"That's verbal abuse!"

>"That's verbal abuse!"
>"Check your privilege!"
>literally the perfect caricature of a beta numale cuck

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>a sport

>Blue Jays fan

That's exactly what I expected.

>"That's verbal abuse!"

Nobody knows what the fuck you're talking about.

Did he actually say that?

>beta numale cuck
There it is again

i agree, look at that faggot, they are everywhere now

Yeah, literately search SJW poker on youtube. The canadian couldn't handle the bantz, color me surprised


Here's a link because OP is a retard

youtube.com/watch?v=MyTQScIcQCc better link the other one has a faggot talking over it

Feeling triggered?
Lmao, end yourself

you mean



other guy was also a tool tho

>A limey getting btfo by a numale leaf

On behalf of Canada I apologize for this

He was doing so well tuning out the worthless bong, then just cracked. My people are a disgrace


I was able to decipher 5 words

>Blue Jays hat
That explains it

Yeah but he won, so..

lel Canada does it again.

canada wins again :^)

>le speech play faggot is unable to handle someone speech playing on him

kassouf is a fraud

luckcard is not a sport

>the multiple people who wont shake his hand

the other players were more pissed cuz they wasted probably 20 minutes IRL on a hand that should've played out in 2

live poker is brutal with how long stuff takes

Apparently being Triggered as fuck wins you hands where you are all in

>kassouf wasn't triggered

He's a blubbering manbaby.

neither person came out of that looking good

>kassouf's bantz increasingly more pathetic once he's snap called

>6-goof autistic outburst and then ranting about how the outcome doesn't matter because his life is better

>14th place constitutes winning in canada

color me surprised

Kassouf came 13th, you goof.

>standard cooler


Fuck it. I loved this shit, it was like if they made a Rounders 2, except if it WAS a movie Razzuuf would have won and become a pretty cool villain.

I hate that this cocksucker Canadian said all of that stupid horseshit and won but I love that they did it anyway.

>mouthy faggot gets rekt
>Sup Forums gets triggered by the winner

I know who the real beta here is

>muh Sup Forums bogeyman

>when his gay bros start massaging his shoulders