So tell me Sup Forums

So tell me Sup Forums
What are we gonna do about this mess?
I think it's time...i think it would be nice to get it all clean and start from the zero.
What do you think?

Other urls found in this thread:

You tried, here's your reward

Is there anything that makes me incapable of keep trying?


Here's my bump.
Why do i bump?
That's because i'm a chump!
But understand, i will share,
Never dump.
But trust me, i didn't voted for Trump.
I'm no grump.

i think mcfaggity mcfaggot should fag a nigga fag with a fag pedo

>Cigarette, known as a fag in colloquial British and Australian English
Yep i smoke, that's for sure...but tell me, how did you know about that?

because your a super fag mcfaggot that nigga fags pedo niggas you faggity faggot

I'm not here to fight, i'm here because i think things can change, for the fucking better i suppose.

sounds like your a faggot fagganator who likes to fag a hag nigga fag, you bitch cause your such a little faggot

Maybe someone could pay attention, maybe i have something constructive to say...
Shit, as far as i know...this place is a mess, but any mess has the ability to make people devoted to something.

super faggity faggot thing to say

The wise man won't offend the ignorant, he will stop to teach him, because he wants him to be a wise man too.

Aight this thread sucks.

Wise what, now? Who's to say what's wise? And it's yur fuckin' job?

far to much of a faggot


That's a nice one.
See...a hero it's not a hero because he was hired to be one.
Fuck credits, put it on John Constantine tab.
I'm here because i think i should be here. Because i want people to pay a bit more of attention and i want things to change a bit.
If you don't like me, just follow

What if I don't want to follow your domestication, black and white knight shit? You want things to change? Get off the computer, stop trusting fictional characters to be stand-ins to be your subconscious, write your own dream and leave other people alone? You know how this place changes? Everyone leaves. We never post again. We go outside and build our own version of our dream.

I really hope you're being honest.
I really do.
But as for me, what if i want to do things here?
Can't a guy have some fun?

faggity faggity faggot

and really, thanks for posting. Really user, you should post more.

Well John, what is it you want to do here?
I just joined your thread, so tell me about the cause you want to champion.



Mind your own business Shaneequa.


Freedom of speech and the power & responsibilities that come with it.
This place was able to make much more than what it does today...
I want to at least prove a point or be sure that i only have the " good'ol times".
Freedom of speech here, was able to do things that i consider important in the brand new world we live in.
Trump can be reelected, the fucking bastard can pull rabbits from his ass as far as i know...
One thing to understand is: Political power is not a privileged on the short run. The dude has a plan or he's just really crazy, imho.


Bill's dead... :(
You're a monster to use him man...respect his beyblade status

Well speech is still free here, in all of the time I've been here, I've been able to say what I want. Sure you gotta tell a bunch of people to fuck off or debate them ad nauseam, but that was always the case.

Political power is always planned. Planned to control and domesticate large masses of humans because they demand it.

This American Hero can be wherever your pussy self won't. What a dreamweaver he was.

That's the point.
That's what real free speech is, belief in what one does, and speaking about it.
That entitles one to arguing constantly.

faggity faggot fag

>The best thing in the world is huge dicks.

It's partly why I am here. I use this place to train my argumentation for what some people would consider unpopular opinions. That and the ability to converse with people from all over the world anonymously.

Free speech to say whatever. Who cares, you're free to say anything on the planet anywhere anytime. You might catch a big shit sandwhich for it some places, or fuckin' die. You have permission from yourself first. It's a fucked thought they put in your head that they're being nice and "giving" you "free speech". It's horseshit.

You're a monkey animal pushing buttons on a keyboard using a language that didn't ever exist on the planet before your elder monkey taught it to you.

Maybe don't 'train'.
Shits real neckbeard.

Why you wanna argue with people to begin with? What purpose does that solve?

Fucking neo-genesis. You neanderthal types always blow my fucking mind.
We sapiens types always look at mindset like a vehicle, language like a fuel.
The way you word things always makes so much sense.

If you feel a whole room with mute people, you can still say that free speech still applies to that room...i'm aiming to something else here man.
Anyone that has the choice or obligation to vote has some sort of political power. The Second Amendment imho, is there to prove that some times voting and talking doesn't work...that's what i like about USA.
But i'm glad to have this chat.
Let him rip dude...guy was able to sell shit to a toilet...respect what he was...

Sorry, i thread uploaded a lot, i need to read more so i can answer.

*Fill a whole room.*
pardon me

Well that is true, but the outcome is basically the same. I get to say what I want and defend it according to how I see the world.
You only get good at something by doing it, I know things are real here, it's just a bit safer than in real life.
Because I think some ideas are worth defending and debating. It's also entertaining for me, I get to use my intellect to convey my opinion on any given subject.
Well I'm here and ready to see that something else.

>Yeah but say `practice`
>Fur da bussi, baws.

If you identify the system a problem to be fixed, it's finite. It's doomed to fail to begin with. Entropy will fuck up all our days.

When you lay in the ground, eons of years later the earth will split, explode, be destroyed and your shits gonna get wrecked. Fuck practicing to argue, fuck dumb fandom of tropes that we're to pussy to live so instead we ego stroke in movie theaters over. Fuck living a fuckin' lie on this screen, this thin line of shit that glows a gattam bluelight in your eyeball 5 hours a day.

I'm going out in the forest to look at the full moon. Then I'm leaving this thread and then writin' notes bout it, it'll ride around in my desk until I throw it out years later. Until then.

One mo'

Anotha' one.

>The fuck is Sup Forums 'thin blue lining' about?


Mods and janitors can see your ip...we have shills...the word " agenda" is almost a law here as far as i know.
Thing is...that's enough to fuck that Freedom of speech i was talking about.
" All the good man needs to do to let evil win is do nothing." I remember this idea, and it's something that i really care.
Have fun looking at the story the past of this place has to tell.


Interesting link. Gotta give it a read.
So you think the mods and janitors are curtailing what they consider not kosher?

>I'm no grump.
For some reason I giggled at this.



Yah, nah. I haven't posted in nine years and people like y'all are the reason why.

Evil- is a construct built by people to motivate others to be swayed by opinion.

Evil winning - doesn't mean anything. Good and bad are fuckin' dreams, vapor. Not real.

Doing nothing - Might look like doing nothing to you, but it might not for other assholes. Doing nothing means nothing. Because it's all nothing. Not good, not bad, just a reflection of yourself in everything you see.

You should see more tangible shit, less comic books.

K. Moon viewing for real now. Y'all should try it sometime.

Bai forever.

Yeah I just read that in the link that was provided.