I was sent this on facebook. Does this accurately represent usa politics?

I was sent this on facebook. Does this accurately represent usa politics?

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>its a "atheist shames christians for not following a book he himself doesn't believe in" episode
Man, I'm tired of these reruns


Is there something wrong with that? People constanlty complain about islam but I don't think there are many muslims on this website.

Is it Christian to believe other people should pay for shit they don't want/need?

There is literally nothing wrong with that. That isn't even exclusive to atheists.

No. Poor people recieve plenty. They would get more if government weren't a middle man to take a piece of it. I know I'd give more if I didn't lose half my money to various taxes.

Yes, every meme you see on the internet is 100% true.

As in food?

Matthew 19:21” Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”

It is wrong when the shit they spew is inaccurate. I've never been to a church that didn't have a food bank.

Holy shit how American can you be?

He was speaking to a specific individual in a specific situation there.

That's only symbolic

That is a modern political statement having nothing to do with Christ's teachings. You're being secular when you should be faithful. I'll be praying for you.

Enough to know I'm taxed enough and work hard so 47% of the country can sit around and contribute nothing to the federal pot yet reap all of the benefits.

>no, when he said that he didn't actually mean it, he actually said about how we SHOULDN'T give to the poor i'm not making this up I swear

>implying you can't be both
In my peraonal life, I'm faithful. When it comes to the law, I separate chruch from state.

Proverbs 28:27 “Whoever gives to the poor will not want, but he who hides his eyes will get many a curse.”

that's not literal

Nope. That's not even close to what the scripture or my post was about. Your double digit IQ is showing

thats what people say when they want to ignore the parts of their religion they don't like. the slavery part was only symbolic right?

Hebrews 13:16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

no, it was the jews

I can't do good if the governement keeps stealing my shit

>he didn't mean everyone guys!
Matthew 19:24: Again, I tell you it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than a rich man to enter heaven

jessus endorsed the old testament and all the slavery in it. you can't say it doesn't count, that's your holy book. or you are admitting that you ignore the parts that you don't like and selectively believe in the parts you like

So you're saying you'd give the money you pay in your taxes to charity if you had the chance? And most Americans, especially the rich ones, would follow? Somehow I debut that.

Did Jesus use force to make him do that, or did he leave it as an option?

How is it symbolic if he also says that rich can't get to heaven?

Jesus never used force. He's saying f you want to WWJD then give up your things and follow his way.

If left as an option you shit heads would accomplish nothing.

Debut it all you want you illiterate monkey

he said it's what good Christians do. The bible also said it's easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get into heaven

>man I sure am glad that guy had a typo, now I don't have to listen to him.

>use force
Why are Amerifllaps so dramatic about taxes?
Also, Americans frequently "use force" to enforce one religion over another. I don't think I have to point at any particular event.
>inb4 it's not a ban

My point stands.

But if we're playing wwjd then Jesus wouldn't want to force anybody else to do what they don't want

And that you're going to hell if you don't.

Thats Rick Perry!
Yes the first line is one of his actual quotes. The rest is obviously trolling, but still remains true.
This is the man that replaced a nuclear physicist as the Secretary of Energy. A man that once said he would "Shut down the department of Energy, Education, and Commerce."
Yes, Americans are this dumb.

>I don't want to actually make a change in the world, I just pretend I do so God likes me

Whose forcing anyone to do anything? Jesus preached, as do his believers. If you call yourself Christian, then you should follow his teachings. Otherwise you're a hypocrite and they don't get into heaven

Would you be okay with someone taking 40 percent of your money if everyone else said it was the right thing to do?

>I've never been to a church that didn't have a food bank.
It's about "christian" politicians though, not churches themseves.
Also, Polish guy here, I've never seen a church that had a food bank.

America could get rid of government if people weren't so greedy.

Give to emperor what belongs to the emperor and to God what belongs to God.

>that analogy
Mine specifically would be unfair, if everyone got that treatment and it went to a cause (like running a country) then I wouldn't mind it at all you Americunt.

Hell is just the absence of god. You're in hell as we speak if you don't have god in your heart. Dying and going to hell just means that after you die, nothing changes, and you still suffer. Life is hell, the world is hell, to escape it you must fill your heart with love.

Entitlement programs are funded through the US treasury. Taken through taxation, which you are forced to pay

THIS dumb?!

Would it be ok to some one build me roads, guard my security and health and then me just use all that shit without paying anything?

Oh no atheists aren't necessarily following christs teachings just like the people that call themselves Christians so they're just as bad


Well this is why we have separate nations. Not everyone can be as awesome as the US

You must be new here.

So? It's just money, and money has no value if you truly value god.

>tfw you have to pay taxes

This. It was about that particular man's attachment to his wealth. Though early Christians did tend to sell a lot of shit and have a more communal perspective.

the right wing in this country is crazy about taxes, sold out completely to corporations and billionaires. and the billionaires shit out propaganda on fox news that has genuinely convinced poor conservatives that low taxes on the rich and deregulation are good for them

Not an arugument. At least admit that analogy is shit.

That's local, you moron. Not federal

>cuz I said so
K, idiot

Again, because the rich tend to be prone to avarice, there's nothing spiritually wrong with possessing the element gold, but rather being attached to this possession.

Yes because god gives you food and a roof over your head.

Posted by some fuckwit who thinks having the state seize other people's property and give it to your favorite pet constituencies is "charity."

I cannot understand why leftists all think they're so fucking brilliant.

>Jesus endorsed slavery
Not actually true, is it? Despite the "one iota" line, Jesus was a reformer, especially in regards to social egalitarianism. If the iota verse is he only verse that matters, we have to ignore a lot of other shit, like the vision of the unclean animals. See: progressive revelation

Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's

Is the taxation the proplem there or just how the tax money is used?

Ever wonder why so many Republicans ran in 2016??
>Citizens United allowed legal limitless campaign contributions, declaring money is equal to free speech. If you don't got money, well your voice just isn't loud enough. This is the list of the biggest candidates that profited off this ruling:

Govs. Chris Christie of New Jersey and John Kasich of Ohio, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, former CEO Carly Fiorina and former Govs. Rick Perry of Texas and Mike Huckabee of Arkansas.

Yep, drain the swamp....

Hell is an amalgamation of Sheol, Gehenna, Tartarus, Hades, and Dante

>American education
The tax dollars that corporations weasel out of paying amounts to way more than whatever amount of money you think the poors and the Mexicans are draining from the system

jesus said that the old testament is the word of god, and never corrected the slavery bits, so I don't really see how someone could disagree than jesus endorsed slavery.

if i was jesus correcting that bit and the killing non-christians bits of the old testament. and a bunch of others. did you know that the old testament said abortion is ok if your wife cheats on you?

This is contextual. And this is about an apostle. This isn't in reference to everyday Christians for everyday life. He didn't preach to the common people to sell what they have and wander the earth. This was a specific person who Christ chose to follow him.

Nothing in the bible states that man should give everything they have to the poor. Then the poor would have to turn around and do the same thing and this would be an endless fruitless cycle. Even the bible has reverence for kings. Everyone and everything has a place in this world and the rich have their place. Favor or not, everyone has their own trials and tribulations and believe it or not the rich often have more trials than the poor.

>he didn't campaign against slavery (that we know of) so that means he endorsed it
Shit logic

he said it's the word of god. that's a lot stronger than just endorsing it, that means if you're a christian you should take it as infallible truth

It wasn't said to an apostle just a dude in the crowd. This part of the same chapter is just for the truly dedicated though:
>11 Jesus replied, “Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. 12 For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.”

But don't worry! Their prayers are with us.

>Luke 3:10-11
>10 And the multitudes asked him, saying, What then must we do?
>11 And he answered and said unto them, He that hath two coats, let him impart to him that hath none; and he that hath food, let him do likewise.

So explain the vision of the unclean animals.

Notice Jesus didn't say give away both your coats

We are all on God's path user.

Just accept him, join the herd.

I gotta pay for the wall that I don't want because Trumptards are frightened of people who want to mow grass. So Trumptards are all commies..

>if everyone gave to the poor then the poor would have to turn around and give it back!
>it would be some endless loop of charity!
That's the point brother. You have wealth that another child of God could use, give unto him, and ease his suffering, so that he can do the same. If everyone followed the teachings of Christ properly, and without selfishness, then there would be no need or use for wealth, and it could be given away freely.

Found the mong

i dont know what that is but i'll bet it's a bullshit rationalization about how the old testament doesn't count

why would the law written by god change between the new and the old testament? If they are supposed to infallible truth? Did god change his mind about the laws on morality?

>Does this accurately represent usa politics?

No, because it's called separation of church and state. Besides, a lot of our founding fathers were not Christian.

This is the reason why mike huckabee didn't become president, because he doesn't understand separation of Church and state. Most religious politics exist in the south, and that's slowly but surely changing.

>when Christfags bitch about "context"

watch this, mind cuck


You can quote the Bible all you want, if people who are being used by a terror organization to smuggle terrorists into countries want into my country, it's either hardcore vetting or get fucked. I protect my own here first.

True. But if you have a fuck-ton of coats you would be giving most of it away. In the end you would have the bare minumum you need to get by and you would be one of the poors.

>mfw when the us had hardcore vetting all along

>I don't know the basics of the shit I'm arguing but I bet ur wrong

So people who are rich don't understand or have heart for the poor? One of the dumbest pics I've ever seen.

I have to deal with faggots like you taking my money and giving it to other people because muh extortion for healthcare

It's sad that the words of the Bible hold no importance to you, but in time I believe that you will come to understand it's wisdom

lol dummy you lose god is dead

Jesus new covenant over ruled the mosaic covenant you ignorant fuck

Not the guy you're replying to, but using that pic makes you an auto faggot. Feg

How about both you fags learn to live in a world where taxes exist and stop whining?

Woah you're retarded. They don't talk about the teachings of islam.

>being attached to this possession.
Something like, say, refusing to pay taxes at the expense of the poor.

Why don't you have compassion for the health of others?