I've worked for Whole Foods for almost ten years

I've worked for Whole Foods for almost ten years.

Ask me stuff. Or don't.

Does it get better?

WTF would you stay in such a dead end job for so long?

maybe he's a VP

how much do you make?

lmfao i worked there, bullshit company. i almost sued them over my termination a couple years ago. where at OP?

What food has the biggest price markup?

Generally produce and items that can go bad have the highest Mark up. Not OP.

Depends on where you work and how good of a worker you are.

Just show up, do your best, learn how to do stuff and don't be an ass.

I get what I enjoy out of it. I travel occasionally, have a flexible schedule and make a living.

Not VP.

I'm salary but I make a little under $30/hr at 40 hours a week. Some weeks I work more than that (a bunch more around store openings). On average it's right around 40, however.

You steppin' to me, Whole Foods...??

I don't think the company is bad at all, but just like anywhere, some times you work with shit leadership. I'm sorry something happened. How'd it end up being resolved?

I've been out of the product world for a while, but produce has a high margin mostly due to how perishable it is and how much product they shrink daily. So maybe something random like enoki mushrooms.

Correct. Also typically more expensive items have a higher mark up (expensive face creams and cleanses in whole body) since there's more wiggle room for price at that point.

Sprouts is pretty good and is a decent competitor. We still crush them when it comes to a bunch of areas, especially prepared foods and exciting venues and other snazzy shit.

does your body hurt?

Are you a vegan?
Did you vote for shillary?

unfortunately didn't really get resolved, right after my termination i got hit with a ton of other non work related stuff and i ended up dropping it all to stabilize myself and my girlfriend (who also worked there until shortly after).

funnily enough i've actually also worked at sprouts. it was okay. management was poor but it was pretty decent working there. left for a better job.

what's your job title in the company? firedanon asking

How many times have you sucked dick or get fucked in the butt throughout your ten year career?

I fucking hate it though

Body doesn't hurt. I did hurt my back for a few days once at work a few years back. Feet get a little sore if I'm out in the stores and on the floor all day, but that's mainly because I don't really wear super comfortable shoes anymore.

Protip for anyone in retail or the restaurant business: spend some cash on comfortable shoes. Your whole body really gets screwed up if you don't.

Definitely not a vaygen, especially when those grass fed steaks or lobster tails go on sale. Eat fish a few times a week, but I do try to eat as many veggies as I can. Didn't vote for Hillary. Didn't vote for Trump.


I've worked in Team Member Services for a few years now. Have worked just about on every team at one point, but primarily on the Front End and Whole Body.

Surprisingly few times. I've been fortunate to have been able to leave to a better store/team/position at any time I really began to not enjoy it. That's something I've enjoyed, the mobility. As long as you do excellent work, people will vouch for you and you can move around the country fairly easily.

Then quit. Why do you hate it?

Do you work at the Whole Foods near downtown Austin

Why should I care?

What kind of delusional health-nut people have you met? Any good stories with them?

It just sucks. I know I can't quit so soon but I think I will quit after the 6. I'll probably quit that other shithole too if I can get something lined up.

nada. not in tx.

No, but the Domain store is fucking sweet.

Your wife looks like a lovely woman.

There are definitely customers that are in the deep end of the crazy spectrum. One woman had a standing order on a case of zucchinis every week. She didn't own a business and lived alone. The prevailing theory was that she used them as sex toys and she had cases of vag-pickled zucchinis in her house.

As far as delusional, I've seen quite a few people who are super passionate about their whatever diet just because they heard it on Dr. Oz or they just got breast cancer and they've been reading up on alternative medicine and how eating gluten free will heal them. I've had a few women tell me that they have cancer and a couple with breast cancer. After the second one, I've always assumed it's some weird, creepy way to hit on guys.

Can you be more specific? How are you on your attendance and performance overall? If you're in good standing, I'd look at other positions either on another team in the store or just another store. I've worked on teams and have absolutely fucking hated it. Sometimes it's not a good fit.

Umm that's my plan now. I'm gonna do the 6 and if they make me perm. I wanna do something else
Meanwhile at about 4months in I'm gonna try to look for other gigs. Had it with this. Finding it a really difficult place to work in

Do you guys hate white Christians?

You're still not being very specific which is kind a red flag to me. Also the fact that you're calling it "the 6" and "perm" screams to me that you're not really paying attention at work. 6 month JD, voted on.

Are you just being called out on your shit performance or is there an actual issue with your team?

is it a decent job overall? I applied and didn't get the job due to inexperience, I got a really strong SJW vibe from the interview though, questions about ethnicity in the workplace and shit that seemed rather forced. Kind of happy I didn't get the job. The people that work there seem pretty happy though.

No, I don't think there is any company wide agenda against white Christians lol.

Entry level positions in retail are entry level positions. If you're OK with doing actual work, you'll be great. I've never (and still don't) have any problems with getting my hands dirty and doing my best pretty much every day, so I did OK since day 1.

>strong SJW vibe
I think you're projecting.
>Questions about ethnicity in the workplace
We don't ask about ethnicity during interviewing as it's one of those legally tricky protected areas, so I doubt this actually happened unless that person is absolutely inept. I think you're full of crapola.

I was literally asked how I handle working with people of other ethnicity in the work place, it caught me off guard. It was fine up until that.

The person interviewing really shouldn't have been asking that out of the blue.

The only logical reason I can realistically think of why they asked that was if you have raised a huge red racist flag. On average, we're pretty good on not judging a book by its cover, so it was most likely something you said. For example,

>How many blacks do you have working here, because that's important. Not a fan.
>Man, those minorities, am I right?

or if you were wearing a "Hey Hitler" trucker hat.

Let me walk you through yesterday
I come in
Team leader isn't in emails is some shit to do.
Clearly little thought has been put into this we had to figure out what to do or how many to do.
This guy goes well the average amount you're meant to do a day is 6 so let's do 6 min.
I'm like what no way let's just do as much as we can
Yeah nah
We create a list of a few things we can all do so no one is doing more than anyone
Day passes
Next day
I come in
Nothing happens
Nothing happens
Nothing happens
The team lead has come in today
Has "standups"
We do nothing
We do nothing
Its lunch
Team lead says go to lunch we discuss work for today after lunch
We come back from lunch
She's gone to lunch
She's emailed some other shit we have to read.
Nothing happens
Nothing happens
Finally team leader comes back.
We talk for about 2 hours about stuff
Learn a little bit
All the emails make some more sense now
Team leader has another meeting so can't finish
Read some shitty attachments for the rest of the day.
Have to keep reading some shit tomorrow until team leader shows up again tomorrow and maybe has enough time to have a "session"
I doubt it

I see the game plan. They don't want us.

Its very clear to me. They have dumped us with someone who has no time to actually manage us. We are given some menial shit to do for the day but for the most part its just busywork.

hmm I wore my ku klux robe and my hitler/trump pin that day, maybe that had something to do with it?

Oh and the cough incident today.
So today turban is talking to your shill and I also wanted to talk to shill so I walk over to her and wait. Then I cough because I had to/ wanted to scratch my throat. Turban thinks "I am crying out loud for his attention" greets me I reply and that's it.
Later in the day I was greeted or not greeted like 6 times. A record number since no one knows me or has any need to
Occam's razor - this turban is dining out on this little tale of the cough.