

disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods

>disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods

Wrong. The only person who can claim a lack of belief would be someone who lived in a cave and was never exposed to the concept of the supernatural. Once exposed to the idea, from that moment on you either believe or you do not believe. There is no lack of belief. If someone asks you if you believe in god, do you really respond with "I have a lack of belief"? No, you say you don't believe.

We can, its easy. Theres no higher spiritual power that governs us

So basically it's a belief in non-existence of God of gods

why do people fall for this bait

god isn't real lol


you are literally retarded.

it's not proven, so I am lacking a belief in god.
Someone who does not believe in god, has a lack of belief in god

not really. By assuming we were being serious, you yourself just got reverse baited and double trolled. better luck next time new friend.

I haven't seen sufficient proof of any gods, in order to actually believe in any of them.
There are stories, but that is all there is.


No, you stupid faggot, you don't lack a belief. You either believe or you do not believe. I know you want to occupy what you see as the intellectual high ground right in the middle, but you can't. You are firmly in the "don't believe" section.


which is atheism. wtf is your point?

>implying there is nothing in between convinced and not convinced

The fuck are you even talking about?

>which is atheism. wtf is your point?

exactly. my point is that "lack of belief" is not the same as "I do not believe". Fedoratheists use the "lack of belief" line because they think it makes them look like a deep thinker.

this thread again..lol.. daily if not more.

nice to see your back
How long has it been

not near long enough!

Would you believe me if I told you that I fucking hate marshmallows.

the statements are equivalent

i love this thread

I''M gonna go with
if not more

First of all, someone who does not believe in god, lacks a belief in god. Learn English you stupid faggot.

Second, I can occupy whatever the fuck I want.
And, yes it makes sense.

Your problem is that you do not understand that believing there is a god and not believing there is a god are both beliefs, like opposite sides of the same coin.

I like potatoes

In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god’s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence. This is the only definition I need.

this is a good thread.

Top Kek.
Stupid burgers always getting panties twisted about imaginary sky beings.
Really forget all religion and get on with making your country great again.
All overly religious countries are 3rd world shitholes.

How do you like them, potatoes?

and without religion there country wouldnt exist.

you just got 420 blazed atheist dumbfag

minimum trolling.

op is a faggot

>not believing
pick one!

Tits or GTFO!

What is it called if I believe that I am God?

Mashed, baked, french fried


What if he is?

An atheist is someone who's sole purpose in life is to belittle people who believe in Jesus H GW Christ. Atheists can't be objective like agnostic people. They set out to prove something they cannot. They are hateful and ignorant.

This but opposite

Trump Syndrome

Twice baked, loaded, stuffed, on the side

So is an agnostic, just the agnostic admits to being ignorant.
We all are.
It's just stupid to subscribe to something that you can't procure evidence of.

I'm an atheist and I spend very little time engaging with christians at all.
Also most atheists are agnostic as well, they don't know if god exists, but the lack of evidence makes it unlikely. So they live their life on the assumption that there are no gods.
I don't think I've actually met an atheist who claimed to know that there are no gods.

So, you like them too?

So you know for sure that something didn't create matter, time and space? or even different dimensions? An ever expanding infinite space that just is? Nothing created this thing? You know that for sure?

If you don't... you are agnostic. If you are sure.. then you are an atheist and please share your science with me.

You cant be both..


I... Am God.


Top kek if he does exist and everyone speaks poorly of him on here.

Sure, only french fried though, and baked (if crispy).

An agnostic person admits they don't know if got is real or not. They don't claim to know either way.

An atheist isn't just someone who thinks they know for a fact there is no "creator". An atheist is basically an antichrist.

I''ll take ignorant fag for 20 Alex

why do you fags fall for this bait thread almost every fucking night by the same faggot user. you all are fucking autistic.

Gods get quads.


Living life with the assumption of no god would be agnostic.. An atheist is basically an antichrist.


Yes, I'm just saying they're equally ignorant.
Maybe an atheist more so ignorant to how their view annoys everyone else.

Everything happens for a reason.

Why is this a nightly thread?

No, you have to share your proof that jesus really was magic.
I don't believe in any sort of god and unless a god makes itself known, I will keep on disbelieving (It wont happen).

Athiesm. The belief that there is no higher power. That simple. It's lack of religion. You say there is a god I say show me proof and you thump your bible and I walk away because that's not proof enough to me.

it fukken god you fuk


It's bait. And possibly containment at the same time. I just wish it happened on some other board.

>Living life with the assumption of no god would be agnostic

Agnostic translates to not knowing, gnostic translates to knowing.
An agnostic atheist will not claim to know that there are no gods, but will simply not believe because of a lack of evidence. A gnostic atheist one will claim to know that there are no gods and base his lack of belief on that.
It works the same with theists, agnostic ones won't make definitive claims, but do believe. The gnostic ones will make definitive claims and believe.
>TL:DR yes you can.


Obviously cause he could feel the earth rotating duh so he knew that it rotated on it's axis 4 times. Please like God is omniscient anyway so he would see the sun or lack of sun at all times at all places on the Earth cause he sees all so the sun being there wouldn't even help him determine the passing of days jeez it's obvious.

You atheists are so fucking ignorant.... think about this.

Our sun wasn't the first sun god made. We are not the center of space. So god can say days all the fucking wants. You don't know if there aren't other living creatures in space or other dimensions. You don't have to prove something for it to be true. I'm sorry.

So I am gnostic God.

You're a fucking idiot. I'm not even an atheist but I know that not believing and having a lack of belief are the same thing. Learn English, cunt.

If all religious text and pictures and information was suddenly erased and destroyed, in a thousand years we would have religion again but it would be different.

If all scientific text and pictures and information was suddenly erased and destroyed, in a thousand years we would have science again and it would be exactly the same.

Its not that their view annoys people. its that they say there is no god. They don't know that. That also shouldn't give two rat fucks if someone else believes in it. They go out of their way to be hateful.

Most atheists are closet agnostic but they just cant admit they don't know.

because definitions don't come with the neckbeard and fedora



you've engaged maximum faggotry

Without the god, people don't do things in the name of a god. I want psychos to stop justifying their actions this way, or at least to own it.


Cool, prove it.
Please conjure a shopping bag full of good weed in my place and I'll gladly call you a god.

Exactly. I don't see atheists going around raping kids and shooting people.


Well yea, so when they go out of their way to be hateful, doesn't that annoy people?
Annoy, rub the wrong way, bother, piss off, make someone post a rant on Sup Forums, different words for the same rat fuck.


If I did that then you would grow to rely on me, instead of developing the contacts and skills you'd need to acquire that dank good good of your own volition. God does not fulfill all of your desires and remove all discomfort and trial. God helps you learn to do so for yourself.


^ proof that god isn't real


Or that God is just trying to keep all the good weed for himself.

It would only be once, to prove you could.
I already have the contacts and the skills to get my own bud. Heck even jesus conjured some wine and fish for people to prove his worth. A bit of pot for me would just be a proof of concept.


good isnt real because this is exists

fuck you its my fetish jk its my fetish but i wont fuck you

Your fetish is pixelated vaginas?

