What are some movies where the world actually ends in the end?

What are some movies where the world actually ends in the end?

I would like nothing more than for this to happen in real life, so I want to watch fantasies about it.

Knowing. Bonus points for featuring the one and only Nic Cage.

Children of Men. End of the world ain't fun.

Shit movie. Anything else?

I'll check this one out.


The Cabin in the Woods.

The End of Evangelion

These final hours

Titan A.E.?

Dr. Strangelove

The world ends before the movie starts in the early 70s animated movie Fantastic Planet/La Planete Sauvage.

Humans are merely pets to giant blue aliens on an alien world after humanity had destroyed the earth.

>Shit movie.
Are you retarded or 13?

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

It's not terrible.

Kiera Knightley a cute.

Terminator 3

StarWars (if you live on Alderan)
Supernova (maybe)
Children's End (mini series)
Rescue Party. A short story by Arthur C Clark. Highly recommend reading it, it managed to bring a tear to my eye.

Neither, I'm just not a pleb who falls for the

>muh cinematography


>mommy where the fuck are all the explosions and witty quips??????????

i relly liked that movie

I didn't like the implication at the end involving the aliums, but that fucking plane crash sequence was dope as shit in a theater.

I'm just saying that there is much more to a movie than the visuals.

Days of Heaven was also shit outside of the look itself, for example.

>Plane crash scene
>Nick Cage is running around and shouting at people who are on fire

it was the funniest shit

>durrr must defend muh shitty flick on the internet >:'(

Children of Men has much more than just the visuals going for it. Interesting premise, great use of a soundtrack, good acting, etc. All this on top of amazing cinematography.

It's too bad the most important thing in any movie wasn't there: a good story.

Maybe it was just too British for my taste.

Tell me what movies you consider to have good stories.

of course an edgy teen who wants the world to end as shit taste, of course

it was a great story

do you need me to explain it to you?

Melancholia by Lars Von Trier is literally just that.

Miracle Mile

well in Hitchhiker's Guide it ends in the beginning, but comes back in the end.

Mostly, it's not a perfect recreation.

Escape From New York

I also thought CoM sucked, not really that uncommon an opinion.

beneath the planet of the apes

>m-muh super amazing apocalypse flick

Go back to clapping at Armageddon and 2012

Deep Impact

It was crap mate.

Literally busted forced and forgettable drama.

More "it happens because plot" than the average anime. From premise to end.


End of Evangelion.

Maybe that's the gag?

Maybe its loved here like BvS is "loved"?

Fuck off weeb.

>More "it happens because plot" than the average anime. From premise to end.

like for example...?

>Suddenly the world is sterile because plot
>Hijincks ensue
Boring hijincks. I literally only remember they win, but don't recall how, why or anything. Just that the film bored me shitless with its pomposity.

ITT: Some pleb who loves Children of Men gets triggered.

seconded. Film is my exact fantasy. Wish it were true.

That's not true though, by Shinji making the choice to be human and face all the problems that humans do rather than be tang and live in a comfy bubble with everybody else, he gave everybody else the opportunity to choose their own fate too

Shinji was just one of the first people to do it, I'm sure many people chose to come back

even though it was already mentioned I will second this again, because the film deserves it.

>CoM shit

You are so wrong it physically hurts me

So what movies do you like? Documentaries?

Or do you like when movies fake realism and try to explain everything through bullshit?

in CoM they could have come up with some virus, or some space radiation or something, but the point is it's not important why people are sterile, the important thing is that they are.

damn, people you need to read the thread before posting. Anyway, agreed!

I'm fine with a handwave excuse for a major plot point if it makes for an interesting, engaging and entertaining plot.

Guess why it irks me with Boredom of Men.

the movie Nothing. It's a very decent comedy.

Found the problem hes british. It hit to close to home.

>Children of Men

Do you have ADHD?

Go no further

No, we just have different taste.

I really don't understand why you enjoyed it, bout hey, more power to you. I never felt once like I was invested in the characters. It literally felt lime magical sterility happens, but actually no its OK, save the pregnant woman, she's saved, film ends. Nothing gripped me. Nothing engaged me. Nothing even shocked me. It was just bland grim dark time waster.

It's a garbage film about some nigger being the last hope because it shits out some progeny.

Nah just taste

CoM is just an over-extended leftist propaganda clip pushing SJW agenda. Babby's first social criticism.

CoM is shit for reasons other than that you retarded fucker

Plus, the world doesn't actually END as OP wanted. It literally has a rough patch that gets resolved by the end of the film.

I'm sure you also think American History X is redpilled and shows why being a skinhead is awesome

When Worlds Collide(1951)

Listen here you silly little faggot, I don't like niggers either but CoM is a good movie.

Fuck off.

>Oh nes we's sterile
>Oh wait, no we're not
Within MINUTES of the film starting.
Great. There goes my giving a shit.

Except for literally the entire point of the plot to get the mother and child out alive and away from both the government and rebel goons. You really are a retard.

It's a shit movie but it doesn't exactly promote or push the SJW shit. Unless you count a nigger giving birth to the first baby as "SJW shit" but for fuck's sake the main character was a WHITE MALE.

Yeah but who cares?
Her fate is literally irrelevant.

Everyone randomly gets sterile. Except this one person, for no reason at all. Its safe to assume therefore that other people will also randomly become fertile again.

So why the fuck do I care if this o e survives? Others will follow. And by the time I'm thinking in those terms, the film has lost me. None of the characters matter, the flimsy plot falls apart.

There's nothing there to give a fuck about.

Not to mention the only reason the baby is saved is because of the white guy, and a black guy is the main villain.

Oh c'mon, you KNOW they were going to survive. The only scene that had any level of tension was Julianne Moore's death and even then she was a highly unlikable character.

anything atypical in a population becomes typical? regardless of the cause which in this movie we don't know? Tell me, did you enjoy putting paste up your nose as a kid or something?

>Her fate is literally irrelevant.
Other than studying her in order to find a cure for the infertility, the entire point he was trying to get them to that boat in the first place, and why you can hear the sounds of children in the background at the end.

Oh fuck off. Jesus I swear to god this movie has the worst fanboys imaginable. You lot are even worse than Nolanites (and that's saying something).

Everything he said about CoM is purely subjective which I agree with to an extent. Without any level of context it's hard to give a shit.

can I get a clip of this?

You're literally just assuming the best and forgiving the plot. Liked another user says, there was no sense of jeopardy, and even if there was its safe to assume others will in time become fertile. Its just as likely that random fertile people will happen as not. We have nothing to work with to determine why the world was infertile to begin with. But if ONE person is fertile its fucking retarded to assume no one else would be. Except plot.

I'm sorry, your favourite film was shit to me. Please try to deal with it. You aren't going to convince me I enjoyed myself, I was bored.

And the people who hate this movie for being "boring" are the same people who think Kubrick was boring and post in /GoT/ threads.

you're not another user, you're the same dick samefagging now.

>I can't handle the insane idea that multiple people thought muh movie was shit.

I didn't think this movie was "boring", it was a technically well-made incoherent mess.

You'd be wrong, faggot.
