Am a drunk

>Am a drunk
>Made cannabutter
>Going to try to stay high for a week to stop drinking
What do you think my chances are of quitting?

Low as fuck, you fuckin' junkie.

If you're sober and on b you got more issues than me

if i had to quit drinking this is how I would do it OP. good luck

Go to alcoholics anonymous and tell them whats going on

I think your odds would be better by dosing yourself with psilocybin weekly, then using cannabis in at least a somewhat moderated fashion so you actually occasionally feel what sober is like.

My mycelium died
Thanks dude
I don't leave my house, lol

I quit meth by switching to weed then quit weed by switching to booze, so, decent?

Look into Kratom. I went from drinking every night (well past the point of intoxication) to only smoking pot. I've had 2 alcoholic beverages in 2017, and haven't been actually drunk in at least 6 months.

>I'm a better degenerate than you!

Booze is poison dude

Totally am

Well, unlike you I don't need alcohol to escape my feelies.

Too much of anything is poison.

Nice double dubs.

Bet you're on psych meds from your doctor though

No, I mean, it's only purpose is to kill other organisms. That's how yeast dominates the culture is by committing microscopic genocyde

Nope. I smoke herb.

Ah, welcome to the club

White blood cells are poison too. How about you lose yours?

Invalid argument is invalid

What's your drink of choice, good sir?

It'll work for as long as you're high and then you'll be back to square 1 plus a craving for bud

T. Guy who tried this by smoking a quad and realized willpower is the only thing that stops degeneracy

Vodka, but there's this beer called Equinox that's pretty dope.

You're adorable.

Haven't heard that in a while, cheers.