YLYL poetic justice edition

YLYL poetic justice edition.

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does this count?

This isn't a rekt thread


Number 1 free country: Hong Kong

Cmon now

Where does it say that user?

yeah, no one said it was a country, but as a protectorate it has political independence from mainland china, so it's been included in the index since 2008

Why are all British newspapers always just shitty tabloids? Really embarrassing for your country to be honest.

>Implying shitty British tabloids aren't better than even the very topmost quality American paper
C'mon man get your priorities in order.

for the record, China is currently ranked 141/159 as fo 2016

Sunday Sport go out of their way to be ridiculous. Pinch of salt, boss, pinch of salt.

Can anyone please to help to try to identify this Raptor??



Hm yes gonna start me a business in most free HK!
That is bullshit, I'm gonna protest
>deffo not
This is tyranny I'm gonna get a gun and go insurgent
>ha, no
Well I guess I sit in my tiny cement box and wait for my neighbor to roll up/death
>most free country

still moster than US

Protesting is retarded anyway. Freedom of speech is what matters, protesters are just a bunch of punks with too much time on their hands.

Why do i feel like you're a white conservative? Why am i right?

You would be wrong faggot. Political compass test says I'm slightly on the left.


The USA gets less free when Obama is in office!
>BR, Cato institute

pretty sure that under Trump, the US ranking is going to plummet lol


The US is not free because the entire world's poor is not free to move there, and I am not free to employ them for company script
>BR, Cato institute

>Liberals, immigrants, minorities everywhere protest for right to be enslaved
>They win

I'm shopping up a comparison now to show the real reason for the change from 16th to 23rd

>tfw thinking about being Harrington's sex slave

Compass my dick in your mouth son

Fucking hell. I'd be his sex slave


> Trump

the index showed that that several areas increased but larger drops damaged the final ranking


moar pictures, less bullshit

They're probably more accurate than the US's leftist propaganda corporations. Jesus, it's fucking 1984 in the US right now.

Oi, you didn't even post a picture you cheeky cunt!
At least be legit

that guy's face is priceless.
False though. snopes.


you can expect this to fucking plummet

someone didnt catch the irony

>Harry Harrington
>he's hairy
>gay rapist sex offender
>a guy who looks like that needing to legit rape anyone to get tight boipussy

Not even remotely believable. Poor attempt.

Hong Kong is a racist and divided place with a serious China problem. There is no way its number 1.

Also UK went up from 2008? get fucked, It gets shitter every year.

The top 10 should be littered with Scandinavian countries.


It's free the Chairman and the comities and those with power told everyone they're free, Believe it or goto to Jail.

Sorry don't know it's name, but I'm pretty sure it goes to my school

> Murrica, having 318 Mio ppl
> Freedom
> Country with most prisoners in the world
> China less prisoners being an violent dictatorship with 1,3bio ppl
> Freedom
> Freedom
> Freedom
> Kek

>China kills most of their prisoners and harvests their organs

I'm not going to defend burger land, however China just executes its criminals, keeps the jails free.

again, mainland China is ranked at 141th place on the index, 8th from the bottom.

Hell, we made our prisons privately-owned (corporate run), and now they lobby for tighter laws to get more prisoners; and clamped down on shit that adds time to sentences while you're there, to make sure they retain them.
Fucking nightmare.


almost as if with greater freedom comes greater responsibility

You think Scandinavian countries are free? Lolwat

The PIC (Prison Industrial Complex) is an entirely fucked business in the states. And it's really just a collection of business in the end. The incarceration and the recidivism rates show how useless America's justice system can be.

However... it's apples to oranges when you're comparing it to the third world or even Norwegian prisons.

Sure, most people would rather do a few years in Norway, but look at their population versus either country. It's much easier to manage a small pop vs a huge pop.

As for execution in the states it's reserved for the most heinous crimes where legal and even then it takes years and costs a fortune.

Whereas executions in China are apply more often, are cheaper, more frequent and expedient.

Prisons in Norway and the justice system in general is much more lenient than both, but it's hard to compare the three still. Norway offers a nice model for when America or China wants to civilize itself, but that's not happening anytime soon.


responsibility my ass.

Yes, now back up your argument faggot.

US prison owners lobby for more laws, China government officials executr criminals.

Like comparing a rotten apple to a shit covered orange


That didn't happen. Confirmed by police no such crime occured. You're reading a paper that prints fiction


It didn't, but it's still pretty funny tho.

You obviously don't understand how the index works. The ranking is based on multiple factors. It could be oustanding 10/10 in all areas, but have an abysmal rating in a specific area, bringing the average down. Compare the changes in the UK.

Also, the top 20 has most of the scandinavian countries. They're just not all in the top 10

Nothin to see here.


It is definitely a MG42 "Hitlersäge"

is it bad that i recognize this picture?

Do you actually think that there's no correlation between illegal immigrants becoming involved in criminal activities because of hiring checks in normie jobs?


Any country that thinks it's alright to make fat stacks off the sick, mentally ill, and imprisoned, can you even call that country first-world?

>slightly on the left
>only slightly


That's my ex girlfriend. Nice bird.

Norway-US comparison





You are politically illiterate if you think americas media is leftist. Fucking hell mate. You are part of the problem with that bullshit. They are all centre right. It is centrists you have a problem with, not the left.

burgle isn't even a word. the correct term would be burglarization



What is it that dudes eating?
it looks like a tandorii marinade, and some sort of shellfish? Is that a thing?






Lol there it is: The reason for the drop was a decrease in "foreign movement". Won't let ISIS fighters back into your country? What a totalitarian shithole!

and what awesome fiction that is
>"There was no truth to this story. The newspaper clipping shown originated with the Sunday Sport,a British tabloid that publishes a mixture of softcore pornography, gossip, and outlandish stories such as “Donkey Robs bank,” and “Aliens Turned Our Son Into a Fish Finger.”"



Soooooo... Gender fluid means you can change your clothes? I guess I'm gender fluid.








I think you've mistaken that bold bird for a vulture.



I've always liked that one.