White snowflakes getting rekt and cancelling there netflix

white snowflakes getting rekt and cancelling there netflix.





"Their" illiterate nigger





Honestly what the fuck netflix. Even if it is a complete comedy, why throw gasoline on the fire?

God I wish Gianna did anal in her BBC scenes

no it's super funny because by doing this it just solidified Trump for a second term for president and he hasn't even been in office for a month. boy liberals just dont know how to learn lessons. have fun with President Trump until 2024. cause that is what is going to happen

Holt shit I hope we don't get that shit in the UK.

that half breed, Logan Browning, has me diamonds. I might just watch this on mute with some baby oil

I don't get it.

>haha let's call them snowflakes back that will show them

I cancelled my Netflix account because of this show and the double standard it exposes.

Because if I proposed 'Dear Black People', a show about a white kid in a predominantly black neighborhood and the struggles he deals with on a daily basis, I would be accused of being racist. I'm fucking sick of the double standard and having anti-white sentiments being couched in 'opening a dialogue' or 'starting a discussion'. Let's call it what it is: bigotry thinly veiled as entertainment. I refuse to financially support any company that supports that sentiment.

I may be the only person who watched the 2014 movies this show is based off of. Ironically in the end the lead character realizes have her black friends are kinda racist too and she ends up dating a white guy

half* her friends


At this point I can't even tell if this is to parody what's going on today or if it's a show trying to illustrate the real struggles of black people on college campuses.


That would be interesting if the purposefully twist everyone's expectations of what it will be. Based on the social media reaction from both sides it's pretty clear that everyone has already developed their impression of the series based off the title alone.