtard
>generally most people are idiots
reality speaks

He is my President, doesn't mean I agree with his decisions or approach as president.

no hes not pussy. Hillaty clinton will always be my peresident

White and male here. I love plenty of black of people and did not vote for trump, you're being racist.

-Signed with my white, humble, 6inch dick.

Any one please? Can try to identify this Raptor?

Welcome to the United States

This is reasonable.

Oh wow congrats on being a reasonable person dude, a rarity in modern society.

>lies constantly - complete disconnect from reality
>attempts to discredit media
>attempts to discredit judicial branch
>attempts to undermine faith in voting
>praises Putin and other dictators

it isn't that he said "one thing I don't like" fag.

No. Mostly on the left.

>he's a reasonable person based on one comment
thats unreasonable, dude.

But, you elected him, right ?

most people are snowflake cucks or mansplaining bigots

I'm excited for the fourth turning it's really happening and we are the heroes!!

>does things that every single president has done for the past 75 years
>it's suddenly a problem because CNN tells you it is

You people are human cattle.

Seattle, WA reporting, my city is indeed full of faggots

not personally.

So if I were to be deployed OCONUS hes not gonna be my president there? Senpai plz


I support The Don from New Zealand.

He made a reasonable comment, I didn't comment on his everyday personal character. Nice try though I guess.

I didn't vote for Trump, but as an American citizen he is my president.

Thats like going to work and saying "He's not MY boss".

Any one please? Can try to identify this Raptor?

>more melodramatic than any sub-culture
More melodramatic than the 'gubbmints is gunna come for muh guns and bibble' crowd?
More melodramatic than the 'gubbmints is putting fluoride in the water to read muh brain thoughts' crowd?
More melodramatic than the 'annuneki reptoid nephilim demons is trickin' NASA into saying the earth is round so the anticrist can steal muh soul and use it to power allah's gundam' crowd?

I think not. They're bad, but not THAT bad.

I used to feel this way, but when he went after that judge recently, calling him a "so called judge".. well. I can do the same.. he's a "so called President".

Idgaf - hes not my president. I don't think he was legally elected. The vote was heavily influenced by manipulation via big dad, and outside influence from Russia.

So fuck him. fuck everyone who voted for him.

>does things that every single president has done for the past 75 years

No, sorry. And I literally haven't watched CNN since the gulf war. We've never had a president praise dictators. He lies the way drug addicts lie. Or some psycho freshman twat. Just making shit up, and then believing it.

but whatever. If you think his shit is normal I can't help you.

Get out, then. I came here from the southeast because I wanted to live someplace more progressive. Does that trigger you?

yea he got rid of john key for us.
now the fucking bounga cunts will need someone else to blame for their ineptitude

I am so disapoint in U.S. politics. This country is driven by drama and it is because of that that we're the laughingstock of the world. Im ashamed to be american in this day and age. Bill Clinton getting bjs, Bush Jr invading under false intel, Obama neglecting veterans, and now Trump running us into the abbys.

Now that he is not the underdog anymore are we still supporting him?

Not a single argument made in your entire post. Thanks for proving to us all how autistic you are. You blew your big chance

If Trump starts a dumb war for dumb reasons because he's dumb you should desert.

lol wow dude you are a massive fucking faggot.

>We've never had a president praise dictators

I'm so amazed that you're an ignorant clown. The United States has supported dictators for the past 70 years on a regular and constant basis. Welcome to reality.

2 minutes on infowars proves you wrong as fuck.

it could be worse. at least he isnt putin

Good one chief.

So you admit that you need to compare your people to infowars to seem reasonable.

Good to know.

>pretending alex jones isnt developed from a bit he did as a stand up comic

Sure we have. But we don't stand up talk about how great they fucking are. But whatever, go suck some trumputin cock.

I miss JFK he used to send us food and pencils to our village in mexico. he was a good man.

He's not my president if i fucking kill myself.

Now I can finally say true statements like my president is a bimbo.

>Bill Clinton getting bjs,
you know, this was never a big deal before. Fucking press blew that shit up, and republicans rammed it down our throats for years. Fucking Clinton wanted to go after alQueda and as soon as he did.. everyone blamed him of "starting a war" to distract people.

Republicans and the media were directly responsible for 9-11, because they thought the pres getting his dick sucked was more important that terrorism.

I came here to laugh at you

So you've never praised Obama before?

Surely Obama didn't support any dictators right?


>Fucking press blew that shit up
As I recall it was less about the fact that he got a blowjob and more about the fact that he lied to Congress about getting a blowjob.


It wasn't.