Okay so I found this while enjoying a pleasant stroll, and I can't figure out what all of this amounts too? Coconuts...

Okay so I found this while enjoying a pleasant stroll, and I can't figure out what all of this amounts too? Coconuts, egg shells, possibly cinnamon? Is it a recipe? Some sort of summoning ritual, so help me out chaps, my curiosity is to strong to let this go.



Eggs and coconuts in one container set away from houses typically will mean Santeria. Coconuts for breaking black spirits, eggs for basic spiritual cleansing. I'd uh leave that shit be and walk away.

wow, learned something today

Piss onnit or leave /b

could it be pokemon?

Yeah, the conclusion I draw from OP's pic is someone is going high-level, Zodiac killer-style crazy, and is trying to cleanse themselves hardcore.

breaking black spirits?

Why does somebody have to be "crazy" to believe in coconuts and eggs, are you female, do you decide what people are allowed and not allowed to believe in.

You dont know whoever did this. How is he supposed to give you free money and babysit your ass. Maybe he's a homo.

You guys need to check yourselves when you talk. There's nothing wrong with having interests. You're not women. You dont have to shame other men.

Yep, someone taking divination and cleansing a little too literally, if they're sitting right next to egg shells.

what about the cinnamon? also what kind of people practice this stuff? like are they generally the malicious type?

dont pick that up its nigger magic curse shit

you found nigger eggs...better put them back before the momma nigger comes and finds out

Cinnamon I don't know, but all I know is that whole setup screams out Palo mayombe side of Santeria. There's nothing malicious about real Santeria at all, but this could be some fucking weirdo using weird interpretations.


Let me know where you had your hiccup, that's a concept you will not be familiar with, not shaming other men, you have to tell me where you hit a snag so i can help you learn

swamp nuts. that's what you have there.

I believe those to be deku nuts.

nigger eggs

Where your at OP?
