Be me, 22 years old

>be me, 22 years old
>live at home with parents
>don't know what to do with my life
>have money saved up to move out
>can't live with toxic parents anymore, makes me want to kill myself everyday
>can't move out because every job I applied for have either not gotten back to me or the pay isn't enough to afford rent
>been looking for a job across the entire country I live in, applied wherever rent was reasonably cheap, been 2 months now and still nothing
>can't go back to education because need money to afford it
>can't do government funded courses to make me more employable because they start in the later part of this year
>can't figure out what to do, I've reached a dead end
>what do I do?
I'm reasonably good at playing electric guitar and not too bad at drawing + have a little bit of experience making animations but I haven't completed any major projects other than a 5 sec animation I did at home.
Could those things be of use to me to get some cash coming in?
I'm seriously considering an hero at this point. Life just isn't worth it if thats what I've to deal with on a daily basis, can't even enjoy things I normally would enjoy anymore...

There is no money in music or art unless you get super lucky.

I know, but if I could get some pointers as to how to even go about it, it would be worth a shot. I mean what have I got to lose?

Someone could post a freind or website with creditcard info

Get good at sucking dick, because thats the only way to get anything done for you in terms of art

If you can't live off of wal-mart salary while you are single, you are fucking doing it wrong.

Wait til you're 23 and go back to community college. You'll have grants that pay for most of school and you don't have to pay those back. You dumb fucking retard. Then borrow a little more via federal student loans if you want to keep emergency funds available.


fuck off, I don't even live in the US cunt.
If all I can get is 9.50 an hour 3 days a week with 6 hours daily then how could I possibly afford rent of minimum 400 a month + 150 bills and food?

Like I said, I could wait for a government funded course that pays you to attend it but its like 6 months away and most of the money I'll get I'll have to use to pay bills, food and rent, so even if I finish that course I'll be at the same point where I am now except next year.

All I can think of now is to save up enough money to go to college reasonably soon. But as things stand right now, I will not afford a single year in college until like 3-5 years from now, thats if I get a job.


Im a freelance artist. You aint got no chance with a partial skill set. Its hard enough to pick up new clients even with a degree. If you want to take your art next level you are looking at 3 years at uni and hoping to have connections at the end of it.
My recomendation is work at mcdolands pal.

Since when can you not get 2 fucking jobs? You worthless piece of shit.

Plus, if you are in a country that pays to "donate" plasma, then you'll have another source of income.

Sorry you don't live in the US. an hero might be best option

I gave up art about 3 years ago, just thought I might give it one last chance if its worth trying, but with my skills and ability to learn further, I don't think I'll get far.

Mcdonalds sounds awful, and I'll only apply if nothing else works out. But honestly, if this is where I end up, I might as well off myself right now.

careful with that edge faggot.
Its easier said than done. Not only do I have to find a place where rent is cheap enough but I have to HOPE they not only hire me for one job but TWO. I applied for a shit ton of jobs but most require few years experience or a drivers licence, I don't have either and to afford either one I'll need a job in the first place.
Its not like applying for a job = getting the job
If that was the case I'll get two jobs no problem and be able to afford to live wherever I want. But since thats not the case, I can't even hope to get a single job I applied for.

you're 22 and you don't have a driver's license?

an hero

>never needed one
>can't afford a car
any other suggestions?

>Take one shitty job now
>Keep applying
>Get 2nd Shitty job
>Save up until gov't course
>Do course, leave 1 job, keep working part time
>learn to drive (side quest)
>move out, get better job

This is life user, things don't happen instantly. You're not getting anywhere now by not working and a shit job will at least get you out of the house meeting people. Don't let your dreams be dreams.

What country do you live in? That is really important because some countries have shitty opportunities.

see the thing is, for this plan to work, I'll have to get 2 jobs pretty much at the same time. Can't pay rent with only one job and if I get myself in a lease for at least 6 months (lowest possible from what I've seen so far) then chances are I won't be able to afford rent past the first month. It's been 2 months now since I've been looking for a job so doubt anything else will come up. But thanks for input man.
Best I can do is hope I get a job with a decent pay in a town where rent is cheap enough for me to afford it.

Ireland. Small country with few possibilities. My choice of work very limited and I applied for what I could. Doesn't help that income tax here is 20% on below 20k a year and 40% above that from what I've been told.

Dude, why haven't you moved to the UK yet? I'm in and out of jobs all the time. Northen England is crazy cheap, plenty of work. I would recommend avoiding London due to the high cost of living.

if music is your career, you will have to make artistic compromises. better if it's your hobby and you can retain autonomy.

also depends on the course I'll take, some courses are part time, some aren't, some are during daytime some for evenings + work placement is required to have since day 1 of applying for the course. I'd rather choose something that could be useful for finding a job later. A friend of mine did a course like that, choose the easiest shit to do and now its over and he has no clue where to go, no hopes for a job with the qualifications he got from that course. On top of that, there are different set of courses in different towns, its hard to balance things out because of that.

If i could I would man, but I'll have to save up some cash to begin with anyway. What I have atm is not enough so I need to get a job, but having a job around here in my situation means that 90% of the money I get, I'll have to spend for rent and all that.

I wouldn't mind doing some side shit to help me out in my spare time. I could sell weed if I end up in a town where all my friends live, easy cash as they would be buying it anyways.
But I was thinking of investing some cash into recording gear and record music at home. I do it anyway as a hobby but if there is a way to get some $$ out of it I might give it a go.
Any ideas how I can do that? I'm clueless when it comes to making money over the internet but if its possible then its worth a try.

Selling weed isn't a bad idea, the profit margin is kinda small but you sell enough and you got yourself a nice earner. And you can make huge money if you move up form small time sales.

If you wanna make music join or start a band. But don't expect much money from it though. Bands only make money from playing shows, it's doable if you got a decent fan base. But that takes time and talent. There is the off chance you'll make it big then your set up for life.

Best thing to do at your age is take risks, and don't be afraid of big changes or doing something radical.

Ireland? Man, get your arse to an agency. They get you work labouring. Horrible work out in the rain heavy lifting but min 400 a week. You can do more with that than the pittance the dole give you. Ireland is shit economlocally for wage slaves. You gotta be a wage slave to start though. Challenge is getting out of living month to month. Thats the game. Can you win before giving up and relying on your art