What is this on my leg?

what is this on my leg?

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Squeeze it

burn it with a lighter until it seizes to exist

i have the same thing and i dont know what to do

This. Don't be a pussy

Its a hair that got stuck

You've shaved your leg at some point in the past and this is a gruesome ingrown hair. Maybe several ingrown hairs that decided they wanted to live in an igloo made of skin and puss.

It's time to evict them.

Ingrown hair

pop it and post results

Ingrown hair

Id love to squeeze dat

leg nipples.

your legs are going through puberty.

It's an ingrown hair. Try to pop it. If it doesn't work, get some tweezers and pull the outer layer of skin off, then look for hairs and pull them out.
Last resort, cut that shit open
Any way you do it, post results

Do it, faggot.

>until it seizes to exist
what does that even mean?

Your belly button is infected, you fat fuck.

Looks like a bot fly. Google it. You will be a proud mother of a baby fly soon, embrace it.

its actual cancer. go see a doctor immediately.

Go back to school, retard.

whats wrong with hairy nipples?


That's your belly button.

A nipple.

Shit,2 people already made that joke.

Make that three.

kek thats a nipple retart

It's a blood boil from not washing good enough

Usually caused from sweat from the gym, not washing correctly.

Its called a nipple and thats your chest.

Grandma called them carbuncles.

Could either be an ingrown hair or dermatofibroma

could be a bug bite.
Pop it and squeeze out the unhealthy goodness.

ingrown hair, just use tweezers or something to get that top piece of skin off then pop it. it feels SO good


Come on OP. Dont leave us hanging, you have to at least stab it or pop it or something. Give us more pics

honestly who cares what it is pop it

It looks like you have a ton of follicles that have two hairs in one pore which is what leads to nasty ingrown hairs like the one in your picture.

I thought I was looking at someone's ugly nipple

Looks to be an ingrown hair. I suggest home surgery.

Fuck yeah.

Trips decides do it faggot.

I think op is a pop tease. He'll show us the boil, but not the satisfaction of seeing it popped.


an incarcerated hair

all hail to the trips!

You must deliver OP!

Might be a spider bite. Get it checked.

I know it's a joke but this doesn't even make sense. Nipples don't magically appear when you hit puberty, or relate to puberty in pretty much any other way either.

Is the hair black?

>I know it's a joke but let me be autistic

It could be a staph infection so be careful if you pop it

A bunch of nonsensical shit thrown together into a couple of sentences does not make for a funny joke. Unless you're a 12 year old or one of those types of stoners who laughs at every idiotic thing they see or read.

black hairs matter

Its funny, I actually didnt even notice this when I first read the joke. Youre totally right though.

>This joke isn't funny and here's why
So what if the joke sucks? You don't need to release your autism and start pointing out why, you self-important pillock.

Ingrown hair.
Either try to dislodge the hair and apply a triple antibiotic cream, or go to your primary care and let them do it. They'll also probably prescribe you Clyndamayasin antibiotic to prevent them from coming back.

Don't worry. It's not life-threatening.

a nipple

This. Happened to me once when I shaved my balls.

>how dare you post a response to someone else's post on an imageboard
So you're a fucking idiot on top of making shitty non-jokes, got it.

if you get them elsewhere or often, may bee hidradenitis suppurativa....and it sucks.

It's the first stage of another sphincter growing and once it fully forms you will begin to defecate from there.

Lulz I didn't make the shitty joke you fucking retard. an hero, you horrible little cunt.
Also, the game.


No, he's right. Your nitpicking was autistic.


Fucking faggot.

very nice

>Not taking the opportunity to call him nippicking.

yep thats defiantly the aids better get your shit in order not long now.

looks like hair.

Definitely cancer. Time to get the scalpel. Excise it before it spreads.

An errant nipple. Squeeze it and drink its delicious milk. Post pics.

It's a boil, don't pop it, it'll only make it worse.

It's a baby jew.

Pop that bitch with a needle don't be a pussy!

It's very satisfying

Yeah looks like folliculitis

IThe first ingredient of a mysterious potion. Duh Mcfly!

Pop it, pussy

I rate your dick 1/10, only cause your pubes make it seem bigger

make a small cut and squeeze it you fucking moron

Maybe if I bump op will delivar

drain that thing! squeeze the shit out of it. Put a pin into it. or cut that shit open.

You forgot to tell him to share pictures, otherwise we don't get anything out of it.

ingrow hair

it's a pimple or a small boil. just fucking pop it but make sure to wash your hands before and after.

Don't this makes mustard gas

a new nipple
youre getting too much estrogen and growing a new boob on your leg (its very rare)
trust me, im a doctor

it means you're gay. bummer dude.

It's been hours.pop it or quit crying