I want to be a famous YouTuber, what kind of videos should I make?

I want to be a famous YouTuber, what kind of videos should I make?

reaction videos


everyone wants to be a famous youtuber

Ah true but I'm a very handsome young fuck

post face pics, since you'll be uploading your face to youtube anyways

I mean drop some real fucking spicy memes.
Im giving you this quest now user, i know you can do this.
Remember then fucking bomb of memes.

I said handsome, but I meant retarded

Youtube industry is being taken over by Corporations and minorities.
Either have a lot of money already, or be a filthy nigger (Who'd have a lot of money relative to other niggers.)
Don't waste your time unless you plan to steal from others, sabotage competition, and lie your way to the top. And general cancer.

There's already countless tubers dropping top-teir spicy memes.

I have a decently large sum of money currently, and shitting on people is no problem for me. I still need an "original" content idea, and maybe some steps to grow my audience in the beginning rough stages.

I was thinking the same thing, there are some high caliber, insanely talented memers I don't think I could keep up with.

Post a video of yourself every day doing nothing but eating dinner alone at a table in basement alone, never saying a word, just eating alone by yourself.

Put a jumpscare at the end and clickbait the fuck out of it.

Fucking brilliant, now he's someone with some ideas guys.

It's not about keeping up with anyone... just worry about expanding your own base and don't worry about the big boys.

Make it spicier, man i belived in you.
You fail me user

And you could have a second channel where you cook the dinner alone in a basement, never saying a word, just cooking completely alone.

Make a snazzy opening graphic and talk shit on your endplate.

Another question my friends, where should I whore out my videos?

Why not do some research on not well known scholarly articles. Like crispr, then speculate what it could potentially be used for. Then maybe relate the science to its sci-fi counterpart. People love learning after all. appeal to their inquisitive nature. (I could help if that is what you wanted)

Make a video of you killing yourself.
I'd watch it at least twice.

user has a point. This is good stuff. I'd watch.

Talk shit on people who don't know real science. maybe hit really religious persons and introduce them to the real world we live in. Show them the man-made mosqutios that are zika-proof and malaria-proof.

Timestamp it faggot.

How do I do that?

How can I get in contact with you? I think we could form a strong alliance.

Yeah drop ur email bro!

And get my shit doxed to hell no thank you

Haha! Meh... it was worth a try for the lolz.

Make one where you kill yourself, I put it a like

Sorry my girlfriend just got home and she might have cancer so we were talking. Im open on suggestions on how to contact you. Id say email but the shitbags here would spam it. we could both create emails or go to a frequently visited website. my name is michael stewart. an anonymous board is shit place to meet someone i now realize lol

I just created a proxy email so we can get in touch. you should do the same.


my email is 721915220

[email protected]
sorry, long day and operating this piece of shit computer is taxing.

id fuck you


Take a picture of yourself, while holding up a sign with the date and Universal Standard time written on it. It can just be a scrap of paper.
I think you should grow out your beard or keep clean-shaven, if this is you. Having a dangling little goatee won't cut it for most Youtube lurkers.

If you want to be a 'famous' Youtuber you need to appeal to children. Particular preteens as your target demographic. Make let's plays and vlogs. Force yourself to be overly enthusiastic about everything and in all situations be a likeable and cool as possible. Children do not want satire, sarcasm, or anything meta. Upload at least once a day for maximum exposure and revenue. Quantity > quality. You're trying to sell the notion that you are these children's friend.

Here's a tip: don't.

What do you like to talk about, show, or share? If you're constantly making videos about things you're impassionate about, it will become a chore.

How good are you at video editing? Many of the most viewed videos on that site are crisply edited. If nothing else, topical YTP's are good with bringing in subscribers.

How do you feel about endorsements? They're the most surefire way of getting money out of your videos, outside of managing a channel on Youtube Red. They could also be sturdy springboards for better-paying jobs.

Would you consider involving your family and friends? Social media networks are much more expedient to manage in groups than alone. They can also stoke up interesting meta-content.

Whenever you get the chance to talk with a Youtube celebrity, take as much advantage of it as possible to get their perspective. Chances are they'll say similar things as I have when asked how to become famous.

Email me at [email protected]