What makes you think I will ever accept your so-called president?

What makes you think I will ever accept your so-called president?

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You don't have to, and you'll get beaten to death on the street anyway.

I hate anybody who wears any ring that isn't a wedding ring

I think Donald Trump is wholly unqualified for the office, and that his election to it was a huge national mistake.

That said, I'm glad it makes this guy feel bad.

Nobody cares what you accept


Terrible b8, gtfo newfag


Poor baby can't control it's emotions like a grown ass adult. Go cry more faggot.

what happened to this guy's eyebrows


idubbbz is looking well

images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrTcYHljqBYCJ4A2CuJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIyNTU3ZjJjBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANkYjI4NmViMWIzNTU0ZmFjOWZkMTY4NjQxN2FlYWFlZARncG9zAzYEaXQDYmluZw--?.origin=&back=https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?p=justin+trudeau&n=60&ei=UTF-8&fr=tightropetb&fr2=sa-gp-images.search.yahoo.com&tab=organic&ri=6&w=940&h=545&imgurl=cdn.inquisitr.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/nat-sullen-211015_frame_995-940x545.jpg&rurl=http://www.inquisitr.com/2541638/justin-trudeau-sworn-in-as-canadas-23rd-prime-minister/&size=78.6KB&name=Justin Trudeau</b> Sworn In As Canada’s 23rd Prime Minister&p=justin trudeau&oid=db286eb1b3554fac9fd1686417aeaaed&fr2=sa-gp-images.search.yahoo.com&fr=tightropetb&tt=Justin Trudeau</b> Sworn In As Canada’s 23rd Prime Minister&b=0&ni=108&no=6&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=12o95uu06&sigb=14egn120d&sigi=12kuuoc39&sigt=120is85lp&sign=120is85lp&.crumb=p.CBBEeE/FN&fr=tightropetb&fr2=sa-gp-images.search.yahoo.com

cant tell if new fag or just file is too large

Good cry you faggot bitch

google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=where can I download child porn and how can I kill the president

There are a few exceptions. Such as class rings, on the off chance you're a pro athlete wearing a championship ring is ok, and if you're a chick rings are fine unless you have one on like every finger then you are just over doing it

Cringe thread?

>class ring

Please someone be dumb enough to follow this link

Literal dickhead

Tempting, but no.

We don't need you too nor do we care.

Is that a nothern lion

You look like the type that would kill someone in a school.

Like Trump's kid?

Because you will do as you're told, bitch.



Dear GOD, you're head looks like an egg.

He looks like that dude from full metal jacket
Texas I thought only queers and steers came from Texas and you don't look like no steer which kinda narrows it down

4 years ago it was people like you crying like a little bitch. You should at least sympathize.

You must be as autistic as OP

Why the fuck do people keep making fun of him? Just because he doesn't show much emotion doesn't mean he's a psycho.

boi you look like a conehead

To qualify for presidency you justneed the votes mate...

I don't think he's a psycho, but he seems to me like he's legitimately autistic. Not Sup Forums autism, the other one.

the only thing uglier than his soul is his face! lol - what a loser. go cry in your safe space, you pathetic pussy! HAHA! TRUMP IS YOUR MASTER FOR 8 LONG YEARS!

This. Also need to be 35 years of age.

You mean asbergers? If not, the more severe types?

why do you make fun of because its funny

What makes you think your opinion is any more valid that someone who supports trump? Why would anyone care that you don't accept him as the leader of the free world? He is, and that's all that counts

Fair point.

Yeah. His mannerisms and general demeanor fall well outside of what could be chalked up to simple eccentricity. I work with kids like him.

He could have you killed with the snap of his fingers. You are insignificant.

So do I. Also, checked.

Because he's a little self entitled dictator wannabe hypocrite who thinks people need to cowtow to his demented sensitivities. They are completely blind to the fact that they are what they claim to hate.

kek. you triggered a lot of faggots whose mothers raised them and told them it was ok to wear jewelry.

And the majority of people think that's what we need as a president, someone with backbone who isn't afraid to talk about his beliefs. America doesn't need another president who bends over backwards to the shit that's wrong with this country.
Also the point of my post rests. He is president and there is not a single thing you can do about it. How does that make you feel? Out of all the presidential options for the past election, he was the favorable, end of discussion. That's how the election process works.

You can hope he fails all you want, but left wing right wing were all the same bird, and if one side fails we all fail. Enjoy being miserable for the next few years without any possible way to change that

Because they are jealous that a 12 year old kid has a better life than they will ever have and has more shit then they will ever have in their entire shitty lives.

you're probably not even old enough to vote. and I bet your parents are the ones paying taxes

And you were probably raised by two faggots.

what make you think we care about what some crying little faggot thinks in the first place?

The Constitution.

if you wear a class ring for anything but prom/reunions you're a turdknuckle

He is the president. It doesn't matter if you accept him or not, because you aren't in a position of power for your acceptance or lack thereof to mean anything.

I second

but buttt my mommy told me i'm cool for still wearing my letterman jacket at age 30.... how else will everyone know how cool i was 15 years ago???


feels guy irl ?

And ur not jealous?

This is why?

>waaaaahhh trump is so sexist and rude he talks about women in such a bad way waaaaah he isn't nice
>let's talk shit about his appearances and his 12 year old kid
Hillary supporters are all hypocritical retards. The women's march was hilarious on tv. Bunch of ugly chicks talking about how orange he is when half of the audience has purple and pink and rainbow colored lesbian hair. It went from that to talking about periods and bleeding all over the place. Like how are you about to criticize the way he acts when you're no better?

Pte. cowboy don't cry doe... He went to Nam to kill people.

>if you wear a class ring for anything you're a turdknuckle