What is with you lefties in taking a victory lap before it's over?

What is with you lefties in taking a victory lap before it's over?
>Trump won't run for president
>Trump wont beat Jeb Bush
>Trump won't win the nomination
>Trump won't get more blacks and Latinos to vote republican
>Trump won't win the presidency
>Trump won't deport illegal immigrants
>Trump won't withdraw from the TPP
>Trump wont make companies come back to the USA anticipating business friendly policies
When will you idiots realize the more you doubt him, the more he prevails? Or that the more you bitch the more that people leave the Democratic party?

Other urls found in this thread:




Its because we all suffer from premature ejaculation. Shameful but true


He really prevailed on that wa, I mean um, fence, that Mexico, I mean ah, WE, are going to pay for.

He's going to prevail himself right into impeachment.

bu...buu.....but muh tax returns....
This is clearly the....endd...of drumph

trump won't be fucking incompetent.....oh wait...he is.

I thought the access Hollywood tape was the end of him



Lmao you still don't get it do you? He's been president for 22 and you're already saying "I told you so." Democrats want to win in 2020 but can't even learn from their own mistakes. They STILL underestimate trump. They STILL believe everything late night comedy shows tell them. Pathetic

We underestimated the astounding stupidity of the American people. It's a mistake we shouldn't have made, and will probably never make again.

It's like you're trying to lose. Insulting the American people and blaming everything except for your own party's corruption isn't a good start to winning in 2020

Well I feel that I have a certain duty to the truth, user, and Americans are fucking retarded. It is what it is.

Its fun seeing these liberals get triggered

It's okay, enjoy it while you can. I have a feeling it won't be long at all before the tables turn.

You should really double down on your nose raising and condescension. Totally winning people over to your side. After all, everyone who disagrees with you is a stupid mongoloid retard that can't see the big picture and they deserve death anyways.

Your words, user.

>We underestimated the astounding stupidity of the American people. It's a mistake we shouldn't have made, and will probably never make again.

Actually, you underestimated how many Americans think people like you are just arrogant douchebags.

It's common for lesser people to feel bitter and jealous toward their betters.

OK, Snowflake

Nice buzzword and nice dubs. :^)

Usually it is the lower people who feel they are betters, and are so simple minded that they think that someone disagreeing with them is an act of bitterness and jealousy. Instead of someone having a differing opinion.

I'm pretty liberal and all of the Trump hate I hear are his day to day incompetence. You don't even need to dig into his past at this point. It's too easy.

It's not like hating on Bush Jr. either. Bush Jr. was surrounded by good people if you pretend Dick Cheney wasn't there, but Bush fed us spoonfuls of stupid, most of which were his lack of finesse behind a podium ("fool me once.....", and "is our children learning?", etc).

Trump is like a daily shitstorm, and then on top of that his cabinet picks are astoundingly bad.

If you hate them then why did you adopt their language? ;-)

People will never be happy with his cabinet picks. You will always find a way to smear smear smear
>Too experienced/establishment
>Too inexperienced
>Too white male ish
>Too rich
>Too mean
>Too racist
Just STFU about his god damn cabinet

They are literally the antithesis of what he ran his campaign on.

>You will always find a way to smear smear smear
Well yeah because it's really easy when the cabinet is this awful.

>Trump won't hire cronies
>Trump won't be in bed with Wall Street
>Trump won't be forced to release his tax returns
>Trump won't be proven to have ties to Russia
>Trump won't be impeached

>Too experienced/establishment
>too white male ish
>too rich
>too mean

Do you invent reasons why people dislike him to shield yourself from DeVos and Bannon or what the hell is that?


Kinda like how Pence is super pro-TPP, which violates the portion of Trump's economic policy that didn't fail peer-review in economic publications (the trickle-down economics bit).


Don't worry, retribution is being dealt secretly.

My grandfather vote democrats cause he wanted his niggers in the cotton fields, whats your point



You forgot
>Trump wont be impeached

Are you one of those people that lives in like Nebraska and pretends it's a nicer place to be than California?

Holy fuck that was cringeworthy

they don't care. even when it comes out that he was sucking russian dick - they won't care.

Logic has nothing to do with it - it never did. It is about giving people enough of a lie to rationalize what they want to believe.

Or a good deflection works too...

>user: Trump is taking us to war
>alt-user: So why weren't you protesting when Obama did it?

See now user is a hypocrite, and alt-user can go back to ignoring the issue.





This is senior citizen from Iowa on facebook-level.

just my 2 cents:

I'm a leftist. a socialist. antifascist. etc.

trump is a piece of shit. so is pence. so is paul ryan.

but so is hillary clinton. so is barack obama.

the fact that you morons are trying to argue that people who hate trump are just dumb liberals goes to show that 99% of the time you're arguing with ignorant fucks who think wearing a pink knitted hat will somehow mean anything. they attend marches orchestrated by the DNC and donate to campaigns backed by Soros.

you have more in common with the liberal elitist shitheads than you think.

you're both idiots who are doomed to be licking shit off of the boot of capitalist corporate shills within 20 years.

thanks for thinking you'll "make murrica great again!"

Yeah, I've been following conservative tweets - this is the kind of shit they pass along.

Obama got me health care for 4+ years, so.... I'm cool with him

To cross this wall.. you gonna need quads.


Noice unsourced graphic that doesn't account for 35-40% of illegals from Mexico arriving via airplane.


silly rabbit, so much liberal terars I ddrink from your lying MSM





I needz muh gubment programs



It's been like 3 weeks. You are literally proving what OP is saying. I didn't even vote for Trump nor do I find him all that great. But Jesus you lefty cucks are in an entirely different sphere of childish disillusionment.

The only thing that worries me is the suits might cancel The Trump Show prematurely. Right now it's better than anything on Netflix.

yeah - I run a small business, and can't get covered because I'm on psych meds. Pretty much sucks. I pay taxes, not sure why I should be paying for massive corporate taxes, overseas wars and shit - why not at least give me some basic fucking medical insurance.


yeah. get that single mom with 2 kids right off those food stamps lol. she's gotta pull her self up by her bootstraps and work 2 jobs and care for the kids... lets make sure they live in complete poverty so her kids can help feed the prison industrial complex.


As a city slicker myself. Go fuck yourself you faggy cunt. You are an absolute mockery to the principals of America.
> Derp everyone who doesn't think like me is a stoopid and uncultured!"
>"Give me gay porn now!"

Jesus Christ stop whining. I have a mental illness boohoo. God damn man the fuck up already. Life sucks get over it.

>illegals from Mexico arriving via airplane.
Yeah, by airplane.......That's the ticket.

>I run a small business, and can't get covered because I'm on psych meds.




We've also been saying that there's no way he'd succeed in abolishing the electoral system and plunge us all into an eternity of darkness, but you've got a compelling argument that he will.



>lets make sure they live in complete poverty so her kids can help feed the prison industrial complex.
Or maybe we could stop making it so fucking difficult for civilians to shoot criminals.

The Amber room is in Russia you ignorant cunt.

Read a book.


> I hate government so much, I want a job in it!

> he got me to bail out the health insurance industry for 4+ years, so.... I'm cool with him


Because the left can't even fathom someone having a different opinion from theirs. And when someone does have a different opinion from said liberal, they are immediately barraged with insults and are treated in a condescending manner. You want to reach out to the American working middle class? The same working middle class you mock for not making as much money as you? The same working middle class that you mock for not having college education? If you want to win the 2018 midterms (which historically speaking you won't), or want to win the 2020 general election, you need to stop being condescending assholes to the same individuals you are trying to win over.

Instead of trying to debate and persuade, the left insults and mocks. They have made people who disagree with them so scared of voicing their opinion, that they aren't going to voice their opinions until they are in the voting booth, where there is no one else in there.

And when I say opinions, I'm not talking about racism or bigotry. I am talking about simple disagreements over social issues. Just because you don't agree with gay marriage doesn't mean you hate gay people. Just because you don't believe the wage gap exists doesn't mean you are sexist or hate women. The same can be said for those who are pro-life.

I used to be a hardcore liberal a few years ago. But during the election cycle, I became more of a moderate, particularly after the Orlando Pulse Shooting. I found it amazing that a man could pledge allegiance to ISIS and shoot up a club full of LGBT individuals, and the left didn't blame ISIS. They blamed the NRA instead. Had the same shooter pledged allegiance to the WBC, you would have heard a different narrative on the story.

>the only way to fix government is to not have it


And then you have UC Berkeley. I'm not a fan of Milo Yiannopoulos, but if he wants to speak, let him. Don't fucking destroy your campus just because someone you disagree with his presence. And especially don't assault those who want to listen to him speak, while having the audacity to say that you are standing up against fascism. They have made Milo even more famous and even more people are now looking at his content. He won this round, because of your actions.

Okay, I'm drinking, so yeah.

And for those slightly curious, I voted for Johnson.

> they blame the NRA instead

nice try dumbass.

he wasn't pledged to ISIS

he was a repressed homosexual nutcase who wanted to get back at his ex gay lover(s)

the right wanted to use it to prove that ISIS attacked the USA (wrong)

the left wanted to use it as a LGBTQRTWSTML teaching moment or whatever

both fail to see the real reason: lack of access to mental health care in this country; people stigmatized for asking for help; ease of access to powerful weapons

but then again, we are on Sup Forums, not a legitimate place where people know what they're actually talking about.

the rest of your rant sort of made sense but I'm sure you're just repeating what you heard elsewhere.

> implying I said we have to get rid of government when I was in fact making fun of "anti government" assholes who always seem to want a career in government and people buy up their "small gubmint (except to stop th' gayz)" bullshit which is nothing but a cheap cover for their true motive: using government / society to funnel money into their pockets.

republicans AND democrats are bourgeoisie fucks who need to be sent to the gulag. luckily Trump will bring that along since he's going full fascism.

Proof or it is all in your head...

> he wants to speak, let him

he can go speak on his dumbass website or at his house, not at a publicly-funded place for EDUCATION.

he's a shitty troll and it's a shame that our universities are run by dumbass neoliberals who think they're there to provide a platform for some cheap performance artist to shill his shitty shock jock book.

> hurrdurr I am a nazi but also gay but also love black cockkkkz lololol so edgy!!!!1

there's also a thing called imminent lawless action which makes his "free speech" shit moot since he's doing nothing but promoting violence by inviting libtardz and feminists to come at him.


the most flaming liberal demcrat owned outlet says

"shooter pledged ISIS allegiance"

try again libtard


50 million dallors buy a lot of shit troll posts and propaganda

> quotes bourgeoisie-owned propaganda outlet which wants to also bring along WW3

you're implying I'm a "libtard" when I've literally been shitting on democrats and republicans equally.

try harder. maybe when you get beyond polisci 101 you'll have more knowledge bombs to drop.


You would know, Dmitry

Name something that isn't just vomited into your mouth from fake news CNN. He is bringing back jobs, securing relations with Japan, and enacting orders to keep our country safe. Would you have rather Clinton won and have the country be flooded with illegal immigrants, while the pedophile Podesta runs wild as Secretary of State. Our country was literally hanging on the gallows and we cut the rope at the last second.

just because u libtards write what happened the way you would like it to have happened does not change the facts or what really happened here in the real world... you fuckers like to change "what happened" after the fact for you narratives.....

> "trump is bad"

jesus. try harder. at least put in a little effort. this is the EXACT same argument the left makes to Bernie supporters.


> lul ur an libtard

gtfo my Sup Forums.

have you literally not seen any other posts I'm making here??

I'm shitting on democrats/liberals more than trump. but I'm shitting on both of them. "libtard" has no effect on me you fucking invalid.