I remember when SNL was known as a relevant comedy platform...

I remember when SNL was known as a relevant comedy platform, now it is a cesspool for talentless cuck and dike liberals to make some sort of attempt to get a rial out of it's viewers by posting political propaganda. Its not funny, its not proving a point, and it is a waste of time and money to produce. Why won't you go make yourselves useful and get a career that is benificial to society (if you are even eligible to). to).youtube.com/watch?v=dLYfwprjtog

Other urls found in this thread:


SNL is trolling Trump because he can't take a joke.

Kind of like what you're trying to do with this thread, only SNL is way better at it.

>Sage goes in all fields.

It's okay newfag. If you took your time to look up the facts, maybe read up on the show's history, you'll soon realize that SNL has always been political satire with a liberal bent. It'll be okay.

>he can't take a joke.
well its not a joke, if you think it is, then you should have your head shaved by an orangutan.


Also, SNL has been trolling politicians for many, many years. You're just feeling butthurt because they're trolling one that you like.

>SNL has always been political satire with a liberal bent.
no it hasn't.

someone's triggered


How do you assume I am in favor for Trump, you have no clue what I am in favor of you degenerate. If you want't to make a point, don't make an assumption because it makes you look like a chode.

They've literally done that since forever.

Lol at triggered newfag op go clean your braces before you go to bed lol


It's been shit for a long time. Mad TV wasn't all that bad and actually went politically incorrect at some points. Like this one which is a hilarious take on affirmative action.



Boy, you guys dont take satire very well. Grow the fuck up you whiny fags.


Well while observing most of SNL's recent content, Iv'e noticed that this is all they have been producing. This leads me to believe that that the libtards have completely taken over the platform to make political propaganda that is not humorous in the slightest, or they have simply ran out of material.


Fuck Drumfpb.

hahaha when you post 50 videos in a row about today's political status in society, its not satire, its propoganda.

It's not that anyone has a problem with satire it's that it's lame, has no wit and comes of as preachy virtue signaling that is transparently one sided. It's boring and patronizing.

Did they ever rail on Obama? I think they always showed him in a positive light.

Oh my! I do believe, good sir, that you, of all people (hehe) have been coaxed into, (dare I say) a most precocious of snafus!

Why don't you read the quaran? Clearly it shows in the text to kill the infidel in multiple cases. If you support your own persecution and mass murder then you should do a flip off the highest building you can find.

>I remember when SNL was known as a relevant comedy platform
it never was. you were just young. used to think the same myself, but when i go back and watch old ones i cant figure out why i thought they were funny

SNL sucks cause the jokes aren't funny, its just gross out fart jokes you'd hear on a playground, its just got that faggoty humour that came along after the millennium when all comedy ran out of jokes after the 90's

yes, they sucked his tits so hard, the nipples fell off.

i haven't unironically watched SNL in at least 8 years

yes, and what they are doing right now is just as bad if not even worse.

Its not traditional satire. Thats one way to out yourself as a shillery cuck though.

I'm sure they must have made fun of Hillary a lot. I mean shes comedy gold, South Park got her great.

As a Trump supporter, I enjoyed the Sean Spiccer parody. That shit was funny. He is a fucking weirdo. And normally I hate this fat dyke, but she nailed this part so i gotta give her credit.

Props, ill drink to that

Hahaha you're so fucking mad.

Pussy ass righty. Enjoy being on the wrong side of history.

This. Trump and his band of angry retards are just so easily triggered. The SNL skits themselves aren't the humor. The humor comes the next day when we read about how much it pissed off Trump and friends.

Well as irrelevant as Hillary is now that Trump won the election, I think it is safe to say that he is being targeted now, because they didn't get their way.

>it's not humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues


>back pedaling this hard


wrong side would be Hillary supporters and trump haters

>Enjoy being on the wrong side of history.
pray tell what is the right side? since you are so confident.


im going on 7 years, thanks for asking.

He prefers alternative facts.

What ever side trump is not on

>politics are only left and right

While I fucking hate trump I hope he crashes things just bad enough to the point that theres massive political reform, no shillaries and no more trumps

Just hope him crashing doesnt end with nukes


So you came in with the 9gag cancer.

thats an opinion, not factual evidence. case closed.

i never touched gag in my life, you need better ammo then that whiner.

Trumpies making fun of SNL is one of the most hilarious things to come out of this whole goddamn election cycle.

It's pop culture satire, my dudes. If you don't like it, turn off the fucking television.

This image smells bad in my head.

Meet my friend, Russell and Jimmy.

Aw, muffin. How dare those filthy libcucks be mean to you, personally, by making fun of Trump? Can't those sore losers just leave him awone? I mean, its not like a single noble Republic master race gentleman was anything less than gracious after losing the previous two elections.

Probably because there wasnt a lit to make fun of. Drone strikes? The way he talks?

you more triggered than a sjw nigga

Lol when obama got his second term, we didn't start rioting and covering our faces, we stayed close minded. Now that Trump is president, he is going to abolish our oppression.

> factual evidence says i should support an unstable bigot who refuses to acknowledge facts


>I have an opinion regarding taste in comedy
>better post on a board of outcasts to make sure I'm not alone

I haven't met a single Republican or true Libertarian that watches SNL any more.

They're literally pandering to their audience, which are Democrats and Liberals. They're the only large viewership.

In 8 years of Obama, SNL didn't make one single critical show or take the piss out of him.

Trump has been president for a month, and since the first of this year, every show is dedicated to hating on him.

there is evidence, I have seen multiple sources trying to interview rioters and they have either hesitated, or tried to combat with the same old "Trumps a racist or a fascist" bullshit that no one is buying. they can't hold up an argument worth shit.

I made a position of how it was not funny, I didn't say X was funnier then SNL.

You kinda did though...

yep, that is because they are in panic mode cause their careers are shit and they have nothing to fall back on. they are doing everything they can to survive atm.

Literally give me a source where White people, Republican White people specifically, went out in the streets and beat people, murdered people, sprayed hate speech against blacks all over and beat women in the streets and burnt down universities for exercising free speech.

Please, do it.

>murdered people
[citation needed]

Oh boy a picket sign? Now compare that sign to all the violent crimes and acts people have committed in the last 2 months and see were things don't match up, cause its obvious.

> its democracy get over it
> proceed to bitch and moan when a comedy show exercises their right to free speech

They can make fun of whoever they want, its fucking america. Get over yourself faggot.

>SNL has always been political satire with a liberal bent
user, please. They mock stupid shit that politicians do. SNL lampooned Bill Clinton just as hard as they did Bush (and his daddy). Trump's a fucking moron who endlessly does stupid shit so they're having a field day with him.

Tough to come to terms with the reality tht worthwhile art, music and entertainment skews towards values that contradict yours, huh?

But look on the bright side, there's always mediocre Dennis Miller bits.

Is this you, Donald?

>right to free speech
ditto, you can do the same now, i bet u can't.

Seriously? ANTIFA beat and murdered three people this year during protests, and they attacked multiple bystanders and those assaults ended in ANTIFA members being shot and killed in self defense.

Fucking troll harder, faggot.

It made a faggot like you post on a website full of weeaboos and peeps, so they must be doing something right.


dead giveaway buddy.

SNL is owned by a Conservative, you twit.
They make fun of Trump, because it's just too.damn.easy.
The orangutan-in-chief keeps throwing fits over anything negative against him or his brand. It's pathetic. For fucks sake, it's even in his own book that he's done deals with Russia because US banks wouldn't loan him money after six bankruptcies.

We can keep poking fun at it and it won't ever get old. The half-sentient turnip is a goldmine of stupid behavior.

> its democracy get over it
Funny. That's why the entire Left is flipping their shit and calling for race wars, reovlutions, armed assaults, mass rioting, and assassination of the president after THEY lost?

Take your own advice. Get over it.

> proceed to bitch and moan when a comedy show exercises their right to free speech

No, I'm just highlighting the hypocrisy of the Left.

It's called the alt-right. Well, more along the lines of the people that support it.

>a small number of anarchists speak for all liberals
okay buddy

> fuck im beat how should I get him back
> ...
> NO U
> fucking got him


He isn't the slightest bit conservative, he's a money hungry kike who wants to push political agenda in order to rake in more revenue.

>butt hurt trump voter who cant deal with the fact you voted a literal joke into the white house

Hollywood, the MSM, and all major democratic leaders speak for your party. You promote them and elected them.

What the fuck does any of that have to do with a TV show making fun of Trump, retard? It's like saying "Nazi Germany killed six million Jews," and getting the response "SHOW ME WHERE HITLER DROPPED TWO ATOMIC BOMBS ON JAPAN, PUSSY!" Your false equivalencies are so fucking out of left field it's ridiculous.

the alt-right didn't even exist then. wow, youre a fucking retard.

> calling for race wars

Isnt that what the alt-right's doing?

> no we want PEACEFUL ethnic cleansing

Oh shit forgot about that part carry on

comedy has always had a liberal bias, just like logic and facts

>money hungry kike
but nothing like the jews trump put in his cabinet, right?

Good job, you are succeeding traversing your argument into a statement that is totally un-biased. do you wan't a cookie?

You clearly are a Democrat, because you can't follow a simple a conversation.

SNL turned into politics of the the left and right and the groups involved currently.

Fucking retard.

I guess stupid old rednecks aren't as tough as they'd have you believe.

SNL does suck now and it isn't funny. It is just propaganda now. I used to escape and watch Will Forte sketches about mcgruber, falconer, spelling bee, and it had nothing to do with anything in real life. Now it's always got to be some white guilt commercial about sharing with blacks and Asians.

cry me a river


Where is this mysterious Alt-Right calling for genocide of non whites in the streets and attacking people?

most of american history
>civil rights movements
>The south in general

Exactly. Money-hungry asshat is the Conservative way. Capitalize on what gets ratings.
But you aren't too smart, are you? The SNL owner is a Republican, and I believe they voted for the cheeto-in-chief.
What I wanna know is why you're so adamant on defending that orange doofus who can't even form complete sentences? He can't even hold onto a single train of thought for longer than a sentence. Not joking, go watch him speak off the top of his head to congressional leaders (I did, and it's quite surprising).

Okay, so if ANTIFA speaks for all liberals, based on your logic, Robert Lewis Dear, Timothy McVeigh, the trump supporter who shot up a mosque in canada, etc, speak for conservatives, right?

Id link you to the alt right subreddit, but it was banned for attempting to dox the guy who punched a nazi in the face.

Hahahaha go back to your safe space, pussy ass nigga.

Oh yes. SNL has never covered politics before this past year, and in fact, no other TV show in the history of the medium has ever parodied politics.

I mean its not like FOX news has been drumming up anti-liberal narratives for decades just to get angry morons like you riled up about how the lefties want to take your jobs, rights, and women and give them to Mexicans, gays/women and blacks, respectively.

You've been brainwashed by the likes of Glen Beck, friend. I feel bad for you.

Did I say that? Learn to reading comprehension you fucking queef.

In those photos I do not see dismantling of public/government property, or the physical harm of individuals. Any evidence you are trying to procure is most likely over a number of years, meanwhile it has been 2 months and there has been at least 100 protest related deaths and several injuries. You aren't making sense.