how can one acquire happiness?

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Money, anyone who says otherwise is a twat.

Trying to not get it.



Money can't buy happiness, but it does remove a lot of sources of unhappiness.

Happiness only comes through the sweet release of death.

cocaine with heroin

go for a walk in nature

inherited trait

realize that life itself is just a huge joke and their really isn't any meaning in anything.

Stop giving a fuck and you might become happy as a side effect.

Money and hot girls (hot guys if you are gay or femanon)

>Money can't buy happiness,

And drinking bleach will give you strong muscles.
Advice that is free is free for a reason

Women are always happy because they only have to do 2 things in life, convince you they are more valuable than you, and be drunk on their emotions, because men will clean up after them and give them everything for free

How can you call happiness an "inherited trait" when it literally depends on the 50 / 50 chance of being born female

I want to lie on the couch with muh gf chilling in my arms, watching some good series on the telly

happiness is subjective
everyone has to acquire it in different way
sry op, it's not that easy

this will sound kindda hippie, more likely because I come from a magical place but, happiness it's not a destination but a way.

life is shit there is no happiness

blond haired, blue eyed here. not happy

True path to happiness.

get cucked

if i was born in Nigeria everyone around me would have shitty life like and i would be fine

>Having people that love you
>Career you enjoy
>Lots of money

If you don't have all 3, you'll never really be happy. Most never do

>Women are always happy
I want to clean up after the mess my ex did with her life, but she just wants to be alone.
I have no idea what she does all day, she never disclosed anything, except some charity work.

tl;dr - very unhappy female, exists

I read that as "how can one acquire sapphires"

God I'm Jewish

benzodiazepines/alcohol + cigarettes = happiness

I want things in life.
How do I get things?

Sometimes I don't even want things.
How to want things + tutorial + video

shed desire. We hold onto so many useless things that hurt us every day

i don't have any of these
but kpop makes me happy
is your statement now disproved?

Money buys drugs, property, health to as much a degree as physically possible, it buys you sex, it makes women and people in general treat you like a human being

Money is literally the root of every possible thing you could have in life but because you dont have it you claim money doesnt grant happiness.

Money doesn't just grant happiness, it grants you entry into doors you never knew existed

Honestly people who claim money doesnt buy happiness are worse than gays. They're basically giving you advice on basis of having given up and speaking from intentional ignorance. They fucked up their own life so now they have to fuck up yours "because they care about you"

with money,

look at Gates, does he ever look unhappy

well let's say I have to start an internship in 3 weeks, I come from a no-name school, and I didn't even begin looking because my resume is shit-tier. If I don't find an internship, I certainly will never hack into this promising field, because I won't get the certification.
I'll be studying full-time during the next 3 weeks, I'm already burned out, and the other students only found internship through networking, and I have no network.
This was my one chance, my one opportunity in life...
I was supposed to start looking 6 months ago

How is happiness "in the way"?

(not OP)

By posting royalty, I was refering to those born in wealth, with a silver spoon.

I know plenty of rich, miserable people. Money can make you comfortable, sure. Money in and of itself will not make you happy.

a magical place?

if you want to be happy the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife. This is my personal point of view, I am telling you.

This is a meme. Fake and gay.

family money can only keep you occupied for so long

*How to want things Tutorial*

Hi, this is Jason, your favorite new youtuber.
Today my new video is called, how to want things.
Click here (sponsored).
1) Be unhappy
2) Be jealous of things someone else has, preferably someone who seems happy
3) You're done.

See you next week for my new video!
Teaser : *How to get things easily! Tutorial*

>I know plenty of rich, miserable people

Let's just throw away your anecdotes and talk directly about yourself, i have no control or ability to reference "whats in your head"

>Money can make you comfortable, sure.

Yes, do you understand why? money is called a currency, which is generally accepted everywhere in exchange for goods and services

>Money in and of itself will not make you happy.

Money can buy me Sup Forums, buy your IP address, go find where you live and shoot you while you sleep, and then there is no more adult 4 year old making comments about his misunderstanding of what money is, and trying to promote it because of the false assumption that you benefit from ruining other people's lives

Human beings thrive in social environments.

I recommend building lots of healthy, meaningful relationships. Being alone all the time is definitely how you can avoid happiness

Shoot and blow shit up in a gravel pit

Works every time

Financial and physical security, human bonds, health, love and purpose. It's a combination of things.

>Obviously sad person doling out happiness advice on Sup Forums

False, that can screw up your life royally. Get away from psychedelics entirely.

Microdose LSD every 3rd or 4th day.

>Going on 3 years straight here now with a months break here or there

>never make a pretty woman your wife

How do you know this. Have you ever questioned where your advice is coming from. have you ever questioned how much of the stupid shit you believe to be true was designed by females to benefit themselves?

Let's just explore this real quick, having an attractive female, therefore attractive children is a "negative," while attractive people are usually at the forefront of careers and popular

I havent given anybody advice all ive done is crush your eye socket with my fist for disrespecting currency

I would never give anybody advice, why would I?

Happiness is not being a nigger

Equilibrium. Being happy all the time isn't natural and, therefore, doesn't exist (this is why heaven isn't a thing unless the process of dying alters us to a point that we are no longer ourselves in any meaningful way). This is also why humanity CREATES problems where not logically should exists. We are designed by nature to to challenge ourselves for no other reason than to overcome those challenges. This process is so varied, it seems at times that "shit just happens". Nope. Nature is your daddy and you're the bitch.

Basically, balance the bad with the good (use each to serve each other) and you'll be as happy as humanly possible. How to do this depends on the individual and his/her current circumstances and location.

Somewhere around $70k/yr annual income (Basically 1.5-2x national average income) you reach the peak of where money can indeed add happiness to your life. Above that, it's diminished returns and you'll find often more wealthy people are even less happy than people who have less.

Somewhere around $70k/yr annual income (Basically 1.5-2x national average income) you reach the peak of where money can indeed add happiness to your life. Above that, it's diminished returns and you'll find often more wealthy people are even less happy than people who have less.

by being grateful for what you have

It's not for everybody, but it has helped me see the ridiculousness of negative thinking.


First of all, we heard you the first time you fucking faggot. Secondly, I'm sick of this meme about wealthy people being unhappy because of their wealth. That sounds like a fucking awesome set of problems and I'd love to volunteer to take the burden from them. What's that, you say? No sad rich cunts are going to give me their money? Yeah somehow I didn't think so.

a line of coke

Happiness is a solid and joy a liquid.
–J. D. Sallinger

I need money

Getting Octuples

>and you'll find often more wealthy people are even less happy than people who have less.

Let me complete the statement that youre not capable of understanding

Rich people are in the process of getting more rich. they have to make wise decisions, preserve their wealth, they are dealing with the fact that people now treat them with respect because they are rich. They think that people only like them because they are rich. they dont understand that there is no genuine concern or friendships to begin with

The statement here, is "does money buy you happiness."

Money does not only buy you happiness, it buys you victory over your enemies, it creates possibilities you didnt know existed, it buys you quality of life, you do not understand what money is and because you don't understand the concept of currency you've decided you "have an argument"

The only time money doesnt literally buy everything, everything, do you understand this word? everything, you can buy drugs, you can buy the withdrawal drugs so you can use more drugs, you can buy handjobs with money, you can buy new arms and legs as far as science can offer,

The only time money doesnt have value is between warring states, for example, America will not sell arms to x countries, or accept x dollars, outside of that there is literally nothing money cannot buy. I don't have to say this, the fact that i even have to say this means you should take a knife and slit your own throat


The site threw a captcha error and posted twice, not me, so go eat a bag of dicks. Secondly, if you're sick of it then go keep playing pretend instead of looking at reality. I've been broke and now I'm not, I make a fuck ton of money and I'm no happier than I was when I was getting by but not wealthy. The bottom line is that if you can't be happy making $70k/yr, money is not going to make you happy.

french PRENDS


I make about $55k. I live in a pretty expensive city so that threshold is probably higher here. But yeah I can't even imagine how a multi-millionaire ever even gets sad or has a bad day. That seems unthinkable. If it were me, I'd just go shit all over some poor faggot who has it worse than me and laugh about it, then I'd feel better about whatever had my rich ass feeling blue.

You're forgetting that wealth brings new problems while it erases others. It's your viewpoint and mindset that determine happiness, not your environment in nearly all cases.

Who got the get?

It might sound cheezy but for me it was through personal enlightment. I identified what i am as an individual and something that i want to be. I stopped thinking about how others are better off than i am, but instead started reflecting on myself and how to raise my personal worth while refining my main traits.
My way of self motivation is also probably pretty autistic, but i imagine whenever i'm doing something productive (sports, learning, coding) i gain exp and occationally level up.

>The bottom line is that if you can't be happy making $70k/yr, money is not going to make you happy.

Money will buy you therapists, money will buy you tutors to teach you the concept of currency, money will buy you bungee jumping from hot air balloons, you will discover hobbies you didnt know you could have and enjoy

This is what your REAL argument is. you are poor, and you intend on keeping poor, because by doing so, you dont risk your personal relationships

For you to extend yourself to claim that money cannot buy happiness you will be crushed and thrown in the garbage every time you try this

>You're forgetting that wealth brings new problems

Everything changes when your lifestyle changes, this doesn't mean your argument that you dont understand currency and should encourage others not to understand it either would have weight

Because if you'd got off your ass and gone and found you FB friends 6 months ago, you'd have something else you'd have something difrent you'd be griping about now. Probably that you poked one of them and they didn't poke you back.

it's from a song you fucking newborn millennial faggot

Gosh damn get off the internet junior

3 easy steps
>Kill your enemies
>see them driven before you
>hear the lamentations of their women

Everyone in this thread is an autistic retard. There are Africans eating cow shit that are happier than many millionaires. Attachment causes suffering, just fucking let go. Ideally I think being rich but not being attached to it, not caring about it, would be ideal.


Try having everyone you know come after you for money and wanting hand outs and scheming at how to get money from you. People who didn't used to come around, now want something and you somehow "owe them" because you've worked hard and been fortunate enough to get ahead. There is also the fact that most people with wealth are driven by underlying insecurities and lack of internal fulfilment - this is not something that goes away because you make some cash. You now have even more to lose and people are watching you and you're afraid to disappoint them or lose what you have and let people down. Simple comments you used to make are now taken out of context because you have more money and people choose to take offense. Wearing a nice suit, watch and shoes does give you respect from some people but it results in disgust and mistreatment from others who make assumptions about you. The more wealth you acquire, the fewer genuine friends you have.

>There are Africans eating cow shit that are happier than many millionaires
I'm going to need a source on this fake news.

I'm going to have to go with the bhuddists and taoists on this. The only way to be happy is to stop wanting or desiring anything.

This is essentially above, framed in a way more receptive to western thought.

Part of it, but too vague to be useful. Happiness is the product of a mindset. Contentedness and calmness is the product of a well-ordered mind. See both above.

Unhappiness stems from unmet desires and unmet wants. Happiness is a product of having no wants. Money can buy a very large degree of wants, but rarely will one be able to fulfill every want through money, at every moment, nor will it fill more subtle wants, such as the desire to not die, etc. Learning to not want is the other approach.

The vast, vast majority of people will never have enough money to satisfy every desire they could ever have, and the vast majority would become deeply miserable in such a pursuit. Further, it is ignorant not to consider that, as with human nature, as any particular want is satisfied, another fills its place.

see .
Framed in nicer words, don't take life too seriously. Its only a game anyway. Learn to take pleasure in any given moment you have.

Stop. Breathe. At this very moment, are you in pain? Are you fed, clothed, shelted? And if not, if you take whatever pain you may have only at face value, only as a raw experience or sensation, does it still make you suffer when you remove your opinion or judgment of it?

Does looking to the past make you miserable? If so, then why look to the past, when it does nothing to help your present situation? Does looking to the future make you anxious? If so, then why look to the future, when it does nothing to help you present situation? Your ability to look past and forward are tools. Use them as such, only when necessary in making decisions in the present.

Accept and live in your present moment.

Marcus Aurellius.

>hurrr durr money is not important xxxD
Life gets a whole lot harder when you got to ask for free hand outs because you didn't make it to the end of the month.

Not for most people.

They can be tremendously useful. Even "bad trips" can be massively educational.

This is the best post on Sup Forums today.

I don't really have any friends or family anyway so this wouldn't make much difference.

I tried to poke someone the other day, apparently they disabled this.
Not sure what you're refering to exactly...

>Your ability to look past and forward are tools.

I actually like all the "Ant and grasshopper" stories (Aesop, La Fontaine...)

This is because a normie in western society is attached to making money. The brain of a millionaire and an average person has the same capabilities for happiness - its just a chemical reaction. Their brains are not expanding to hold more dopamine.

Accept yourself and go on from there until you find what you want

>how can one acquire happiness?

Happiness is not wanting.

Celebrities who got it all (fame, perfect body/face, fortune, possessions, life experiences, youth, etc) are often depressed or unhappy. Just open any celebrity gossip magazine and all you see is drama over drama over drama. Happyness comes within, not from what other people think about you. You have to find your own internal stability in harmony with the exterior.

Would you rather be successfull and have everything you want in the world but be unhappy or be a complete faillure but be happy?

The more I grow up the more I realise that happyness is only a question of perspective. Some got it all and are unhappy, some got nothing and are happy.

That's not actually a bad idea

>it's from a song you fucking newborn millennial faggot
Money buys bullets that go through your skull

Money doesnt buy happiness? really retard, thats what you were going with.

>Everyone in this thread is an autistic retard. There are Africans eating cow shit that are happier than many millionaires.

I was going to address niggers but chose not to, i would have done it when this guy posted
Youre not going to be able to back up your misunderstanding of currency by referencing people you don't know and invented

>Try having everyone you know come after you for money

Having the funds to do what you want creates lifestyle chances, you can now choose what you want to do. to leak money to relationships with people who continue tripping over themselves, or eliminate them from your life, which is what you would have always wanted to do anyway

>Money can buy a very large degree of wants, but

I literally dont give a shit what your "but" is, I'm eating food that's warm, that i bought with money, that was cooked in an oven, that was purchased by money, laying on some pillows, that were purchased with money, listening to the LCS games waiting for Flyquest vs C9, both teams which are funded by money

Piggybacking is not an argument

>This is because a normie in western society is attached to making money

Where is this going "making money" "Western society" i dont have to cure the cancer that's in your skull. That people who are rich are "bad people," the thread is about happiness, first and foremost, and to a lesser degree, slashing people who dont understand currency and think they should promote this

If you want happiness, look toward acceptance of your surroundings. Go read Lao Tsu's Tao Te Ching.
If you want wealth, that's an entirely different series of books.

Uh fuck off, you're one of those social rejects who want communism but leech of government handouts.

Such thing is only said by people who never needed money bad in their life. Those who know the face of poverty would never say it.

So do I. I've honestly been reading a lot of older philosophy lately and its kind of disturbing how accurate it is. Even the bible, if you look at Jesus as simply a "wise person" trying to teach within his cultural framework. Marcus Aurelius and the Tao Te Ching are honestly both solid reads. The Tao of Pooh is also a pretty great little primer to Tao for westerners.

Their philosophy overall might have been pretty shitty, but they were pretty good at making themselves not miserable.

I think its just a little bit of love and some buddhistic philosophies that can make middle class human happy :>

Yep just use your memory

>Tao of Pooh

Go watch the movie "ABOUT TIME" - highly underrated and really does provide insight into seeking happiness.

>being this autistic


>apparently they disabled this.
That means Jeremy Kyle is going to have to find another social network joke to say all the time? I bet he's unhappy now?
See I told you poking people was the route to all happiness.

You can be dying and still be happy. You are going to die anyways it's not a big deal. A monk has nothing yet he is fine. Happiness is RELATIVE.
Actually I lean towards nat soc but ideally I want a libertarian nationalist state that is mostly white. Either way it is irrelevant. I could be happy living in the forest with nothing, or I could be happy being rich. It is all relative, if you are weak minded maybe you cannot be happy, not sure. If someone truly wants to avoid suffering completely, the only way is suicide.