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We don't know, so why does it matter?

we don't

My controls aren't inverted.

If it's possible to simulate a universe, it's almost inevitable that we are simulated. And it's possible. (Nick Bostrom, simulation-argument, 2003)

Possible? In our time? Probably not.

But if we assume that we survive long enough, it makes sense to assume that we will be able to create our own universes.

Now, assuming the latter is real, then it's only logical to assume that it is possible that beings that live in the "real" universe lived long enough to create their own simulated universe, in which we live in. Hell, there can be an infinite loop of simulations, but the thing is, what's the point of it all?

If we do manage to create our own simulated worlds, what would we do with them? Contrary to the "real" universe, which *probably* exists by chance, our own simulations must have a purpose, since they were created by beings, us.

because we would not be able to think about this idea if we were in a simulation

True that homeslice.
Who gives a fuccccccck.

please provide a reason as to why we wouldn't be able to think about it.

He's a program within the simulation trying to spread misinformation.
Wake up ya dummies!

do you think any of Sup Forums's retards are capable of grasping that likely assertion?


So why posit it here?

All you'll get is "trump! trump! trump!" or "white power!1", or "death to niggers1!" here.

They'd have to do better than that.

Does that mean it's possible to "hack" the simulation? Could I have 3 qt elv slave loli's and a thors hammer?

the hardest proof we have that we are not simulated is that there still isn't an end to the number Pi. A computer is physically not possible to store an infinite number so PI is one of the few ways we can determine if our universe is simulated

Hmm, are you assuming everyone on Sup Forums is a retard? Does that include yourself? Or me? I think you are generalizing and underestimating people in general. I believe people are able to grasp that concept, but often do they want to.

Yes, I'm aware of that.

But look at it this way: Because we aren't familiar with every possible way a computer can possibly work, aren't we discarding a possible system which can handle irrational numbers such as Pi?


No computer could ever simulate the massive shit im taking rn.

trips dont lie

You don't have to read fuckin' Baudrillard or whoever the fuck to understand it.
I mean, the Matrix was a popular movie, right?
It's not the most complicated idea to entertain.

If we did figure out it was a sim, I'm with . Hack that shit and do God Mode, no clipping, night vision and yeah elf loli slaves

Booooi if only that 9 was a 8

Not really. As Infinite didgital space needs infinite physical space there isn't really a way to store a number that is infinitly large. Except if you take something into account like extra dimensional stuff and scfi shit like that


you all motherfuckers need to watch the movie "the 13th floor"

Yeah that's what I meant. Maybe something which we aren't aware of in our current might help solving that issue. Just theorizing / rambling.

current time*

is that flow 3D?


why do assume you would actually need to store PI wit an infinite accuracy? Why assume you need to store it all?

good sir. perhaps you're overestimating these animals.

they voted for GW Bush twice. And they elected Trump.

what evidence do you have, that these retards possess self-awareness or any intellect whatsoever?

and yes, "life" is a simulation. frankly it's not even debatable at this point, there's a 90-percentile likelihood that life is a simulation.

Sorry, no idea what you mean, just grabbed that picture from the web.

Further investigating shows Flow 3D is modeling software.

Still, no idea if it was created with it.

If it's a simulation program, that means there is a programmer.

Good job, you proved what the Christians have believed for millennia.

I'm gonna simulate my fist hitting your face, nerd.

Hmm, what if the simulation created itself?

Programmer god

lifes too short

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

Ok, stand in front of your computer and wait for it to just make a program on it's own, without any input.

The programmer would still be the Creator of this reality.

>Implying our computers are all the computers that will ever exist, effectively discarding possible advances in technology.

Hey man, aliens can be gods too if you squint hard enough. Christians are worshiping some alien dude I guess.
Like, if God is a computer programmer, then man, we gotta sit down with him and do some serious debugging of this code, man. Like, cancer and like herpes and shit? Why'd you program that shit into it, huh?

Well, I don't have any proof. BUT, logically, assuming everyone on this website is "mentally inferior" (couldn't come up with something better, sorry) is just as insane as believing the exact opposite.

Not everyone on this website is an american from the US, so basing their irrationality on decisions made in only the US doesn't make sense when you consider this website is international.

Furthermore, assuming people that frequent Sup Forums are "everyday" people, then, and now I'm speaking from my life experience (not necessarily truth), people have potential to grasp these "meta" concepts.

Just my thoughts of course.

Then someone or something would still have to make the computer.

Don't know if you realize that Computers are designed by non computers.

but he still wouldn't be god. certainly not the christian god.

>overestimating these animals.

Says the guy who believes in an omnipotent space creator.

He would fit the criteria to be a Creator.

Have you made a universe with beings able to question the reality of their own existence?

Ok, you have a point. Computers need to be created by something.
That doesn't mean that there must be some entity, in this case, a "programmer". Just like our universe could possibly exist because of a big-bang, which in itself isn't a being, then computers can be created by something that isn't an entity.

What separates him from the christian god?

>computers can be created by something that isn't an entity.

How the fuck would a superpowerful computer assemble itself, and program a simulated universe without any assistance?

Last I checked Intel doesn't just wait for CPUs to build themselves.

Almost no way to find out. Only way to know is if we notice when the system cuts corners to make rendering easier

This needs to be on /x/
They are smarter on there

What if it's a perfectly built simulation? Are we trapped in here forever?

Explain how I feel joy and pain in this simulation

they'd've got the physics engine spot on though.

>advance to the future
>we achieved singularity (aka created AI)
>we create a simulation with AI characters
>characters can feel
>you are a character

Well that does seem like an absolute way to make sure we live in a simulation.

Who would want to simulate some losers in their mom's basement arguing over the internet?

someone whose motives are way beyond our comprehension

Sound's like the shittiest ant farm ever.


And who the fuck are you? Did reddit kick you out for being too much of a faggot even by their standards?

triggered much, faggot?

I can think of a lot crazier ideas. In fact, given the rate of technological progress and the fact that we're already creating simulations, it would stand to reason that someday we'll be able to create a universe that's virtually indistinguishable from our own.

By this line of reasoning, if we're living in a simulation, then it's probably a simulation within many layers of simulations.

lookup "computer simulation of osmosis", maybe you can find something

not crazy at all, see

If you were trying to be cringey af, you succeeded

Essentially what my source said. He also argued we are most likely ancestor-simulations made by our far descendants so they could see exactly how the past was.
Another hypothesis is that we're testing grounds to weed out bad ai.

Why the hell would a programmer enable artificially intelligent components of its program to code? One of these components would eventually come up with the idea of compromising the functionality of the entire program, especially if it had the capacity to make moral-based decisions.
Computers and computer programs are ultimately tools, and shouldn't be treated any better. If we are tools, what purpose(s) do we serve?
The more I hear this idea of the universe being a simulation, the more I believe it's a product of creationist propaganda.

That does give some meaning to our possible simulated existence.

Why would you even care? It doesn't affect you, and even if you knew that you were, there's nothing you can do about it

Seems silly, actually no, seems retarded to even bother yourself even thinking about it.

>creationist propaganda
nigga u cant be serious

You can't possibly know that there's nothing we can do about it.

Ah, yeah, I should have noted that I wasn't saying anything particularly original.

>what's the point?
Aside from the fact that it's ingrained in our DNA to preserve the species, what's the point in procreating? What's the point in doing anything? Boredom... and because we can. Never underestimate progress for the sake of progress.

Perhaps some dipshits thought that preserving the species organically was going to be impossible, and so they'd continue the cycle of suffering in a simulation.

reoccurring numbers

Have you not heard of the idea of God being a computer? This idea meshes uncannily well with the idea of us being part of a simulation.

I'm pretty sure a posthuman civilization that can simulate the universe could easily have a variable precise to well over a decillion values.

see and

Brainlet detected.
There's an infinitismal chance we're not simulated. Far less than 10 "percentile"


We very likely are. Materialism in physics has just about been ruled out. Vibrating strings, the multiverse, & holographic models are all the rage these days.

He's got admin privileges. He's our god.

Not user, but putting a % on it at all is pretty arbitrary and silly.

11/10 you're gay

you just pulled that 10% out of your ass

How would this simulation handle infinity?

Maybe. But just because it aligns with it doesn't mean it was created by it.


Also, the most important element holding this argument up -- as I see it -- is the existence of quantum computing. It exists, but its breadth is limited to machines. Unless a social, intelligent-enough species pools its efforts to create a constantly expanding and improving computer, making quantum computation the smoking gun to prove a simulated universe is presumptuous.

I got it from who I disagreed with genius
we're only one of the universes as the number of simulated universes approaches infinity
Saying the chance we're base reality is infinitismal is no hyperbole.

Let's agree to disagree, then.

I can't imagine a scenario where the technology that would be required to create the simulation(s) would be eternal.

If a computer could simulate the universe it exists in, doesn't it mean that it would have to contain itself? Wouldn't that mean that it would have to be infinitely complex to repeatably contain itself?


well the computer could have been designed to not contain itself to avoid possible infinite recursion

depends on the advanced extent of the technology used by the ones using a simulator... on earth? how big are we talking here? If our technology stops advancing then that would be a sign we are in a simulator

but then again, the simulation wouldn't be exactly the same as our universe.

Not necessarily. Another species residing in our universe might have created the simulation we live in. If that's true, us technologically advancing or not, we might still be living on a simulation.

>Saying the chance we're base reality is infinitesimal is not hyperbole.
It is, because there are other factors to take into consideration, like ETE's that might have prevented human beings from creating the simulation in the first place. Also, we don't know enough about the limitations of future technology to assess anything with a %.

That's a common misconception. Base reality cannot simulate for eternity and it will not.
Processing power will only have to be infinite as time approaches infinity which won't happen.
