Why are all the ausfags bitching about some 'heatwave'? In LA the temp sits around 70 and that's only warm to us...

Why are all the ausfags bitching about some 'heatwave'? In LA the temp sits around 70 and that's only warm to us, they need to grow a pair.

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Their unit of measurement is degrees Celsius.

we use celsius not fahrenheit.70 degrees fahrenheit is around 21 celsius, 43 celsius which is what it is now for me is 110 fahrenheit

there is a C not a F, means its more like 120. australian native plants also need fire to open seeds so the country has evolved to be engulfed in flames every few years

thats bullshit

let the whole of aus burn..mostly a.prison anyway

>I'm dumb.

nah cunt, grass trees dont seed unless they get burnt, they are called black boys because they always look chard

i hope your not american other wise you aught look at your history

welcome to the internet, new friends.

this is what we call bait. its what troll throw out to lure idiots like yourselves into commenting.

you see, he knows 50.5º means C and that its not 19.5º cooler than what he knows as 70ºF, but he made you think he does.

Also, there is a strong chance OP is not even from the US, given the subtle "zinger" to an american's intelligence

Hope you enjoy your stay here on Sup Forums.org

Rest of the world uses degrees celsius, only America uses fahrenheit.

Untrue. Come back with facts.

Didn't think this bait would work as well as it did.

Name another country besides America that uses fahrenheit.

Here, let me google that for you...


Wouldn't be surprised if it was an Aussie.

Certainly seems their style.

everyone's taking the low quality bait.

Don't think it was an Aussie. We aren't that savvy with this sort of humour.

>implying where you're from matters

Spend enough time on the intranet, friend. You learn

Canada is cold. It also sucks.

>I'd do a 360 and walk away
>you mean 180, if you did a 360, you'd be facing the same direction
>found the newfag!
[the last line is (you) being baited]

The real question is, what retard would use 32°F as freezing point?

i''ve always wondered this.

I'm gay

'merca. now fuck off niggas

a German scientist who developed the first mercury thermometer.

Sweet shit OP. I'm gonna turn 360 and gtfo from this thread.

also the zero point was determined by the lowest temperature that Mr Fahrenheit could get in his labs.

>inb4 you would turn in a circle
>inb4 found the newfag

itt: low quality bait becomes debate on validity of the fahrenheit temperature scale

Did you just assume op's gender?

In the summer where i live in the US (above 40' North) it gets to be 46+C

It's based off of how many millimeters of mercury were shifted in old barometric devices. The US still uses this old format of measurement for temperatrue.

ausfags bitch about everything, ooh it's too hot,ooh it's too cold, ooh it's too cloudy, ooh it's too sunny, ooh it never rains, ooh there's too much rain, ooh those poms are whinging bastards, ooh those yanks are fucking dumb, ect

because aussies are nothing more than little bitches. even their accents are whiny as fuck.

Found the pom.

can confirm cause live there

Nope, there are no wimmins on the internet.


You're a fucking idiot.


Says the newfag responding to bait

trumptard detected