How would you hypothetically prep a girl to be cooked, eaten and stored...

How would you hypothetically prep a girl to be cooked, eaten and stored? This is just hypothetical so extreme detail is appreciated

Refer to Dexter and Hannibal. Drain, gut, portion, freeze, thaw, pat dry, season, cook.

the same way you would a fucking pig

Is she hot? If yes, I might slit her throat and cut off her head for later use, wouldn't want it to be spoiled.

I'll start by slicing open her torso and gauge out her insides, as they decomposed the fastest

I doubt the accuracy of media
Never done it


Anything more in depth?

Using bone saw to cut off her arms and legs. Those might be useful for some type of cooking later.
Also using hammer to crack knee joints and separate knee-down. And the same hammer to soften the leg meat

process her carcass like a whole hog.
I wouldn't waste the time skinning her though; you actually want that ever so thin layer of subcutaneous fat to keep the meat moist and juicy while cooking. Once she's gutted, burn off all he body hair with a blow torch. mop the outside of the carcass with olive or peanut oil and add your dry rub and seasoning to that. truss up the carcass and then cook low and slow in a smoker or a covered fire pit; like you would for a whole hog. about 13 hours or so.

Meat will fall of f the bone and you's have crispy chicharonnes and burnt ends;
mouth watering.

Is burning off hair with a blowtorch really necessary if you're cooking the whole thing in a fire pit anyway?


Just ask a vorefag lol

watch an episode BBQ Pit masters or BBq with Franklin. Just do the same thing as you would for a hog.
You want us to eat her for you too?
lazy fuck.

yes, otherwise you get the flavor of burned hair in your meat. its critically important, especially if your cooking something you'll only ever get one shot at in your life.

if you dont want your meat to taste like burnt hair.

you do whatever you want;

why'd you even ask if you going to question the answers like you know how to anyway?


Basically look up how to cook a long pig (cannibal term for human body to be cooked)

Pic related?


You can eat everything except for the brain. There is a disease or type of parasite you get from eating it. I forget the name though.

I think I'd rather fuck a girl than eat her. :( Also, I know Sup Forums is supposed to be "anonymous" but there are always ways to track people down. Good luck...

you're thinking of TSE or Kuru or "mad cow" disease. Its actually quite rare outside of New guinea. HUmans can get BSE from eating infected beef brains or meat processed with infected organs, so you could probably get that by eating human brains as well. Although roasted hog brains are quite good with some lime juice and cilantro.

I would pass on brains of any animal unless it was a survival situation where all calories count and if you dont eat you die anyway.
