Which would win?

which would win?


minus wins. plus explodes on contact.

The 1000 degree knife would win.
It would cause the -1000 degree knife to suddenly expand and shatter.

i really doubt this situation can exist and if something cant exist how can you explain it within our domain

1 magma

This is acurate

-1000 is an impossible temperature to achieve.

you must be new here.

Not really since the -273 degrees celcius is the max

Go back to ifunny

Nigger you must be new to fall for easy bait like that.

op is faggot
answer this

If you would say a bucket of magma definitely the icecubes (yes i know 1 magma is a shit meme)

How much is 1 magma ?

Exactly one

now have thousands of knives. cold knife win every time




lol you must be pretty new to reply to a post like that.

>-1000 degree
That's literally imposible user

(-)1000 degrees is just (-)280 degrees, this means both knifes are pointing at the wrong and opposite angles.

Try again retard

This is a stupid question posted by an idiot.

Are you okay?
Do you need help?

New fag

Ofcourse it would be +1000 knife, -1000 knife would be brittle as fuck, saw what hapens to things dipped in liquid nitrogen?

Autist detected

How can one go beyond 600 degrees below absolute zero?
What is that ice knife made of? Anti-matter "heated" with anti heat?

Man you are good at detecting yourself.

You just fell for bait wow

I remember the first 1 magma post. I was in the thread

>you're an autist
>no u
>lol baited

is it summer yet ?

Mega Sal will win
Mega Sal always wins


you're all fucking retarted, obviously the 1000 degree knife and the -1000 degree knife would cancel eachother out and make a 0 degree knife

The knife (assuming it is made of steel) would win by default because minus 1000 degrees is theoretical.


I bet 40 bucks to my magma boy

Both temperatures would cancel out, rendering both knives at 0°

>No one's asking for the units
What are we dealing with, here? Fahrenheit? Celsius? Rankine, Kelvin, Centigrade?


Kelvin would be the most logical tbh


-1000 degress is not possbile,
1000 degrees is possbile, so the question is invalid

About half of two magma


But 0 Kelvin is absolute zero.

And you don't say "Degrees Kelvin." You just say "Kelvin."

since when -1000 degree has become a nazi meme?

The cold knife would win, the hot knife would melt into a puddle on the floor 1000 degrees is hotter than the sun.

Technically we don't know that. There could be situations or other universes where -1000 is plausible. We just haven't discovered it yet.

1000 degree is impossible, because hot is around 100 degree

Research has shown that an atom frozen to a certain point will be visibly in two places at once. -1000 degree knife wins cause there are infinite -1000 degree knives.

Minus can't exist as the coldest temperature possible is .00001°K which is approximately -273.15999°C

1000° knife wins purely because it exists as matter

Negative temperatures exist in the statistical definition of temperature(go read the wiki article), but it technically makes the -1000 knife HOTTER than 1000 knife(and everything else in the universe) because it will transfer the heat to any object. The 1000 knife will melt by the time -1000 knife loses the energy.

I reckon [spoiler] One of 'em will win [spoiler] fam

Mathematically and theoretically you are correct, however practically you are wrong as that to cool a piece of matter below absolute 0 requires that the energy that holds the atomes together at the subatomic level also be removes, so the knife at -1000 actually ceases to exist as its atoms cease to vibrate and electrons lose their spin, dissapating into the void as leftward quarks which themselves dissapate

Therefore the 1000 degree knife is all that is left in the fight and it wins simply by existing. The -1000 knife ceasesto exist and all information that was held by the knife actually also ceases to exist, so were you an observer of the knife as it was cooled to -1000 you would actual,y forget it ever existed.

-1000 of course. Nobody canceled the rule of cool yet.


1000° knife has a hand to operate it and it's a higher quality knife to begin with. That being said, the cold knife wins because the two temps would cancel out to 0°, which is still damn cold.

This is too retarded not to be bait

>to cool a piece of matter below absolute 0 requires that
It only requires that there's more high-energy atoms than low-energy atoms. It's called the population invertion. By the way, that's how lasers work. So -1000 knife might be a laser.

This is too retarded to not be bait


fucking love this because it shows how little everyone else understand because they dont realize a sun made of ice would be denser and would crush and dissipitate lava sun

it can also move faster than 8 minutes per hour so lava suns heat couldnt catch it

Damn, he got me.

I lolled.

Greater than 0 magma, but less than 2 magma

But what if it was night?

the ice sun would win if it attacked at night

Is he ok??

Like situations or universes where you're not a faggot.

>8 minutes per hour

Neither, both explode upon contact.

hmm that would definitely give the lava sun an advantage by reducing its temperature and making it denser, it would definitely even the playing field but lava cant exist at night (lava at night is actually called magma so it wouldnt technically be a lava sun anymore)

Plus wins bc you can't get below absolite minus (somewhere -360°)

We're talking about farenheight, not centigay like you eurofags use. Your thermometers have limits because you faggots are fucking pansies.

No you weren't, you were in a repost, retard.

even with Kelvin, it's possible to have negative temperatures. it's just due to the way temperature is defined in thermodynamics; instead of being calculated by the average kinetic energy of every molecule, it's defined by how willing it is to increase entropy.

the weird thing about having negative temperature (in Kelvin) is that it ends up being hotter than any positive temperature. kind of like a stack overflow error.

t. physics undergrad who fucking hated thermodynamics so i could be wrong

-1000 degrees

You can't get colder than absolute zero.. they teach that shit in grade 8 man.. come on

Now THAT is simply impossible.

>using "technically we dont know" to deny impossibility even though its something pretty much confirmed impossible

what are you fucking religious or something?

There's no such thing in science as 100% impossible

Except in a universe where it is

>ever think of that?

His point is that "Hurr you can't say unicorns aren't real because science isn't omniscient" is a shit argument that gets us nowhere. It's not a clever rebuttal, it' shit.

oh well guess its time to go looking for teapots and invisible pink unicorns then because hey, we can be 100% sure they dont exist

by there is

example: negative fucking 1000 degrees. Heat is the vibration of moving molecules, thus the slower molecules get the colder it is and when molecules stop moving completely we get to absolute zero which is only–273.15 on the celsius scale.....you CANNOT get SLOWER than ZERO MOTION thus anything colder than absolute zero is LITERALLY FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE

>+1000 degrees
You now have steel vapor.

>-1000 degrees
You now have a Bose-Einstein condensate; having lost all metallic properties. You now have a frozen blob that acts like a giant, frozen, single atom that cannot tough anything (not even air) without shattering into smaller blobs of of frozen single atoms.

one less than two magma

one doesn't exist fuckfaggot


But if we could then it would be possible?

Wouldn't slower motion be going back in time?

If time travel is found out to be possible then the area around things going back in time might get colder than absolute zero.

Not saying this is how it works but until we have studied it you can't say it doesn't

What if with less than that temperature the particles went like "backwards"

every gram of a sun of ice weighs like 20 grams, so its much heavier
but lava sun at night (aka magna) is faster as it can move over 4000 hours per miles, and DEX >STR

The hot one. Metals become brittle at super low temps. If +1000 is below the melting point of OPs knife, then you are pretty golden.

The structural integrity of the cold knife is more compromised than the hot one. So I'd say the hot one would win.

>every gram of a sun of ice weighs like 20 grams,
That's how black holes are made.

Cryogenic freezing reaches very low temperatures

an ice sun can ascend to black hole if it's black ice

Not if you are a wizard.


yea he's just sleep

but backwards movement is still a positive motion

yea once you figure that out come back but lets not pretend on the hypothesis as if they had some semblance of true as for right now its impossible to proven otherwise (not out of default, just that the overwhelming majority of evidence points this way)

still colder than physically possible

When a molecule stops moving, does its component atoms also quit moving? Does its component sub atomic particles also stop moving? At what temperature does all quantum motion end?
What you're telling us is that at absolute zero, we can measure the position and motion of all quantum particles with absolute precision because the motion is always zero. That's bullshit.

Not exactly since the theoretical minimum temperature is described as when atomic motion ceases. We know mainly what atoms exist throughout the universe so they would be subject to the same restrictions