I am not a pedophile

I am not a pedophile
Don't ask me anything

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So I wont ask you if you like the tight lolipuss

or what you are doing for a living

and wont bumb your thread with my questions

to bad im not allowed to ask anything

I dunno anymore

Real lolis are hot too

Can you believe that this is banned in europe?

I love you user.

For me it's an outlet for my sexual fantasies.


U are a pedophile

I know but there is a difference for me , fapping between real loli and anime.
Sometimes I want to fap to some real loli and sometimes to some anime loli

I should be more than banned, it's should be eradicated


How'd you guess?

loli is pretty much legal anywhere in europe , you can even buy loli stuff in some conventions.

I bet you like the flat lolichest fucking pervert

What's it like knowing that the vast majority of the world would erase you from earth without any second guesses?

Honestly I never really think about that

What is it like knowing that your genetics and brain chemistry is so out of balance, that essentially you're the cancer of the earth? I served a 3 month sentence, the guy next to my cell got in for raping a 13 y/o, in a matter of 2 days people knew, then he was burned with a coffee machine and some of the guys kicked his balls in so they totally fractured - now he's prob going to be in isolation the rest of his life - without the ability to touch his dick - i told my mom this story, and she was genuinely happy that it happened.

Nearly everyone has some secrets which would be judged as morally wrong.
I dont think about that much what people would do if they know I like the delicious flat lolichest , I just keep it a secret

If i was in your position, i would asked to be chemically castrated - the vast majority of our society does not see you as human beings - i honestly dont even think you deserve basic human rights

thats life , there will be always one specific group of people which will be hated

thats harsh

Your mom is mentally ill

I wouldnt consider her mentally ill for that , its just society which makes her believe she is doing the right thing , for them we are nothing more then trash.
SO i dont hate people for thinking all pedophiles should die

Yeah maybe, but even though it may be true, people will still see her as a person, when you're a pedophile people dont see you as a human being, more like a piece of meat waiting to be killed and tortured, but dont you understand the normal human beings laugh at your misery?

Hey OP, I have to agree. theres nothing wrong with lolis. In fact, I think the legal age of consent should lowered to 12 or 13.

What does everyone else think?

Also if you think that it's mentally ill to laugh at a child molester getting 3rd degree burns and being made invalid, you're stupid, majority of society wants nothing more than to see you gone - it's normal to feel this way about serial rapists and so forth - it's considered irregular not to feel this way

it's 14 in germany, around 12-14 is enough, girls are maturing earlier these days, but not that much more.

You sound formally normal, why dont you get chemically castrated so you can live a relatively normal life?

Nice try US government. I don't do your silly games!

well this is true of you actually molested a child without its consent , but besides that just a normal pedophile who has done nothing wrong so far shouldnt be treated as human trash

It's 16 here in Canada. I'm ok with that, but I do think 14 makes more sense. I wouldn't be opposed to 12, though.

Not a pedo, but the age of consent was far lower even a hundred years ago. 13 year olds used to be wife material. The way you think is irregular looking at history.

Violence will surely teach those pedos!

Umm no. If you're serious go get your mind brain evaluated.

I'm okay with lolis but I prefer non super young looking. But I don't think about a girl unless she's 16+

OP here
If I did do anything to a child, I wouldn't do it against their will.

I dont have the urge to rape a child.
Like normal people dont have the urge the rape a woman just because they are straight.
Since I already accepted the fact that im a pedophile I can live with that.
I dont think im evil since I have never done something bad to someone.
Also I still like regular woman , and I dont want to ruin my life just because im insecure about myself.
as humans we have the power to resist our urges to form a society where the majority can live in peace.
Not being able to fully live up to my sexual desire is not a big loss tbh

In some places 13 y/o is considered a normal age for marriage, in my country we consider this breach of human rights - i'm not saying violence will teach anything - you can't teach someone who has a specific sexual preference not to have that anymore - that's why everybody fucking hates pedophiles - the only way to solve their issue is to kill them or castrate them so they can never feel pleasure again, either way it will never be solved and normal humans will have to kill pedophiles for as long as the human race continues to live.

>OP here
>If I did do anything to a child, I wouldn't do it against their will.
If u didn't do it, could u not post pictures of it. No thanks.

well thats just us evolving as a society.
you cant compare the past with our current state , the way people lived was totally different from now days


That's incredibly ignorant, you think a young child will even know the meaning of consent? I can't describe the rage i feel from reading this :) If you were near me and i knew what you looked like, i would without hesitation beat you until you died

Still don't see the issue with pedos fapping to chinese cartoons

Im not the op , the op of this thread is a lazy bastard and no I keep posting lolis for my satisfaction

>That's incredibly ignorant, you think a young child will even know the meaning of consent? I can't describe the rage i feel from reading this :) If you were near me and i knew what you looked like, i would without hesitation beat you until you died
Yes. He would beat the fuck outta you. Probably with his keyboard cuz he's a keyboard warrion, but he would. He swears. And he swears so on the Internet soni must be true.

By doing this you're grooming your sexual preference towards being more out of touch with the rest of our society - there's no such thing as a "good" pedophile, simply by the fact that you can get turned on by kids is considered enough by the rest of society for you to get killed or castrated

that would make you a murderer which is in my opinion far worse as someone who thinks they should lower the age of consent , instead of threatening him you should give some logical reasons why he is wrong.
Since you believe you are in the right it souldnt be that hard to find some reason why we shouldnt lower the age of consent.
Always think before you act , this is what makes us human

What's it like being that delusional?

If only you could see the irony of your idiocy.

Thats the beauty of the internet , its an anonym society of its own in the best case scenario where people can state their opinion without fear of getting burtaly beaten

I don't see that as a threat, i'm simply stating that the rest of the world feels this way about you - in HA you win a special gift basket if you expose and kill a pedophile - i think that's nice - call me a keyboard warrior, i think that's fun - it doesn't change the fact that you're a pedophile, eventually you will get caught and you better pray it's the police and not the normal public - even in the most civilised countries it's considered a good thing to kill pedophiles

>I think I'm right cuz ad populum.

Kill yourself.

you crazy

It's awesome i don't have moral issues - what's it like that if someone borrowed your computer and found your porn, they would immediately unfriend and probably snitch on you?

>repressed beastiality lover judging humans

There's nothing wrong with finding a 12 or even 10 year old sexually attractive. It is possible for kids that age to understand and even have fun doing sexual acts without being mentally scared. Their not incapable of understanding.

you know that arguing in a way like this only makes things worse , all you do is pointing his "idiocy" out without even trying to give some reason why his way of thinking is wrong compared to yours.

Also I dont believe thats delusional to think that the vast wester majority would like to get rid of pedos.

fuck the rules what's your favorite color?

I'm crazy because i think it's okay to kill pedophiles, only on Sup Forums hahahah - and yeah, i'm literally crazy - i spend combined 6 years in jail for attempted manslaughter, too bad that motherfucker wasn't a pedophile ;)

Its red

i'm not trying to make things "better" i'm simply stating my thoughts - which i think is fucking funny, because where else could i get the chance to talk shit to real actual pedophiles?

you're a trier not a doer

I'm well aware that a huge amount of brainwashed fucktarded morons would react in such a way. Unfortunately for you, ad populum is not a valid argument for anything at all in any shape, way or form.

thankfully i'm not into beastiality - but of course i have some fucked up fetish, awesome that you can state that

well - i just had a good lawyer + i'm white so

> i want to kill everyone i don't like

i think you need help more than us



You could be right that it's not a valid argument, but it's not an argument, its direct reality - its what the rest of the world agrees on, but of course they are all wrong and you are right ;)

Loli with tinfoil!
>i liek


so you spent already 6 years in prison and apperently you show no regret for your actions , I would consider you a lunatic for this.
Its true that im a pedophile but I was able to controle my desires while you just give in to your temptation trying to kill someone.
Society might think a child rapist is worse then murderer but im neither a child rapist nor a murderer because I know what is allowed to do and where I have to stop

>you know that arguing in a way like this only makes things worse

I technically haven't even started my argument.

And he is technically delusional. He blindly follows the teachings of an uneducated society that's controlled by a hatred for a thing they don't even understand at all.

Doms doms doms doms doms!

nonono, i don't want to kill everybody i don't like, i don't like religious people but i don't want them dead, i don't like homophobes but i don't want them dead, you're in your own special little category - the only group of society that everyone deems unfit for living

My beliefs are based on objective facts. Yours are based on ad populum. Therefore, I am, relatively speaking, more correct.

I think there was just an explosion in my pants.




How do you conclude this was a temptation for me? I knew i wasn't allowed to do what i did, but in the end i'm a very morally low person - i find money has higher value than human life, and in that you have a argument against me as a human just like a have my (+ the rest of the worlds) argument against you as a human - nobody's perfect but even the worst fucking people i know agree to the fact that all pedophiles should be gassed :) much love

yeah but people wont lisent to you if you make them upset , humans tend to believe what they know right now is the truth.
Its like our believe in physics , in every episode of our human history people believed they were in the right yet 100 years later everything changed

Lol@u for calling people out for a psychological abnormality and being a psychopath yourself.



Yeah you're right, but psychopaths like me can be rehabilitated (relative) whereas pedophiles can never change without chemical castration - that's a fact :)




Do you really think we will all eventually rape a child? because most never have and never would.

Maybe, but the fact that pedophila is one of the worst possible human crimes will never change

what is with this 2deep4u evangelion level edgy shit going on just say, "hey everyone i know would kill you, including me."


So you knew what you did is wrong and yet you did it anyways , thats why I concluded you acted out of your temptation.
If you wouldnt knew that what you were doing was wrong their would be no need to give in to your temptations at all.
Also yes , I know that most people demonise pedophiles but just because the majority thinks something is right it doesnt mean that it has to be right

Exactly, lolis are one thing, girl scouts are another entirely.

please nooooo!!! dont post anymore of this stuff... i will get very mad!!