What was the message?

> What was the message?

that there isn't a country for old men

Did you watch the movie? Tommy Lee Jones' monologue says it pretty directly.

dude nihilism lmao


Welcome to the works of the Coen Brothers.

Coyotes won't eat a mexican

Don't feed Mexicans

>mfw I couldn't understand what he said the first time watching it
>as in literally could not discern which words were coming out of his mouth

first time I ever wikipediad a movie

That the world sucks, and everything happens for no reason. However, no one is above the world's cruel chances, because Anton got hit by that car.

Subtitles generally help with movies where the characters have thick accents you know

Seemingly decent people can make mistakes, and seemingly innocent people can pay for those mistakes with their lives. Oh, and death awaits us all.

However, if as a lawman dedicated to upholding the law and pursuing justice, you find that your quarry is perhaps just a teensy bit too slippery for you to bring justice to? No problem.

Just complain a bit to your boss, go home, and tell your wife about a fucking dream you had involving your father.

You'll feel better in the morning.


Don't bring agua to thirsty Mexicans.

are the Coen Brothers the only ones fit to adapt Blood Meridian?

Probably, but, who would you cast at the Judge?

I don't think there is anyone that could play him. Maybe better to wait until CGI is so good they just render him.

yes but the current cinematic climate wouldn't produce a decent adaptation, I hope to god that BM and some other great novels don't get touched till this PC, affirmative action, CGI over story, atmosphere has fucked right off

I think Hollywood should just let it die. If it was meant to be, it would've happened by now.

Cast Nathan Jones, with James Earl Jones' voice

That scene was the most important scene in this film. That scene represents the choices we make in our lives. If it's a wrong choice, we don't get to live and if it's the right choice, we move on.

Woody Harrelson if he bulked up severely and had a complete body wax, then they spray 'tanned' him with some kind of paling solution. Have him squint more to give his eyes the piggish quality of Holden's.

"You can't stop what's coming."

Recurring theme throughout if you aren't retarded an actually pay attention.

The hair set on Bardem is creepy!!

> no one is above the world's cruel chances

What are the cruel changes?

No Country For Old Men is a prank. It's Fargo Mk. II. 90% of the film's running-time is one of the most breathless, electrifying, tense thrillers that one's ever likely to see.... and then the last 10% is the Coen Brothers taking a giant, steaming dump of corn-filled shit on our upturned and unsuspecting faces.

Ha ha, you fucking jokesters. Looks like you DID fool me twice. Anyone who even vaguely admires the film version of "The Emperor's New Clothes" should be lined up and executed via firing squad.

Anton getting hit by a car, Moss getting killed by Mexicans who found out where he lived because his mother in law told them, Moss deciding on a whim to go give the Mexican water, Anton flipping the coin, etc. They all happen on accident or by chance.

What happens in the last 10% that doesn't match up with the previous 90?

>who would you cast at the Judge?
jeff bridges

Well, the tone of the film. Pro-tip: if you're going to make a thriller, make a THRILLER. If you're going to make a drama, make a DRAMA.

If you're going to dress mutton as lamb, however, then there's a particular word that suits you very, very well.


You don't know the source material, do you?

Ed Tom's arc is learning that the world has always, and will always be fucked up.

Be yourself

Gee willikers, could be........ a NOVEL BY CORMAC MCCARTHY? Another pro-tip, hotshot. If you're going to adapt any novel or short story, make sure it WORKS FOR THE SCREEN. Otherwise you make yourself and everyone involved with the production, look like a giant fucking douchebag.

Oh and, Cormac McCarthy is a fucking HACK.

It's based on a book, retard.

> Cormac McCarthy is a fucking HACK.
Who did he rip off?

I will always think that either John Goodman or JK Simmons would do the role justice

hurrrrr let's stay true to the source material hurrrr

hurrrrr even if it's the absolute dog-shittest adaptation of anything ever from book to screen hurrrrr

I often forget that the dad from rasing hope is in this movie

It's another case of a movie being unfortunately saddled with a misleading trailer, just like Drive. People were expecting Josh Brolin and Javier Bardem to have a Wild West shootout at the end, but instead they got a sad, weathered old man rambling at the breakfast table.

start browsing pol

This is a perfect moevie.

The book is okay, but the movie is a damn masterpiece

At this point I expect every Coen brothers movie to have an abrupt or anti-climactic ending. They just don't give a shit about tieing up loose ends.

>I hope to god that BM and some other great novels don't get touched till this PC, affirmative action, CGI over story, atmosphere has fucked right off

That climate is here to stay, pal.

At what point in the movie did you think you were going to get some epic shootout? The only confrontation they have is in the hotel, and they never directly see each other. The rest of the movie is quiet unrest and the brief snippets of "action" you do get are done so quickly that they never linger

Your pro tip is garbage.

Most well known and appreciated movies can't be put in just one genre.

Is Heat just a heist movie? A drama? Thriller?
Is American Psycho just a drama? A slasher? A thriller?
Is Apocalypse Now just war movie? A drama? Action?

Nonetheless, well memed my dear friend

Yeah, it's one of McCarthy's weaker books.

I never said I expected it, personally. I worked at a movie theater when it came out, and a lot of people left the theater pissed or looking extremely bored.

Coen movies tend to end quietly (more often than not).

Shit happens, or something like that


How he looks isn't really that Important. As long as he's Hairless and not a manlet it's fine. What you need is an actor who can act the part.

Their only movies I can think of with the most conventional endings are Raising Arizona and O Brother Where Art Thou.

Error Childress, played the murderer on True Detective.

Shave that motherfucker and shoot him from low angles.

this guy

>he still hurrs and durrs as deflection


>You can't stop what's comin'. It ain't all waitin' on you. That's vanity.

My personal take on the movie was about the inability to outrun death in the end. I felt like that was what TLJ's character was all about, acceptance of mortality.

I don't get the impression that tlj's character woke up the next day feeing all that great about anything