Don't be a... TOMMY TEXTER

>Don't be a... TOMMY TEXTER

What did they mean by this?

They meant don't be a Tommy Texter

They mean if you text during the movie the film will stop, a spotlight will fall on you and then the chant will begin. "Tommy Texter!" somebody will shout. "Tommy Texter! Tommy Texter!" More will join in. "Tommy Texter! Tommy Texter! TOMMY TEXTER!"

And then you shall be lynched up the theatre lynching tree in the lobby, next to the rotting corpse of a Susie Seatkicker that couldn't keep her fucking feet to herself.

yo are these ads just in canada or do u guys get them in usa too?

>tfw you sit in the back row of the theater alone so that I can look stuff up in my phone

don't text during the film

yet Jimmy Jackoff always goes free and the theater shooter always has to clean up the sticky floors. It isn't fair.

dude those legs

>Implying it isn't mostly Tammy Texter

How much of a fucking whiny baby do you have to be to complain about someone texting?
Am I ruining the movie for you? I'm simply minding my own business and texting.
I swear it's only the fat bearded betas that get up in arms over people talking and texting in the cinema. I text throughout most movies, and I talk to my buddy's at a normal volume. Never had anyone complain to me. It's funny, the only time you'll see complaints about someone texting is on forums like this.

Stop trying to make this a meme

>Why would people get mad over someone using a bright as fuck device in a dark room when they are trying to watch a movie.

>It's funny, the only time you'll see complaints about someone texting is on forums like this.

AMC tried to make a change where you could be on your phone during movies, but it got huge back lash, so no its not only Sup Forums that hates them.

>tfw my real name is Tom Tecstter

Text all you want, I'll just throw shit at you.

>Being a Harry Hurler

More fodder for the lynching tree.

> Millennials can't go 90 minutes without responding to some inane text
Smh desu senpai

>mfw I can't go to the theater anymore because I can't bring Prus since they decided to shame Owlies Oliver like me

>being a Larry Lyncher

Seriously, guy?

Last movie I watched and this ad ended up being the least annoying in the preshow.


>Enjoying the new ghostbusters movie
>black guy in front of me turns around and smiles at me
>pull out phone to text police
>fat woman screams TOMMY TEXTER!
>suddenly im being attacked on all sides
>Big muscular dyke picks me up and throws me out of the theater

This is why most theaters have a 'no singles' policy

It means that the cellphone light will give away your position to the mass shooter.

I haven't seen them at my theater.

>Am I ruining the movie for you? I'm simply minding my own business and texting.

Yes, actually. If you can't last an hour without texting people, don't go to a movie theater.



You had me up until the third sentence so 5/10 and a (You)
