Is it ok to give a 3 year old a small amount of xanax so he would shut up and sleep?

Is it ok to give a 3 year old a small amount of xanax so he would shut up and sleep?

I'm babysitting and am losing my mind from the screaming.

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Only if you post the results here


really? you cant be serious.. ur better off giving the baby warm milk. cause if you kill that little fucker.. ur fucked.. but if you decide to . make sure u live stream it

Technically it's unethical illegal and dangerous to drug a child to stop it from making noise. But it would probably work and if the kid doesn't need to go do kid things for the next 12 hours you won't be labelled a child abuser or whatever

Lol. Sounds like a terrible idea user! Just let the kid stay up for a while, will get tired eventually. Good luck

No. But it's okay to stop posting this.

>climb into bathtub
>slit your wrists (vertically)

100% guaranteed to alleviate your 'losing your mind from the screaming'.


Anything's okay if you post results

It should be ok.
t. a real doctor

yes it would be fine

No, dumbass.

Probably easier things then xan. Hell even if you used a little brandy and mix it with milk would be much better.

that's only Ana again

benadryl faggot

Oh this thread again.

yeah bro,do it

It's probably cheaper to just shake it

>Doctor fag here
give him 1/8 of the pill and he will live,

faggot is your pappa

Pretty much this.

Xanax is highly potent. You would almost certainly overdose the kid. If you legit want to do this give the kid a 12th of a bar. If you can't figure out how much that is in less than a minute you are too retarded to do this.

good luck cutting the pill in 8 pieces...

have you tried shaking him?


Real Fag with Med Experience,
The kid can have up to 3mg

You're going to give a kid something that will stimulate it more. I think the faggot is OP.

you could just take the xanax your self and not give a fuck

no you fucking faggot. just deal with the screaming. give him some kind of electronic device, turn on a show and let him chill the fuck out


why waste a good bar on a shitty screaming toddler when you could also use it yourself

Maybe give the kid some whiskey or something to make it doze off

I can imagine it now.
OP Delivers, ends up on the news because he killed the kid, he's looking like shaggy or some fat shit. and then causes a small burst in the media about how he was a shit stepfather and that Social Services don't do enough to protect kids.

good luck overdosing on xanax alone you fucking retards. its practically impossible

obviously you've never come in contact with Xanax. there are break lines already within the pill so that they can be easily broken up into 4 equal parts. it would take a Mongoloid to not know that if you split a piece one more time you have 1/8th.

Give the child half, it should work. He'll sleep for like four to six hours . Give him some food after he wakes up. Do post a pic

why dont u take itl ol

The kid is 3.
Half a bar will have some fucked up effects, maybe permanent brain damage.

Giving a child benadryl to make it sleep is unethical and probably illegal. Some day care workers just went to jail for doing it.

Learn to spell you fucking ape.

you got xanax and are losing your mind? why not take it yourself? probably safer.

I want some xanax. Where can I get some ?

Xanax is Alprazolam, Benadryl is Diphenhydramine (antihistamine).
Xanax fucks with your brain, benadryl is a poor persons codeine alternative.

you are going to kill a child in your lifetime.

>not hitting the little fucker to shut them up

Do you even know how to children

you're not a perfect troll, sorry man :(

Illegal and risk consequences from many points of view or go to a psychiatrist and lie about you having panic attacks and that you tried antidepressants and only benzodiazepines work.

This kills the baby

Also, I was put on clonazepam for sleep, 1mg due to my insomnia and it's been 2 months and NOTHING has changed, I fall asleep even harder now.

"how do i stop it from making noise?"

check yourself user. all parents think this thought. it's usually a red flag you need to chill and take some me time. Get a substitute babysitter to switch in for you, and smoke some weed and watch a movie

- sister's a single mom, babysit all the time

do ittttttt

You weren't supposed to say that.

If cats can take xanax I say kids can too

Why not.

I've tried clonazepam. It not to bad. The Doc must be responsible because I never get that much lol

Your right, I were being a sick bastard. Sorry. He can give the child a spoon of alcohol to doze it off ryt?


it works backwards for kids

you need to give them more than an adult because their minds are so much more active

you need at least 3 full bars for a kid

Noise canceling head phones ! You can still watch them. If you have tried everything then sometimes they just have to cry it out.

this is true


Are you serious user? You would hit a child?

OP, heres what you do:
>give the kid about 10 xanax (this is to counteract the natural tolerance that young ones have to drugs)
>have them wash it down with a high-proof alcohol, and a good amount of it (this will help it dissolve more quickly)
>shake the child vigorously for at least 2 minutes (further aiding the dissolving process)

3 bars is 6 mg. Dumbass.

Crush it down, take a litttle pinch and stir it in apple sauce and give it to him.

Related comment. When I was 16 I watched my moms friends baby. Fucker cried all night all fucking night. Best birth control ever. Turned out his mom was a drunk and was breast feeding him alcohol. Found out years later poor kid was in withdrawl. Should have gave him a shot of jack night would have been chill.

Everyone here has killed at least one child in their lifetime, right?

You're not qualified as Babysitter then, if you dont have the needed medical knowledge you shouldnt even think about that.

No joke i did this once a long time ago and the kid turned out fine. Hes 13 now. I only gave him a 4th. Just crush it up and mix it in something yummy.

Drop a bar in a glass of warm milk, that little nigga is about to get zooted

no you fucking idiot

It's not a Molly, Xanax isn't soluble. Dumbass.

It was a joke, user. You must be fun at parties