Quick, act like we are on reddit

quick, act like we are on reddit

This is inhumane. Now let me find that cat video I was going to post..

This is fake and gay and I don't believe it

how do i upvote?!

EDIT: figured it out ty

me too thanks

Hur dur this guy gets it

Trump is bad!!!

Not a redditor but know one and...

Ah, the old Sup Forums switch-a-roo..

Hold my Sup Forums pass, I'm going in!

Include me in the spleen wrap lulz! I can haz karma nao?

Hold my niggers I'm going in

Reddit, what quote do you live by?

Upvote and I'll suck your dick for a reup

I dont know how to use reddit. Ive clicked on stuff that has taken me to reddit but i wasnt sure what to do afterwards so i just closed the page. I barely even know how to use twitter.

Im 23

What's happening in the United States racially is really, very concerning. Sure things happen around the world, like Syria, but they are used to things happening like that. Look at Flint, people of color are still without water! We need a change of leadership.

(5700 upvtoes)

Edit: Thanks for the gold guys but its not me who deserves your help - send a donation to the lesbian feminist liberal gay black abortion charity of your choosing instead

I couldn't agree more :( it breaks my heart seeing all the beautiful black babies without water.

We need to do something about it!

But also check out my dying kitty

Edit: Thanks for the gold stranger! My cat feels better now!

(22,014 upboats)



Have you guys heard about UBI?

check em

Can you guys recommend me books written by people of color? I really want to diversify who I read instead of the usual rich white male who couldn't possibly empathize with poor blacks or woc.

edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!!!




username checks out

Le reddit army has arrived

[–]Posthumos1 670 points 19 hours ago*

The most frightening sex offender that I ever had to deal with as a detective was a cult leader.

I had to do monthly contact and compliance investigations in my area and he was a high risk sexual predator.

He led a Christian religious cult and had a farm.

His scheme to get victims wad to prey upon poor couples/families who were financially destitute. He would offer the males a home and a job on his farms while preaching to them all.

When the men would go to work the fields, pre-dawn til dusk. He would hang back at the compound and "train" the wives and daughters in their wifely duties.

He was convicted on more than a dozen counts of sexual predation and sexual predation on children (females).

His compound was closed down and he was sent to prison. Upon release, he went back to his very large and well appointed home with his wife, who was absolutely complicit in his crimes the entire time and fully aware of all of it.

I can say this, every time I entered that man's home to check on him, I felt the presence of absolute evil. It was almost paranormal. His wife was a straight up Stepford wife.

I have no doubt whatsoever that former members of his cult died at his hands. He was terrifying.

This thread is a perfect 5/7

10/10 with rice

I'm a long time lurker, this is my first time posting. When I was about 14 my brother and I were walking down a dark street at night on Holloween. A stranger in a hoodie started following us. I came this close to dying that night. So hooded stranger, let's not meet.

Hey guys, my attempt on dimension jumping actually worked!
I used the mirror method and could see changes in a matter of hours.
Also, i could swear the header number was 682 instead of 982.
I never thought something like this was actually possible. Thanks guys! I might jump later again

>>OP replies
>nd Commenter replies with reference to recent events or movie EDIT: WHOA THIS REALLY BLEW UP

You guys all sound like you use reddit pretty often tbh

TIL: Traps sometimes fuck women

How do I introduce [m]y hubby to anal fisting?

Edit: wow thanks kind stranger for gold

edit: wow thanks for the gold guys!

le hivemind


This made me laugh more than it should

lepepe comment score below threshold (3 children)


Me and my Boyfriend are going to a Trump rally together. Some one's gotta stop those nazi frogs


Neil DeGrasse Tyson says holographic universe "very likely"
EDIT: Thanks for the gold. We did it Reddit!

> How to get into the front page of le reddit
> Post pic of newly adopted dog

Meet fag lord, Reddit!
> Get in the front page

> Near future
> Post pic of dog after 10 months

Hey Reddit, this is fag lord after 10 months!

> Front page again

Man I'm good at this

I see it's business as usual in here.


[This post was deleted]

Edit 1: Holy crap guys i got gold!
Thanks kind stranger!