What the fuck did I just listen to

What the fuck did I just listen to

Go back to your Kendrick thread

Shitty synthpop made by a meme band

Beethoven's 9th symphony?

The best synthpop album in decades most likely.

haha meme everything is a meme funny meme

jfc how's Ulver a meme

depeche mode for kids

Music and production are on point but the lyrics are too edgy

aoty 2017

The AOTY by the most versatile band in history


>implying he's lying

they made entry-level shit during their entire career
their meme status is well-earned

It's true though

>critically acclaimed black metal, dark folk and electronic albums
>entry level shit


How familiar are you with their career honestly

I see no discernible reason not to like this record.

You're either:

>a butthurt metalfag because a quintessentially black metal band released a top tier pop album
>a butthurt popfag because a quintessentially black metal band released a top tier pop album

They made extremely accessible black metal (bergtatt)
They made extremely accessible "electronic" (perdition city, blood inside, Themes From William Blake's, metamorphosis, a quick fix of melancholy)
They made extremely accessible ambient (Shadows of the sun)
They made accessible neofolk (Kveldssanger)
They made accessible synthpop (well, OP's pic)
The only albums that aren't that accessible (while not being inaccessible neither) are Natten's Madrigal, Terrestrials, Teaching In Silence and to some extent Messe

Very, in fact I like some of their releases
But they're the total opposite of inaccessible

They made 2 black metal records dude, they're not a "quintessentially black metal band"
Also i'm none of those, good thing heh?

>accessible = meme

>people getting triggered by the word "meme"
how old are you

Dude you can say every good album ever is accessible.

Does an album need to have less than 50 views on youtube to be good?

not old enough to post

Accessible music is accessible
Ulver is objectively accessible man

The Beach Boys and Talking Heads are accessible, are they bad then?

No, the implication is that they are meme bands because of their accessibility

riiiiiiight, okaaay then, it's been fun talking to you.

Name one, just one bad that is more versatile than Ulver.

Bergtatt is a staple of black metal however

holy shit imagine being this fucking retarded

>accessible "electronic" (Themes From William Blake)
it's not even electronic

topkek, m8


I was just explaining their implication wow don't shoot the messenger thanks for the (You)s though means a lot

An album of the year that's surprisingly synthpop.

Ulver, the bands that brings up suicidal thoughts.