Whats Sup Forums's opinion on Native Americans?

Whats Sup Forums's opinion on Native Americans?

Bunch of stone age savages that can't hold their liquor

They ice

Strong and brave. Posed a threat. Had to be elimated with superior technology and bio warfare. The end

Inferior genes, should've been genocided

They basically were.

Nice. Inferior how?
You 5"6 Yank cunt.
You're lucky you're we're born white
Even if you degenerated into filth

feel sorry that previous whities treated them like such shit. probs could have learned a lot from them. also, mixed-race native american and european would be super sexy. but it is at it is.

The fuck you think Trail of Tears was?


Pooooooooop poop poo poo pee pee haha kek ayyyyy lmao

Someone with Pocahontas nude

I'm nacho friend

they should go back to their own country

Wtf are u talking about?

Half breed here. Native dad white mom. Very sexy. Coming for you wimminz to further the process

A great idea?

the past is the weak one race fortunately soon be destroy

Fucking do it.
Better you guys
Than most haha

Don't have a problem with natives themselves, but I think the way the government treats them is fucking retarded. They preach equality then allow them to live on reserves and collect money for doing nothing simply because of their heritage. Because of their race. I have lots of natives and they actually somewhat agree with me, they do shit too

But you've never even tasted my nachos bb

im actually a straight male, faggot. but cheers and stay sexy

Wish i knew about my native American history. Besides that know one chick whos a straight hoe that is native American. Bitch gets so much money from her tribe and doesnt have to work. Wish i could claim shit like that

Thanks man, it's pretty rare where i live. You see I'm from a reserve far from where i live where the natives are still beautiful, but i seriously hate the natives in the city I live in. They are useless, fat, weak,ugly, inbred Orc creatures who are only capable of getting drunk and disturbing the whites

They had the same intelligence capacity as europeans.

Bushmen? Also Kek at neanderthalic Aussie aborigines

Native americans should be trying to reclaim their position as the true owners of their lands because they suffered the same fate as south american natives, the whole continent of north, centern and south america were at peace without the european people from england and spain, white people from both countries destroyed milenial knowledge that would served to understand everything that we need now before we get face extintion or even answer if they got help from aliens or humans from the future

Basically niggers with a victim complex

I'm a legitimate 1/4th breed. My grandfather was full blooded native. I won't say what tribe it doesn't matter. The rest is Scandinavian. I feel proud because I feel like it makes me more of a real American. But damn do I love being white. Really white.

>I love being white

Same here user pfrrrrrrrrt

It's terrible that most of their culture and population was wiped out but I don't feel sorry for them. They were technologically inferior. I mean look at Western European history. The Romans and Catholics pretty much destroyed any and all Germanic and Scandinavian tribes. Not many people give a fuck about them but the decedent's of the those people's themselves. Because white privilege right?

"Sometimes to create, one must first destroy."

I honestly wish more people cared about them. Their story truly is sad.