Has anyone noticed that any attempt at rational discussion in Sup Forums is getting flooded with shit-posting...

Has anyone noticed that any attempt at rational discussion in Sup Forums is getting flooded with shit-posting? The alt-right are now spending copious time and effort in an attempt to shut down any kind of dialogue. I feel like I'm living in Pol Pot's Cambodia, where anti-intellectual hysteria means wearing glasses can get you killed.

This is really starting to snowball quickly. IMDB just announced they're shutting down their comment boards, for example, because they've been so swarmed with racist, shit-posting Trumplorables that no one can actually discuss films or TV shows. Many newspapers and blogs have already turned off their public comments for exactly the same reason.

Slowly but surely the alt-right are destroying public discussion as a prelude to actual fascism.

Wow an intelligent person on Sup Forums, how rare.

why are you on Sup Forums looking for rational or even intellectual discussion?
It's not the alt-right either, this is Sup Forums, expect actual autists

The right is going to crash and burn

Didn't used to be. There was a time not that many years ago when I could refresh the front page of Sup Forums and always find two or three interesting threads by people who could spin entertaining yarns about their lives or their experiences. Now I can go all day without seeing a single interesting thread, and if one does appear it's flooded off the bottom page in minutes by a tsunami of cancer of shitposting.

>Many newspapers and blogs have already turned off their public comments
>the alt-right are destroying public discussion

That's not what that means. It means public forums are closing to stifle public opinion that they disagree with. Just because your opinion is in the minority now doesn't mean the other side is "destroying" the internet. Cuck.

Speak the Devil's name...

Everything you're observing is a very deliberate effort on the part of the so-called alt-right. Luckily, the trick is wearing thin and people are becoming more aware of it.

That said, remove your head from your ass and stop thinking that Sup Forums is a place where you're going to get any kind of rational discourse. This place is flooded with racists and edgelords who want to watch the world burn. This is the only place these kinds of cretins can get a word in edgewise so they exploit it as much as possible.

Not an argument

I tolerate everybody's Opinion, but when it turn's to hate speech and insults it's not ok.


don't think it was meant to be

Rational discussion being turned down on Sup Forums?
Shit when did this start happening

Except Sup Forums *WAS* a place where subversive discussion not only happened but was celebrated. It's always some alt-right neanderthal who pipes up with "Sup Forums was never good" when people talk about what it used to be like here. I've been here since the very beginning, but there's always some alt-right goon claiming I'm a "newfag" and trying to rewrite history, claiming that Sup Forums has always been a Stormfag jamboree of shit-posting and hatmongering.

>the right has tried for the last decade to have civil discussions with the left.
>the left has constantly shitposted utter nonsense (and getting worse and worse all the time).
>"muh Sup Forums is being invaded by alt-rights"

Seriously, children, stop being fucking retarded... Pretty soon, the left is gonna start arguing that Martin Luther King was a fucking white supremacist...

For every alt righter there is a equally retarded hillbot. Both sides are filled with retards, both sides are wrong on a lot of things. At the end of the day America has the leader it deserves, Trump is America personified.

Young liberal boy goes online to start a discussion. Gets stumped with an argument and can only respond with ad hom. Many such cases, folks!

5 years down the line and that liberal browses Sup Forums and is now a legit neo nazi

>your opinion is in the minority
>Trump won the popular vote
pick one

Except all the shitpost is coming from the left, like this thread.

Well, this is /b after all...its always been like this. That said, the vitriol the alt right is spewing can only get them so far. After a while when their ignorance manifests itself into public policy, eg banning refugees, the courts can and will step in to put an end to it all. This has already shown to be the case. I consider myself EXTREMELY lucky to be living in Canada. That type of extreme right wing hate mongering just isnt widely accepted up here. There have been multiple attempts for it to make its way into the mainstream of Canadian politics. Everytime it has been resoundingly defeated at the ballot box

I was not attempting to make an argument on the basis that your character makes your view wrong. I was insulting you. That is not an "ad hominem argument," you mouth-breathing Dunning-Kruger Trumplorable subnormal.

That said, we all need something to distract ourselves from this mess of a country today. If a hypnotic, dominating daddy telling you to take a pull on nitrites does it, then hey: Self-care comes in all forms.

I would be so embarassed if Trump was running my country. Seriously, he is a joke. "I love uneducated people."__well they sure love him too.

>the right has tried for the last decade to have civil discussions with the left.
Either your drugs are REALLY GOOD, or your parents are siblings.

>Sup Forums
You must be new here

Exactly my point... Instead of positing any sort of actual argument, the leftist instead immediately defaults to ad hominem.

So you don't think refugees are any sort of security risk. Even knowing one of the paris attackers gained entry to France, by posing as a refugee.

You're right. They should light shit on fire. Pepper spray people. Assault someone with a metal pipe. Far superior to hurting your feelings. >Hate speech
thats just what people like you call words you don't like.

Let's see if you're still singing the same tune when O'Leary turns the country into Amerifat North.

No, Hate speech is speech that attacks, threatens, or insults a person or group on the basis of national origin, ethnicity, color, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability.

Since Trump won I'm really quite surprised at just how much of Sup Forums is populated by left wingers.

and the only part of it that's not protected under the 1st is threatening. The rest of it sill just words you don't like.

I'm not a "leftist," I'm a mutualist anarchist, which is generally regarded as being slightly right of centre. But then, political science is one of the many, many things of which you are deplorably ignorant.

>> intellectual

anything that agrees with me

Er... you mean alt-left.

So you mean free speech you, Paki, shitskin, Muslim-bomber, dudebro, shemale, faggot retard.

You clearly know very little of the history of such attacks in france. They have been happening for decades during the break up of their colonial empire. This one was just the latest. Can you point to one single instance of a refugee comitting a terrorist act in murica?

O'Learly is an opportunist, but a smart one at that. While I have not looked much into his positions in the cluster fuck that is the conservative leadership race, he clearly hasnt taken up the xenophobic mantres of Kellie Leach. That would undoubtedly cause a major stir in the race to be sure

>the courts can and will step in to put an end to it all
yeah, just like they did with hitler and his followers

Do you ever get tired of lying? Just straight-up lying? Sorry, I meant "using alternative facts"? I would think that making every word out of my mouth a lie would make me exhausted after a while from the sheer effrontery and moral debasedness, but I guess someone with as little respect for truth as you have would have a much higher tolerance for evil.

Which universe are you in? It's always the left who shut down accounts, throw riots to stop gay conservatives talking and censor media. If you try to talk to a leftist the first response is some shitty buzzword and a block if it's online. Hell, even you just responded to a guy who replied with a normal articulated response with "Speak of the devil" and some derailing image, hypocrite

I take it the alt right is anyone who disagrees with you

The point is, that I think discussion between people with different political opinions is good, but if someone is insulted, it's not good. And by insulted I don't mean triggered like in the memes.

Notnthe dude you arw replying to, but anarchism is retarded as fuck. Anarcho capitalism especially. I mean you fucks think you'll take away law and everyone will step in line with what you think? You don't think people will start killing each other?

>I have no argument so I'm going to shout and cry and ignore it
Typical liberal, folks!

People are not afraid to use free speech. "Hate speech" isnt always hate. Examples:
>Not hate speech
Homosexual behavior is wrong and disgusting.

>hate speech
You stupid faggot! You are gross!

liberal's political correctness is failing and will end soon. It is what every decent person wants. It was just a method to stifle the right's opinion.

>you fucks think you'll take away law and everyone will step in line with what you think?
No, actually, we don't. The word "anarchy" comes from the Greek "anarkos" which means, literally, "without rulers." It does not mean without rules, without laws, or disorder. Early US communities, for example, were anarchic: rules and laws were decided by simple majority show of hands at town hall meertings. There are many, many forms of anarchism, but none of them involve an absence of laws.


absolutely. For the very same reason I propose banning clerks, acountants, hobos, truck drivers and basically anybody else. since last century hundreds of spies posed as those in order to bring chaos to enemy nations

I waited so long for the fucking US election to end because I hoped these ctr threads would finally die out but no

>hurr durr ad hominem
One please enlighten us then oh wise one. When was the right attempting civil discussion in the past decade?
Was it when questioning the Bush administration was "treason" and reserved for "domestic terrorists".
Or, do you mean when "that Muslim Kenyan nigger" was in office and was going to "destroy America"?


You are full of shit. I've been here since the scientology days. Sup Forums has never been a rational thought area.
Because Sup Forums kicked ctr's ass. They moved here. Still getting paid to shill like butt hurt little faggots.
No, you are a fucking basement dwelling faggot. Get over yourself.

Trump won. Get over it cunts

>implying rational speech on /b
>implying the left can talk rationally

The institutions that are common place in democacies like America, Canada, Brittan, etc simply were not in place in germany during hitlers time. Germany was a freshly shattered empire after WWI it just so happens that hitler was the one who picked up the peices. The real question here is, could it happen again today? I am leaning towards no

It's because the "alt-right" have become tired of faggy progressive nonsense, and are starting to troll the shit out of them. Plain and simple.

But you're mistaken in them trying to "shut down any kind of dialogue". That's not the case at all, you have it backwards.

The sites that are shutting down their comment boards are LITERALLY the ones shutting down the dialogue, which is why the right are doing this in the first place.

Faggy libtards are alway trying to censor the right, and bar free speech by labeling it "hate speech" because of "muh feelings".

Guess what, snowflakes. You can't silence us anymore, and closing down boards, and trying to stop people from saying things you don't like is only going to make you look like the real fascists, thus bringing more people to our side.

It's been said a million times, and I'll say it again: THIS IS WHY TRUMP GOT ELECTED.

You are the reason he is in office right now. Because the country is getting sick and tired of your bullshit. You're 100% to blame, and you're argument of us being the ones censoring people is completely, and utterly ass-backwards.

Please, keep crying. Your tears fuel our train, and there are no breaks on it.


Ylyl is one of the best threads we have on Sup Forums. Nice to finish off the day with a good laugh

comparing the USA to nazi Germany is an insult to nazi Germany

This is where it should happen, no mans land of the internets.
Let's just all go to mars and let them burn the earth down.

Insults are clearly not productive for discussion but that doesn't mean it isn't or shouldn't be part of protected speech.

Hate speech is such a nebulous concept.

I personally am glad the US government chooses to not recognize it at all.


You left-leaning piece of shit. We won, get used to it. Fuck you, and the donkey you rode in on . . . . .


>Has anyone noticed that any attempt at rational discussion in Sup Forums is getting flooded with shit-posting? The alt-right are now spending copious time and effort in an attempt to shut down any kind of dialogue

Or, OR maybe Sup Forums is for shit posting and your "rational" discussion (which is just you wanting people to validate your opinions) is on the other boards on this site?

>implying the people elected Trump
wew lad

Fucking this.

were you even there? majority of the discussions were at least filled with valid opinions. Now every political discussion is just filled with "he is wrong but i wont say why"

political corectness is as bad as hate speech (I am more left btw.)


So since you talked about Pol Pot and Cambodia here are some lyrics from Holiday in Cambodia, a song about college educated liberals pretending to know the struggles of others and complaining while having it so we'll,

So, you've been to school
For a year or two
And you know you've seen it all
In daddy's car
Thinking you'll go far
Back east your type don't crawl

Playing ethnicky jazz
To parade your snazz
On your five-grand stereo
Braggin' that you know
How the niggers feel cold
And the slum's got so much soul

So please tell me. What has happened to you that genuinely reflects life in Pol Pot Cambodia?

I don't even care to disagree. I consider what you say as total bullshit, but sincerely hope you're going to be right in the end

There's been racial division in France for decades, no shit I've seen La haine. But its a fact that one of the Paris attackers was posing as a refugee. It hasn't happened in America, again no shit. They haven't let that many in. But having a bunch of refugees cpme into the country is just some humanitarian bullshit it doesn't actually help the host nation in anyway. It does no good to import a bunch of uneducated, unhinged, extreme social conservatives into the country. They will not make society better.

Everyone should have the right to say a particular tribe has poisoned the well, they may even be actually doing it. What you can do if you don't like it is refute it.

>I tolerate everybody's Opinion

> hate speech and insults it's not ok

pick one


...hate to break it to ya.



alt-right children are a waste of time. the ones who are too deep in their cute little faux rebellion phase shouldn't be argued with. literally all their sad lives are being wasted on is trolling, and this is coming from someone who wasted a significant amount of time trolling back in high school. these guys take it to the next level of obnoxious disregard for fact and morality

and yet, it's all so trite and boring. I can predict their entire cycle of arguments because their weak, indefensible stances are so transparently the result of watching 15 minutes of a youtube video uploaded by "jewenstein shekelberg" yet it's hammered into them as a deeply held belief central to their identity


Hate speech is not an opinion, it is hate speech.

Both, retarded left and retarded left people are part of the problem.


also, at "but no", there should the Mother verse from The Wall start playing

To be fair, comment sections have always been a shithole of biased unqualified opinions and shitflinging. This isn't just a political issue, it's an issue of allowing literally anyone to broadcast their opinion.

Everyone put away their loyalties for a second and consider this formula:

The most easily offended people tend to be the dumbest

The dumbest people tend to be the most vocal

Computers and the internet lets even the dumbest people share their opinions

Dumb people don't care where information comes from just if it agrees with them.


>The people elected Trump
>Clinton won the popular vote
pick one

ive notice OP

what do?

if Obama did something wrong, we explained why it is wrong. I do not see that against Trump.

Well, I mean the people who supported Clinton keep saying she won the popular vote but she rigged that too.

i pick, the people elected Trump... easy


>Has anyone noticed that any attempt at rational discussion in Sup Forums is getting flooded with shit-posting?

Even more so than it used to be - but lets face it, this place was never suited to intelligent discussion.

>The alt-right are now spending copious time and effort in an attempt to shut down any kind of dialogue.

that or sealioning.

>I feel like I'm living in Pol Pot's Cambodia, where anti-intellectual hysteria means wearing glasses can get you killed.

give it time, give it time.

I dont think the alt-right are destroying public talking as a prelude to fascism, they are dismantling public debate as a method of removing discussion about them. It silences the critics, it removes the places they can gather. a lone voice calling out thier sick shit in a place quickly gets silenced for self-preservation when there's no-one else to support it. That applies if its a opposing voice in the town hall, or a net forum.

the US is wandering dangerously close to the cliff-edge of falling into its own brand of fascism. it wont be nazism, it wont be italian fascism, fom the 30s, or even south american junta-like fascism from the 1980's, but it will have many similar hallmarks. And its going to get really fucking bloody.

Civil War 2: The People Strike Back


why, good job man. I like the way you cleared the problem. I wouldn't mind this post showing up to see broader publicity

The electoral college won the popular vote.

I mean the people elected the electoral college.

I mean the popular vote elected the people.

Oh fuck it.

With no one to enforce the law, i can kill people and do all kinds of shit and get away with it. You cannot have law without law enforcement. Now are you one of those NAP types? Or more of a collectivist?

I totaly agree with you.

the people 30 years ago elected the people who elected trump

"alternative fact"

[citation needed]

hate speech is just the authoritarian left trying to tell me what I can't say. Personal freedom is more important than your feelings.

It ended already when Trump won the election.

Look like the left need to shut down the public comments to censor the inconvenient truth.