If there are an unlimited number of parallel universes...

If there are an unlimited number of parallel universes, does there exist a universe in which parallel universes do not exist?

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No you fucking idiot

holy shit....

That would be oxymoron so, no.

Well then probably yes. It would be an island unto itself. An inescapable parallel universe to nothingness.

stop spawing new universes by asking this question all the time

There would be infinite universes in which the infinite universe theory would be disproven. It collapses on itself instantly

the logic of your question is flawed
parallel universes reside next to each other not IN each other - so technically yeah -all universes...

I concur. I saw a thing somewhere where Stephen hawking had said there were, and it made me mad because the mere concept is illogical, yet he's rendered a genius. Is that supposed to be like some sympathy bullshit or something?

No. Parallel universes are by nature their own universe. Thus the natural state of a universe does not contain another universe. A universe which somehow dictates that other universes do not exist would exert its existence via external forces.

Infinite universes means everything possible is happening in a universe. That means there would be a universe in which someone discovered a way to destroy every other universe. It's impossible

Infinity doesn't mean everything is possible. There's an infinite amount of numbers between 1 and 2, non off them are 3.

No, just because they're infinite, it doesn't mean they're unique.

I must point out that the question does not ask whether there are multiple parallel universes: it says that, in the instance where the truth exists that there are, would one or more exist in which the universes no longer exist. ?

there's only one universe fam, that's why it's called the fuckin u n i v e r s e


Nope that's dumb.

You went full retard and divided by zero.

This is the most interesting response I have ever heard to this question.

Then how would you define 1 and 2? Where would you draw the line between reality and the impossible?

I thought parallel universes existed where different choices are made and different things happen, but the laws of physics are the same. Therefore one wouldn't exist, since no amount of choices would stop parallel universes from existing. It WOULD show, however, that travel between universes doesn't exist, since if it were one universe wouldve learned how and come and visited us


This is the proof that an infinite number of parallel universes *does not* inherently produce every possible concept. The same goes for the physical expanse of the universe. If the universe were in fact infinite *and* all things exist in an infinite universe, then somewhere out there would be the device that ended the universe at the moment of the Big Bang.

Clearly this cannot be the case so either there isn't an infinite universe or infinity does not inherently guarantee the existence of every possible outcome.

I come on your mom tits stup faggot


what does that mean?

The Big Bang created each individual universe, not the multiverse. There are universes out there that never hada Big Bang.


A universe isnt created at the exact moment a decision is made. There are simply infinite amount of universes that are constanly running through time. Every decision or every possible outcome forever will and has existed since eternity.

In the first place, why would there be an unlimited number of parallel universes?
It's just a theory.


Ah ok thanks, but yeah would the point still remain that they'd all face the same laws of physics?

You don't understand the concept at all OP. Let me clarify for you in layman's terms.

Cosmologists believe the universe experience some early exponential growth called inflation. It is believed that this was a very short but huge growth that blew tiny anisotropies up to huge proportions, and this is why galaxy superclusters are so anisotropic instead of the universe being uniformly spread.

Some cosmologists believe in the multiverse theory. In this scenario, inflation didn't end on the grand scale of things - instead, it left small pockets known as universes where inflation ended due to some anomalous lack of inflation-causing field as a result of quantum perturbations. In each case this happens differently due to different perturbations. So anyway, the multiverse inflates infinitely at an extremely rapid acceleration leaving behind an infinite number of little pockets called "universes", and because there's an infinite number of them, we say there is an infinite number of possible situations based on how these universes developed due to different perturbations so there may be a universe with a parallel clone of Earth. Although the probability is extremely small, you multiply this by infinity and it becomes certain. In theory.

With regards to your question, no there is not a universe where parallel universes don't exist because these perturbations can only affect their little bubble region which depends on multiverse inflation to exist.

Are we really going back to the
>God can't create a rock he can't lift
>checkmate religion

Here's a picture of what this looks like

I could quote numerous sources on this if you want but for now I'll just say I know because my 4th year project is on cosmic inflation and I've read around plenty.

This would imply a parallel universe existed within another universe, a parallel universe by nature would exist outside all other universe.

OP this is a really stupid question. Everyone knoews that parallel universes exist inside the multiverse, not other parallel universes.

Of course not, because (a+b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2, you fucking moron.

No, because the multiverse exists outside of any single universe, so no single universe could have any deterministic effects on the multiverse.


Yes, and its our universe. Thats why we cant seem to find any parralel universes

Scientific explanation of ghosts, poltergeists and evp.

and how would you KNOW that?

Who said there was an infinite number of parallel universes?

This is just like the omnipotence paradox.

>'Can an omnipotent being such as God create a stone so heavy that he cannot lift it?'


Can the pockets connect?

And what are those bubbles contained in?

An even bigger ultimate universe.

There is therefore only one universe. Checkm8 fag.

your mother is an oxymoron you fucking nigger idiot

There is infinite number of numbers between 2 and 3 but there is no number 4 there

The bubbles may well be contained within our universe. With thier own bubbles within them.... and we are just one bubble in our parent 'universe'

There is no reason that all the bubble universes exist side by side and follow a tree branch structure. It should be much more dynamic than that.

No, as the rule for infinite universes does not apply to one uniberse. That rule effects them all

Not only no but FUCK NO.

Here's what we all need to understand,

Since the average person doesn't comprehend physics and math and doesn't like it, they put it on a pedestal as something that is so hard to understand and those who do are something special. The reality Stephen hawking made some cool discoveries about black holes and had some intuitive ideas but that's it. It doesn't mean he knows everything and anything ever and his word has authority. Everything else he says is rubbish that he is spouting off because he has been given too much self confidence and fame to ever be able to properly be an objective scienctist ever again. Same with all these bullshit assholes who talk about highly theoretical things that are borderline fantasy and highly shareable on social media. The masses take literal fantasy as facts the theoretical physicists know that average people will not be able to research, understand, and subsequently call them out on how bullshit it is.

Like "The God equation" "we are all made of stardust" "reality is nothing but infinitely vibrating strings vibrating in and out of harmony with each other" shut the fuck up.

there are an infinite number, so, that's actually technically wrong. infinite means every possibility ever will happen, HAS to happen, and will happen an infinite number of times over. that's how infinity works. I'm sure somehow, there's a paradox universe out of an infinite number where somehow there's a way they don't exist while still existing

>there are an infinite number

You seem convinced. Why?

Share your conviction

It would hust be a universe in which they would never find out about them. They would still exist, but notbto them

because it's infinity. you don't need to explain that with possibilities that are quite literally INFINITE, everything ever will happen. always. forever. an infinite number of times. infinite possibilities, infinite times over. I'm convinced only because to say there are an infinite possibilities of universes, saying "except this one" doesn't hold any weight, because there are infinite. it hasn't happened yet. because it already did. and it will again.

You guys need to stop getting your theories from rick and morty and go read a book or something.

Why are there infinite universes?

...as opposed to 'lots'

Doesn't matter if it is infinite or finite. What the fuck are you doing with what you have?

If an infinite amount of universes exist everything that CAN happen, will happen. That doesn't mean that ANYTHING can happen.

That would be most universes including our own. The parallel universes exist outside of each other so every universe that doesn't somehow manage to contain more universes fits the criteria I suppose.

You're too retarded to understand a simple hierarchy of systems so why even bother trying to explain.

>God can't create a rock he can't lift
Of course he can.
If we define the constantly applied infinite potential of god as a variable, lets call it YHVH, and apply this to both sides of the equation.
The weight of the rock is infinitely increasing as God attempts to make a rock that he can't lift while simultaneously attempting to lift it. The lifting force is also infinitely increasing at the same rate.
Ergo the lifting force will always be equal to the weight of the rock as both approach infinity, BUT in order to actually *lift* the rock, the lifting force must *exceed* the weight of the rock.

Conclusion: God can make a rock he cannot lift. He can hold it up indefinitely, but cannot raise its altitude without intentionally holding back on his ability to increase the rock's weight.

SCIENCE > philosophy

He can manage all that.... but completely failed to proof read his biography 2000 years ago?

i wonder if this universe is the one you speak of

well there are infinite possibilities so, there also infinite universes that prove that theory

that doesn't make any sense, you dumb niggerfuck
parallel universes don't exist within one another


That is exactly what several leading theories propose.



no they don't, parallel universes are separate universes.. if parallel universes existed within our own universe for example, then we would be able to experience every possible outcome of everything, but we dont, we only experience life in one way

No, there aren't. There might be infinite permutations, but there are not infinite possibilities.
Take Pi, for example. It is an infinite non-repeating decimal. If you keep doing the division infinitely, you can extrapolate the value of Pi out to an infinite length of numbers.
BUT those infinite numbers will always be 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,or 9. Just because it's infinite does not mean it contains umlauts, emojis, heiroglyphs, and dipthongs.

That doesnt make sense. Other universes can exist within ours.

Do some homework and stop pulling ideas from your ass.

Are you thinking planets? Galaxys? Or wha cause the universe is everything and seperate universes all exist on top of one another in the same phase of time but diffrent phases of space, tho as those are just concepts, that came about after the creation of our universe there exist those with non linear or non standard times and spaces. So to answer op yes. In a truely infinite universe all things exist. Up is down. Left is right. Spaces where time flows backwards , yes

ok then retard, instead of just using the "i'm right, you're wrong" argument, maybe explain why
oh that's right you can't cuz you don't know shit

What if the universe expanding is creating these black holes as they're tears in the fabric of spacetime and going into them tosses you into the great dark between different universes? What if black holes just lead to the giant empty space where every single one of those balloons in that room are just resting. You'd be stuck in your own personal hell watching as every possibility sits in front of you, just out of reach.

Just like in your current life.

"If you divide 1 by 3, you'll get 0.3 repeating endlessly. There's an infinite amount of digits in this number, so one of them must be different than 3!"
-Pleb logic

Parallel universes are theoretical, therefore pointless beyond scriptwriters trying to come up with excuses for non-canon stories. It's like Schrodinger's cat. There's no real cat, and nobody really cares for it besides normies trying to sound smart.
Even if it were true and did matter, a single universe could not "not have parallel universes". "Having parallel universes" would be a characteristic shared by all universes, regardless of their "lol randum" variant.

You are assuming that all universes must have the same geometric constraints and laws of physics.

Its understandable that people see things one way then extrapolate that everything else must be the same. It doesnt have to be.

What is to say that the next tier of bubbles arent completely inverted and as ours tend to infinity, those tend to singularity. Can you think of a place in our universe where there is an information barrier and things tend to zero rather than infinity?

Quit my job last night. I didn't want to but if I had let them leave me in there and I'd taken it I'd be kitchen bitch forever. I just started another one so no big deal but if the many worlds interpretation is accurate I'm sure another user is in another universe making this same post only wondering if he SHOULD have quit. No regrets

I don't think you understand the science behind Schrodinger's cat

Look up the new matter discovery and evidential proof of time crystals a regular fourth dimensional matterial object capable of existing in our dimension and operating against standard physics via the amplification of quanum and string effects then say that also a perpetual machine of the forth type that dosnt violate newtons laws. The reason I say is this required us to reevaluate our understanding of time it dosnt move in any direction in particular nor does any real object actualy move as there is no definate resolution in our universe it must be summized time is a consistant meshwork of overlapping spaces whereby in our understanding entropy decays forcing the progression of time. Other universes HAVE to exist in order for us to have "time" do we have time, yes... ok then

>In a truely infinite universe all things exist
That is a paradox.
If this were true, in a truly infinite universe there would exist, somewhere, the thing that negates the existence of the entire universe. There would exist, somewhere, the thing that renders the universe finite. There would exist, somewhere, the thing that causes everything in the universe to be an infinite number of penguins. There would exist, somewhere, the thing that keeps you from being a dumbshit.
None of these things are possible.

And stuff like this is why I don't trust scientific theories such as the big bang or evolution. They have so many contradictions and things that make no sense yet atheists refuse to see the fallacy.

This IS one of those universes. Although math and science says parallel universes are possible, we have no way of travelling to one, or even observing one.

It's sort of like God, believe it or not. There is nothing that says God can't exist, but we have no physical proof for God.

Yet god is completely logical?


No those universes would just be where null physics would apply they dont change the way ours work outside of making sure it dosnt work like their. Becuase it cannot.
Never did I say our universe is infinite not even that big ya fuckface(you started the name calling) ffs we have a picture and a rough size of it and its only expanding due to vacu and cohesion

Set theory demands it.

Im outy just figured id clarify I was answering the question the op asked not saying it applied to us

The universe which has no parallels could be a perpendicular universe. No logic holes here, just unimaginative idiots.

All it takes to have a universe within ours is to change one + to a - in our models. Dissolve one tensor and you can happily exist exactly as you do right now, but in a universe that is shrinking to zero as we are apparently racing off towards infinity.

You are falling into the newfag trap that everything has to follow the same physics that we know.

Read some Krauss for a simplistic overview. This is very real and valid cosmology.

>we have a picture and a rough size of it
This actually isn't entirely true.
We are only able to observe things that are within 13.82 billion lightyears. There may be things farther away than that whose light simply has not reached us. Inflation does state that the universe did at one point expand at a rate greater than the speed of light. There isn't really any reason to believe that there isn't anything outside of the *observable* universe. We just can't see it yet.

That doesn't alter the fact that the "in an infinite universe, everything exists" is idiocy, because the infinite sequence of odd numbers does not contain the letter Q. This debate is largely framed by people completely unable to grasp the concept of "infinite" and just use it as a catch-all excuse for making whatever asinine statements they feel like.


What the fuck? If they exist they obviously fucking exist. That's like saying "I have a million soap bubbles. what if, inside 1 soap bubble, the other million don't exist?" It doesn't fucking make sense. What happens inside 1 soap bubble can't affect whether or not the shit outside of it exists or not. The big bang isn't a fucking theory either. Scientists didn't just make shit up, it's by observation. Every large celestial body is moving in a direction AWAY FROM a single point.

I really can't believe people this fucking stupid and scientifically illiterate exist

Duh. We are talking about multiverses... where the other ones are, well, the other ones. I guess your simple brain cant fathom that they might not look like ours.

Can you tell me what q is in hex,,, is it 113 oh my fuck its right there 113=q=odd number now seriosly. Even using only the odds the compleete list of numbers would contain enough coherence to have information hidden in the data. You just have to know where and how to look.

lol you actually think that sounded smart
holy shit, that's hilarious.
hold still, imma screencap that.

You explicitly said within ours maybe I misunderstood. I am verrrrryy high right now but still if it is the observer universe(what were calling our universe) and we change it. Yes its diffrent. But we would be the active observing party in the situation regardless if we were still there.

Yeah man no prob I usualy say crazy shit. Thas how I play it bitch