How does it feel knowing they are the nirvana of this generation ?

how does it feel knowing they are the nirvana of this generation ?

>Nirvana of this generation

More like a gay version of The Offspring

This. Only edgefags like them

why dony 9oy fucking post a embedded link you mingebag

don't waste your time. i listened to a couple of their songs once at the insistence of my niece and five minutes later i couldn't even recall how they went. that's how memorable it was.

Ya having stroke there, Mingus?

Stupid 14 yo tumblrinas ruined them, vessel and self titled were alright.

theyre pretty good

Nirvana sucked; I have no idea who these guys are.

But that's not Limp Bizkit


no im just trying to talk like th3 youngsters

I have no idea who those people are.


If Kurt Blownbrain didnt pull the trigger that band would never get this much pseudo praise

and those faggots posted by op are another generic shit tier "musicians"

is it a tatto or just dirty hands? i really don't know.
are black hands edgelord thing with deeper meaning?

Nirvna had become a World wide phenomena by December 1991.

I was there.

Literally the most generic, safe, formulaic band that's come around in recent years.

They're fucking trash.

what if shaya blows his brains out just like Kurtboi

beign in the womb by 91 doesn't count

I was 17 when I saw Nirvana live at the Reading Festival in August 1991.


popular songs nowadays are not that good