In this thread: We come up with simple solutions to complex shit

In this thread: We come up with simple solutions to complex shit.

Possible topics:
Gun control
North Korea in general

Wow, so Trump really DID grab a pussy.

>Less people = Less shooting, obvious answer is genocide
>Cut off dicks worldwide, no dicks means no fetuses
>What do you think the nukes are for
>See answer 3
>Dude I'm high right now, since when is this a problem

samefag setup


1. Everyone owns a gun. Gun violence plummets.
2. Abortion legal if both man and woman sign off, woman says no father; forfeits legal rights to child support in the future.
3. Import crack and heroine
4. Borders
5. Legalize everything. Crime comes from things that are illegal. Crime doesn't come from things that are legal.

Gun control = hitting what you aim at
Abortion = use bc u fucking primates
North Korea = see Team America the UN can write the a letter telling them how bad they are
Terrorism = ask Israel. Eye for an Eye cf Munich
Drugs = you can't keep them out of the most secure environment in the planet the prisons, DEA= distillers enforcement apparatus

What he said I'm 5593 his ideas better

>Gun control
Don't take away guns. Reduce the conditions that lead to gun violence by introducing single-payer health care, thereby reducing financial strain on lower income individuals and families and ensuring that people who need mental health services actually get those services. Also, legalize various drugs to reduce the size of the black market and the likelihood of drug related gun violence. Also, reduce poverty. Most people aren't going to become muggers or burglars if they don't need to and we'd see a drop in gun violence.
Abortion is sad but necessary. Give people access but also start caring about access to contraception and sex ed so we have fewer abortions.
>N Korea
Stop arming terrorists to defeat other terrorists and then arming different terrorists to defeat those terrorists. Stop terrorizing other countries and our own citizenry by violating human rights.
Legalize marijuana and maybe more.

Kill all humans. Solves everything.

Triple trips of trifling truth have trickled

you're still an unoriginal uninteresting unremarkable unimportant loser. kill yourself.

So much insecurity
So few lines to express it with

>gun control
Criminals will still acquire guns if they really want to, even if they are banned. Banning guns just takes them out of the hands of law abiding citizens. Increase the stringency of background checks, but dont outright ban them
Its your right to abort your mistakes, but it shouldnt be my tax dollars helping you do so. Legalize abortion, but no government assistance paying for it unless it was proven to be a rape case or something similar
>north korea
Ingnore them
Stop accepting refugees. Stop sending aid. Pull troops out. Make it clear they can do whatever they want in their country without western interference. If they continue aggressions on our home soil from that point on, respond with air strikes. Civilian targets are acceptable, as they are targeting western civilians
Legalize and tax them. No government aid for rehabilitation. You fuck yourself up, you pay the price yourself
>gay rights
Give them their marriage and whatever else that straight people have. Ignore them after this, as the majority are special snowflakes who just want attention
>illegal immigration
If theyre in the country illegally, deport them. No anchor babies
Stop trying to teach people who dont want to learn. Cater to the middle of the pack, not the lowest as seems to happen in our public schools. I almost want to say privatize schools past ~8th grade (with scholarships available on merit) so that kids learn education is a priveledge, not an inalienable right that the government forces them to attend

Give me your hate

>nuke the NRA
>nuke abortion clinics
>nuke North Korea
>nuke all religious buildings
>nuke all drug dens

this guy seems to have some good ideas

When we're all done with that remember to nuke the nukes

You know, the world would be a lot safer if everyone just embraced ultra-nationalist fascism and we stopped all movement of people.


>nuke OP

Basically, end the world.

"Simple" solutions, just like going bankrupt. Yeah, that'll work.

>Gun control
Fix the mental health system and require a gun license (requires basic safety training course)

The more the better.

>North Korea in general
Leave them alone. Sign peace treaty. Lift sanctions. Withdraw troops from ROK. Get a embassy in Pyongyang.

Stop funding them for proxy wars. Stop imperialist wars in general. Withdraw all support for Israel and Saudi Arabia. Offer war reparations to Lybia, Iraq. Iran, and Syria.

Decriminalize non harmful drugs. Rehabilitation instead of prison for nonviolent drug offences. Death penalty for dealers.

single payer healthcare system

>economic policy
Every bourgeoisie who resist SHOT.
Those who don't rehabilatative labor.

Military budget reduced to 25% of current. Withdraw all foreign stationed troops. What's left of the military converted into a "self defence force".
